Tag Archives: Review

Christmas Advent #12 – Christmas With a View

I accidentally started playing my recording of Killer in My Village instead of this Christmas film to begin with and god damn if I didn’t get distracted for at least 20 minutes before I realised what I was meant to be doing.

I’m alone! I have candles! I’m ready to predict that the people in this film will be enjoying good views! Or at least preparing to be bitterly disappointed. Let’s face it, it’s usually the latter with these things…. So let’s get started, shall we!


My…. God…. The irony that a film purporting great views should not start with a city skyline but a woman rolling out dough, instead! Although if you’re as hungry as I am you would definitely call this the better view. This one is apparently based on the book ‘The Maverick’s Christmas Homecoming’ so let’s see how good of a job they’ve done. As much as I adore reading, no book is going to show me this woman sifting icing sugar over a monumental gingerbread house in real time.

All that passive-aggressiveness is finally worth it come Christmas time…

She does, however, get her standard mom face on when her daughter, Clara, turns up late because the roads were a mess which is why she told her to come early and avoid that. Clara also gets her standard daughter face on by complimenting her mother’s gingerbread carpentry and hoping her parent will really just love her for once in her life.

Our mother is being featured in ‘Seasons’ magazine for their Christmas edition, which explains the fuck off gingerbread house. When someone called Bonnie from work calls Clara, our dearest mother is once more disapproving as shit when her child has to go and miss out on baking Christmas cookies. There is some mention of a husband in the past tense, which is always promising for Christmas, and away her daughter flies.

I was actually a little terrified when some cooking programme came on with a terrible green-screen in kitchen and flames everywhere. I mean… the green screen wasn’t on fire or anything but the show is called ‘Can You Stand the Heat‘ so… take a wild guess what their logo looks like. The hostess introduces this final episode with the first contestant Mike Mahoney who comes on and just screams at everyone loudly in an effort to get them all pumped up but instead probably just has his agent calling the asylum they have on speed dial again.

Next is Charles Shaunassy (maybe) the tortured artist of cakes and pastry who drifts around the studio in silence before taking down his man bun in a glorious show of hair that is completely unhygienic for the kitchen. Finally we have the crowd’s favourite celebrity chef and batchelor Shane Rourke who even an adoring crowd of random kitchen staff watching from a restaurant love and cheer.

One of us. One of us.

For some reason we kick Charles off first so he can get really pissed off about life before announcing Shane the winner and everyone cheers. Who should turn up but Clara, informing her staff to get back to work, as their manager. Apparently she used to have a restaurant in Chicago that was great and might as well just own this one too instead of letting people like Shane take all the glory on national TV.

Prediction #1 – Clara and Shane are going to end up as the power couple of the world

OK, no, this restaurant actually does have views through a fuck-off glass window. That’s not enough for one guy though who keeps clapping until Clara comes over so he can tell her that after eating half of his steak it wasn’t rare enough for him and he just isn’t in love with it. The guy sounds vaguely like Buffalo Bill from ‘The Silence of the Lambs‘ so that should tell you everything you need to know about the guy. His date seems to think the same as she promptly gets up and walks off, preferring to just stand outside and freeze her ass off while waiting for a cab than sit with this neanderthal for a second longer.

Just look at that view! The table settings are glorious…

A car is pulling up to the restaurant/maybe resort late that evening whilst Clara and Bonnie are having a very important conversation in the lobby on their way out.

Bonnie: “Yeah, just a sec, I need to use the bathroom.”

Clara: “You just went to the bathroom.”

Bonnie: “Yeah, I gotta go again.”

Clara: “Have you been stealing cheese from the kitchen again?”

Bonnie: “So?”

Clara: “So you’re lactose intolerant!”

Me: “That is not the way I thought that conversation was about to go…”

Clara is waiting for her errant friend when the one and only Shane Rourke walks into the place and signs in at the desk. Clara is alarmed enough to drop her friends bag and the entire block of cheese she was hiding in there which she has to inform the man she is actually just holding for a friend. Like seriously. This woman also needs to stop wearing a necklace with her name on if she wants people to stop guessing her damn name. Start wearing one with random names on to throw them off.

That cheese wedge is gonna go far. The acting here is sublime.

Bonnie returns from the bathroom just in time to lose her shit over their new guest and is delighted to hear that the man handled her cheese already. Clara carts her friend out of the building before she can cause any more damage and to let Shane wonder around the lobby, smile at Christmas trees and look at an old Polaroid of two people decorating their own tree in peace. Probably a good idea because Bonnie is still losing her shit about Shane staying at the resort outside in the car park and looks to remain the same for the entire journey home.

I don’t like the fact it takes Clara three attempts to start the car…

Prediction #2 – at some point that car is breaking down and she will get stranded and maybe even have to stay at the resort herself

The next day some guy who looks alarmingly like the receptionist from the front desk is giving the entire kitchen staff a pep talk on how busy Christmas is likely to be this year. Thankfully this man has decided to hire Shane as the new head chef in order to help with the busy season and something about marketing opportunities…

Clara: “Hi, I’m Clara. We met last night.”

Shane: “Of course. Cheese Girl.”

Bonnie: “Actually, no! I’m Cheese Girl! No, that was my purse cheese… but who cares!? I’m Bonnie and you’re Shane!”

Me: “Well… at least he knows you’re liable to steal cheese from the kitchens now.”

This woman cannot stop telling people about her lactose intolerance and lets Shane wander away to meet the rest of his staff just long enough to get her crazy eyes on and tell Clara how much she can tell that she likes him. Bonnie already has some wonderfully insane plan to find out if the man likes her friend too which can only end in more cheese theft. Or a festive kitchen montage where everyone else seems to be doing work around Bonnie while she simply fights with a coffee machine.

I haven’t seen this much crazy since Mark’s mom came to visit the office

At least she seems to get on well with the clients, by which I mean standing over them while they eat and talking about… jeans and skiing… Clara is pulled away just in time to deal with two middle-aged white women, both called Janice, both drunk and both really in love with wearing fur. Oh and both weirdly in love with Shane. Ignoring the fact the man is pretty busy they still demand on him coming out and saying hi to them.

Shane is happy to take the time to go and see the women which he informs Clara of by shouting at her over the counter from 2 feet away. I think this was meant to portray how noisy a working kitchen is but as the background noise wasn’t that loud it just suggested Shane may be very hard of hearing from all the times he’s had to listen to pots and pans being smashed together. Bonnie seems to think the man is incredibly smooth even though he is literally just standing there and talking to two women. She is very easily impressed it would seem.

Hugh Peters the maybe boss and possible receptionist of this resort asks to whisk Clara away again which leads to a strange conversation where Bonnie thought her bosses actual name was Peters and he went by Mr First Name. It’s probably best the woman just stays up in the mountain serving drinks…

Taking the opportunity while Clara is busy, Bonnie tells Shane all about her life when he brings her a drink.

Bonnie: “Well I bet you have a lot of lady fans, huh?”

Shane: “Yeah… I guess.”

Bonnie: “OK, I see where this is headed. I should probably tell you I have a boyfriend, just to be clear.”

Shane: “Oh…. OK, yeah…. thank you…”

Bonnie: “He’s a city planner. His name’s Clive. You know…. Bonnie and Clive like Bonnie and Clyde instead of Clyde it’s Clive?”

Me: “Cheese thief and a great conversationalist. Isn’t she just a catch.”

Thankfully Shane turns the conversation to Clara so he can hear how she had her own restaurant in Chicago for a few years but it didn’t quite work out and now she’s back and dreadfully alone and would definitely say yes to a boyfriend. Shane is very invested in this woman already and wants to know exactly why Clara is sitting across the other side of the restaurant and really enjoying a conversation with her boss which never happens.

Prediction #3 – Peters Peters probably is interested in his restaurant manager too

At the end of a long and perilous looking drive Shane pops out into some sort of house when there is a mental frame where everything zooms in suddenly and almost gave me vertigo. I’m still unsure where the hell he is but some woman comes to tell him all of the ornaments he is admiring on their tree are all unique and donated by the local artists for charity auction. This mystery woman is Jackie and her mystery husband is Frank and mystery Jackie knows people’s coffee order just by saying their name and looking at them.

I really don’t know what’s going on here other than these people at Mountain View… Inn?…. telling Shane that Clara is their favourite staff member over at the resort, she’s practically like a daughter to them and she used to work for them before disappearing to Chicago. Please tell me this man isn’t tracking down all of Clara’s acquaintances so he can better stalk her… He says he’s interested in more of the older, family run resorts in the area and their history but I’m hearing stalker.

Prediction #4 – Shane is going to save Mountain View resort because that other big one is taking up all the business and as basically this couple’s daughter they will happily pass it over to Shane and Clara to look after

I dread to think how much food might actually have got wasted for all of these kitchen scenes and everything looks very salad-y and slightly under cooked. Shane seems to be immediately infatuated with poor Clara and is still around once everyone else has gone home so he can cook dinner for the woman to say thanks for helping out. The man is meant to be good at this but Clara believes she can do better and elects herself to cook their dinner instead which will no doubt impress Shane into a marriage proposal there and then.

I am more horrified at the transitional scene of people skiing outside in the fucking dark. It’s dangerous enough in the day. Are there no policies for this!? Does the resort just hope they lose a few every night so they can cram more people in through the doors? While people are outside breaking their spines Shane and Clara have time to briefly discuss how her restaurant failed because it got too big, eat pudding and smile at each other.

Lo and behold Clara’s car is already in the garage after just one scene and now she needs a ride home because that chocolate cake made her approximately one hour too late for the last bus home. It was probably worth it… when isn’t cake worth it? At the end of this lift home we find out Shane is impressed with any person who doesn’t like in a hotel building, so much so that he just has to kiss the woman to make sure she is even real.

Clara: “Wow, I can’t believe I’m kissing a celebrity.”

Me: “Bit of a…. weird thing to say…”

Clara: “What’s wrong?”

Shane: “I…. I just don’t know if this is the best idea. I just get a lot of attention from the show, I didn’t even know you watched it.”

Clara: “I don’t. I don’t watch your show.”

Me: “Kick him while he’s down.”

Clara: “I was just saying I’m surprised… like in a good way.”

Shane: “Wait, I don’t think I’m explaining this right…”

Clara: “You’re definitely not.”

Me: “And I’m not going to stick around to hear you explain it, either!”

Clara bolts from that car as if her life depended on it and into her apartment building which Shane was so impressed with five seconds ago. What he will not be impressed with is the two Janice’s creeping around the resort after him the next morning in the absolute loudest fucking way on account of them both wearing fuck off heels and a lot of fur.

These are the opening scenes to War of the Planet of the Janice

Meanwhile, everyone’s favourite boss Hugh is waiting for Clara outside of her apartment with coffee and checking that she really is OK because she can’t keep the crippling embarrassment off her face. As long as Hugh doesn’t turn out to be a massive bellend, which let’s face it, is highly likely, he’s really not so bad himself. While Clara is going off to attend some sort of business meeting, Shane is hiding out at the Mountain View resort and complimenting Jackie’s eggs florentine. He’s probably going to offer to work there just to get the secret recipe from the kitchen staff because he seems to be in love with these eggs.

The man asks for two coffees to go, presumably as some sort of apology gift to Clara, so I hope that woman has a strong bladder. As it turns out this big meeting is taking place at the Mountain View resort where Clara and Hugh spot Shane’s car. Isn’t this going to be just wonderful.

Prediction #5 – on hearing Hugh’s idea to take over Mountain View resort, Shane is going to side with Jackie and Frank and battle it out with the bigger resort and Clara

Shane is busy smiling at Christmas trees again and so never sees the two Janice’s thundering down upon him and cornering him at his table. Cue Clara and Hugh walking in so everything can look as awkward as is humanly possible. Jackie and Frank may consider Clara as their daughter right now but I get the distinct feeling that may change slightly in the next 10 minutes or so.

Clara: “Jackie, Frank, this is Hugh Peters. He owns the restaurant I work at.”

Frank: “Ohhhhh that’s right, the… the…. something or other.”

Hugh: “Summit.”

Frank: “Yeah, sounds about right, yeah.”

Me: “I am immediately opening a restaurant and calling it ‘The Something Or Other’ which has an adjoining lounge called ‘Sounds About Right, Yeah’.”

Despite telling Hugh there is absolutely nothing wrong, Clara cannot help breaking her neck to frequently look over at Shane and the Janice’s table before the women stomp out after the man like a two-woman herd of elephants. Unfortunately we don’t even get to hear the business proposal they are there to discuss but Jackie and Frank seem cool with it because when has Clara ever steered them wrong before?

Prediction #6 – Hugh has betrayed us all and probably put something in the contract like kicking Frank and Jackie out is part of the takeover or some other bollocks

Before they are able to leave Jackie mentions they also met someone else who works at Hugh’s resort and that he was actually by the day before, too. Clara greets this message as if the entire mountain and it’s inhabitants are hers to own and how dare he move around a public space without her permission. I really do feel some unhealthy competition coming on.

The restaurant is closed that evening for their annual Charity Dinner which, although in the spirit of Christmas, can only be an even better gift if it drums up some good publicity for them. Shane is unable to stop staring at Clara through Hugh’s little pep talk and is probably still just star struck by the fact she owns an apartment so now would obviously be a wonderful time for a call from Clara’s mother on speakerphone in the bathroom with Bonnie.

Clara’s Mom: “I called to remind you about our family Christmas dinner.”

Clara: “Yes, it is on my radar and scheduled in.”

Clara’s Mom: “Will you be bringing someone other than Bonnie this year?”

Me: “Oh my god, the woman is standing right there!”

Luckily Bonnie gives no shits because she’s doing Christmas with her own boyfriend which makes Clara’s mother infinitely more proud of Bonnie than her own daughter who manages a 5 star restaurant on top of a cliff. Seeing as her daughter is such a failure she has to remind her not to be damn late for this Christmas dinner. Again.

Prediction #7 – Clara will probably be late for dinner and they might be down one Bonnie but will be up one Shane

In a sort of montage of all the food the charity dinner has to offer I am mesmerised by the way people are cutting wedges of cheese and popping them out of the wheel with one single motion. Honestly. Watch this film for this scene alone, I had to watch it like three times.

There is some woman at the charity dinner who really just loves seeing Clara and Bonnie every year and so can’t help asking about their love lives. Clara is saved by the Hugh when he calls her over to meet some no doubt high profile people and the entire time Shane is lurking around in the doorway smiling to himself and watching her. Now… this would have you believe he was actually seeing her face when he was doing this but to make it even worse he was just smiling at the back of her head that entire time. Knowing Shane, however, he might have been smiling at the tower of candied clementines shaped into a Christmas tree. You know how he loves those things.

“Oh my God, did the tower of clementines even notice me? What if I walk past them and make a fool out of myself?”

Done with the high profile guests Clara storms past Shane without a word and I can’t really blame her because he’s been staring at the back of her head like a creepy stalker. Cue the awkward conversation where Clara brings up Shane’s breakfast with the Janice’s and Shane tries to approach the subject of their kiss but instead ends up asking how her car is doing instead. This is all in the guise of trying to offer her a lift home but when she refuses he puts on his perfect Matt the Mayor impersonation and starts mumbling about Hugh instead.

Shane thinks that the restaurant reception area is a perfect time to start explaining to Clara that he would like to explain how he rudely misjudged her back at his place. Now… this started off sounded mildly creepy and clearly Clara’s face thought so too but it gets weirder when he offers to cook her dinner. The man clearly said he was staying in a hotel so unless his hotel suite is bigger than Clara’s entire apartment and has it’s own kitchen… then I presume he’s gonna go right ahead and use the hotel’s kitchen despite the fact they are currently standing in a restaurant with a fully stocked and serviced kitchen.

Wait… this man lives at the resort…. and yes his room is as big as Clara’s entire apartment. So dropping her off at home is really going out of his way. Shane is too bothered with staring at Clara some more to pay attention to his hands and knocks the pepper shaker out of the overhead cupboard. I have many questions about why the fuck a chef keeps that there but either way he splashes hot milk on himself and has to take his top off. Ya know… of all the films so far this is the first one where our man has had to get undressed. Normally they’re wrapped up to the fucking hilt in thermals while the women wear the highest heels they can find.

But the recipe said add pepper to taste. How is he supposed to taste it, otherwise?

With Shane and Clara making out on his room’s balcony and prattling on about the view and only half of this film left I a) don’t really see where this is going other than the predictions made already and b) fear they are going to try and cram a lot into the second half of this film. We still need the betrayal, the big misunderstanding and the heartbreak before it can all work out and this man turns up at Clara’s Christmas dinner, probably uninvited and as a surprise to everyone.

Shane assures Clara that he is not the guy the show made him out to be and why are people skiing around in the night again!? Honestly the film could end right here and I don’t think anyone would be missing out on much. Shane is just all about the assurances these days and wants Clara to know she is a strong, independent female who don’t need no man… not one who isn’t a chef, anyway. This film might actually be taking a new direction when Clara mulls with the idea of opening up her own place again and I am just not used to seeing people kissing so much in these films. It’s normally a one and done kind of deal, ya know.

If we’re being treated to a Christmas montage of Clara and Shane having a great time together then you know tragedy cannot be far behind them. We also find out the man can’t ski for shit which amuses me no end. The glasses of wine that are served to Bonnie and Clara so they can have a good gossip one evening are literally as big as their faces!! I need them!

One day I’ll look at Kieran with that same expression I save for wine…

When Hugh calls Clara into his office the next day it is of no surprise that he has some concerns that she may have been spending all of her down time with Shane and hasn’t actually worked on their proposal at all. The woman best be getting paid overtime to work on that proposal in her own, personal time… I presume not as Hugh pulls out an early Christmas gift that turns out to be the classic piece of expensive jewellery all fictional men fall back on in these situations. It’s also some sort of bribery piece as he would really love all of this deal to be hashed out before the New Year.

Why are people always on the same friggin’ deadline in Christmas films!? Plan your projects accordingly, people!

When Clara shows some doubts that Jackie and Frank are willing to ruin their own holiday to work on a business deal, Hugh pulls out even more bribery… the man is good. Whether this other surprise project is real or not he had lined up Clara to run a new restaurant in New York, where she apparently really wants to go, and she cannae do that if she is hashing out the deal with the Mountain View Resort.

When Clara agrees to help speed up this Mountain View deal you can practically see her soul withering away into the distance.

Clara watched her soul drift through the open window as she wondered how good her new necklace would look on her.

Prediction #8 – Shane will convince Clara she can open up her own restaurant without the help of Hugh bloody Peters

Clara: “So, I’ve been meaning to ask, what are you doing for Christmas?”

Shane: “I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it. … I might go back to the city.”

Clara: “Well, that makes sense, I’m sure you probably want to see your family. Have you… told me about your family yet?”

Me: “How would you… not remember?”

Shane: “Ya know… I don’t think I have…”

Me: “How would you not remember!? It’s been like 2 days!”

At the mention of parents Shane’s face gets that specific ‘yeah, my parents died at Christmas a few years back/it was their favourite season’ look that only occurs in these films. Completely ignoring that expression Clara steamrolls into revealing the big secret deal she and Hugh have been working on to renovate the Mountain View Resort into a boutique hotel that she would be running for 6 months. Now… if she was going to be sticking around and running the place for 6 months anyway I don’t see what the rush is to seal the deal so she can also go and work in New York…

Shane offers some truth bombs about the fact Clara is only involved because of her connection to Jackie and Frank and they were more likely to trust her than Peters. Cue the slightly bullheaded and illogical overreaction. I’m not saying I wouldn’t also be a little irritated with the guy for pissing on my parade but I am nothing if not logical and his answers at least make sense… unlike that time in the car.

Clara: “Why are you being so negative? I thought you’d be happy for me!”

Me: “… It’s been 2 days!!”

Apparently when Shane took the job at The Summit he made a few calls and Hugh does not have the best reputation. I’m not sure what that says about either guy that they ended up working together anyway. Clara briefly tries to bring sexism into this but fails miserably. You really need to pick your feminism battles.

The final straw that sends Clara packing out of Shane’s apartment is the mention of her failed business attempt in Chicago. It’s pretty much tantamount to telling Kim she needs to work on her character detail. At least I can confirm that Clara was not late to the family Christmas dinner and was right on time for all that parental passive aggression.

Clara’s Mom: “Maybe next year we’ll have a full house, right Clara?! HAHAHA I’m kidding!”

Me: “She isn’t. She’s bitterly disappointed in you.”

Clara is blissfully ignored for the remainder of the meal while her Mom bangs on to her little sister about all the wonderful things going on in her life instead. So much more successful than that awful first child of hers, anyway. Unable to hear any more of the oxygen being sucked out of the room while her mother talks about how she thinks her photo shoot went and how she deserves the front cover, Clara pretends to clear plates so she can call Bonnie. You know it’s bad when you have to phone the woman who keeps cheese in her purse for some normalcy on your Christmas Eve.

I am very surprised when Clara’s Mom allows her to go and meet Bonnie for a drink instead of forcing her to sit around and listen to how her little sister and husband are her favourite couple of all time. Also I’m very sure both Bonnie and Clara are drinking and driving… Probably a good job because Bonnie has just revealed that she’s engaged to city planner Clive.

I adore the fact that answering a call from their boss basically means having to answer with ‘Hey, Hugh!’ and makes everyone sound overbearingly posh. Apparently his ex-wife just dropped his kids off unannounced which means Clara should put that phone down immediately and run the fuck away. It’s also very unfortunate that he needs her to go to the restaurant to pick up some papers which Bonnie is just overjoyed about and ropes Clive in to drive them up there.

Prediction #9 – Clara is gonna see something she doesn’t like in those papers

I don’t think it was the best idea to unleash a drunk Bonnie on the empty restaurant as she immediately starts breaking into Hugh’s filing cabinets and pulling out brown envelopes to compare contracts with Clara and check they have the right files. Bonnie pulls out an entire envelope that is just full of parking lot plans and we can only all presume Hugh was planning on turning the entire mountain into a parking lot for his mini empire. Fuck trees, eh, Hugh?

While the Scooby Gang are off to break into Clive’s office now, Shane is dropping in on Jackie and Frank who have the words ‘parking attendants’ stamped firmly into their futures. The man gets offered food and drink as soon as he walks in the door. I want to live with these people. As it turns out, Shane has been trying to track down where his parents had the picture taken of them decorating a tree, which he’s been carrying around with him. He knew it was somewhere on an American mountainside and… that’s about it. The photo was taken in the 80’s but it just happens Frank and Jackie had a fire in ’92 that destroyed all their old records. Gosh darn it!

It was at this point I was so shocked to see Jackie using her husband’s motherfucking glasses as a magnifying glass that I accidentally turned the entire Sky box off instead of just rewinding it. She then commences to open up the trunk they have been using as a coffee table and pulls out some sort of tin box that had an ornament in it. This ornament never got sold because it was made by Jackie’s mother the year they built the resort and every year they ask the guests to put it up on the tree to make them feel at home. I can only presume the ornament they are hanging up in the picture is the same one and we’ll just have to depend on Jackie’s glasses for that.

Jackie didn’t let the lack of a magnifying glass prevent her from solving murders

Instead of doing the honours of putting the ornament up on the tree he decides he would rather share it with someone else. They’re apparently cool with the man completely breaking Christmas tradition but… whatever. Back with the Scooby Gang it turns out Hugh has been making ‘exploratory proposals’ for condos and parking lots rather than the boutique hotel he first proposed. The man has betrayed us all!!

Christmas morning rolls around and Clara’s mom is already dressed in a power suit to serve up breakfast to the masses. I don’t remember Clara being that drunk but her mother found all of her documents scattered around the foyer instead of… ya know… anywhere safe.

Knowing how unreliable her car is I, personally, wouldn’t be driving anywhere through the snow in it but Clara rushes off to confront her boss anyway. She needn’t have bothered revealing herself as a tea leaf because Frank and Jackie called him that morning, as an early Christmas gift, and told him the deal was off with not much convincing from Shane. Hugh is having a wonderful Christmas! Unexpected kids, no deal, his restaurant manager just quit… and is now stranded on his drive in her broken down car.

Luckily all love interests in Christmas films are adept at stalking and Shane turns up to give her a lift home. He had already done the rounds of both her mother’s house, then Bonnie’s house, where they told him all about their festive crime spree, and finally ended up on Hugh’s driveway right alongside her. There is a well-timed train passing by, so the pair have plenty of time to stop and discuss Shane’s real motive for taking a job up a mountainside so he can search for where his parents spent their honeymoon.

After struggling through their own lives – their honeymoon was the only holiday out of New York they ever took in their entire existences – Shane had promised them when he started to get famous he would eventually slow down and start up a little ol’ place like the one they visited for their honeymoon. Of course he did not do this and then his parents promptly died before he could keep his promise.

Back at Mountain View Resort Jackie and Frank are standing around just waiting for the pair to rock up and to serve them dinner. Not before Shane and Clara have hung this ornament up on the tree, though. It’s funny how Clara recognises that ornament immediately from a picture she looked at for nigh on two seconds in the car but it took Jackie to Sherlock Holmes the place up before she noticed it. So we can go full circle, Frank is there with his turn of the century Polaroid camera so maybe in 30 years Shane and Clara’s kids can hunt down the location of their first Christmas on very little information too.

As it turns out they won’t have to hunt far because Clara’s Christmas present that year is Frank and Jackie’s hotel which they are selling to her and she is being financed by Shane himself.

Shane: “You can fix this place up any way you want. Jackie and Frank have agreed to stick around and work for you. I mean I’d like to hand in my resume for head chef and do all the cooking… minus the eggs florentine.”

Me: “I fucking knew this was all about those eggs!”

Clara is feeling festive enough to share this venture with Shane but he really should know she only bought him a scarf in return for this business opportunity… At least her mom may finally be proud and why is Clive so buff!? Where he hell is he a city planner of!? Ahem…

When I said I plan the city I mean I build it manually, myself, brick by brick

Shane is never going to get a moments piece with Clara’s mother around the place… her Christmas gift to him is an autographed copy of her two page spread article in the Seasons magazine… and hey, does he have any contacts in the gourmet gingerbread world that she’s thinking of setting up in?


If you want to see how you should handle insane in-laws at Christmas while French subtitles fly around your head then I believe you want to go over here. Unless you have the actual patience of Shane Rourke I find the only sure-fire way of dealing with in-laws is to stay as far away as you can possibly get…

Now, let’s see what abysmal scores I got today.


Prediction board – 6.5/9

  • Prediction #1 – Clara and Shane are going to end up as the power couple of the world – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #2 – At some point Carla’s car will break down and leave her stranded somewhere – Like her ex-bosses driveway… CORRECT!
  • Prediction #3 – Peters Peters probably is interested in his restaurant manager, too – I…. still don’t know, ya know! Was it genuine interest or just bribery? Half a point!
  • Prediction #4 – Shane is going to save Mountain View resort and as basically this couple’s daughter they will happily pass it over to Shane and Clara to look after – HELLA CORRECT!
  • Prediction #5 – On hearing Hugh’s idea to take over Mountain View resort, Shane is going to side with Jackie and Frank and battle it out with the bigger resort and Clara – Unfortunately everyone found out far too late and took action far too swiftly for a battle. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #6 – Hugh has betrayed us all and probably put something in the contract like kicking Frank and Jackie out is part of the takeover – Hugh did us proud. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #7 – Clara will probably be late for dinner and they might be down one Bonnie but will be up one Shane – Unfortunately this didn’t happen in time. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #8 – Shane will convince Clara she can open up her own restaurant without the help of Hugh bloody Peters – Technically…. yes, but he had to fund the shit out of it. Still… CORRECT!
  • Prediction #9 – Clara is gonna see something she doesn’t like in those papers – Easy! CORRECT!


  • Horse and Sleigh: That would have been interesting to see working it’s way up the mountain…
  • Piano: I would say I’m missing impromptu piano choruses but that would be tempting fate
  • Carolling: NADA!
  • Christmas Montage: They were amazing… festive food montages… the cheese
  • Fire Hazards: Unfortunately Hugh was nothing if not a sharp businessman who would not be sued for anything, including death by Christmas decorations
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: We tripled down on this one!
  • Snowing on cue: We were up a mountain, how was it not going to snow on cue?


I feel that 12 days in is good going before my brain feels like it’s turning to a festive mush, dotted with tinsel and glitter and smelling faintly of pine needles. That’s where we’re at right now… but just like Holly’s deranged father hurtling towards a tree in a horse and sleigh in the middle of the night… I guess we’re here until the end of the ride.

See ya tomorrow, folks!


Christmas Advent #11 – Christmas in Homestead

The days are blurring into one. The only difference about today is that I have an ungodly amount of candles burning in the living room with me. I think 12 candles is probably enough… for now.

Hey, at least I’ll get to make predictions again today!!


This time we get an aerial shot of Hollywood and it’s actually really jarring to see festive palm trees lining streets. I know that’s how this shit works but after so many tiny little towns with direct ties to the origin of Christmas itself it’s taking me a minute.

Is this really all Hollywood does for Christmas or is this just another festive lie?

Prediction #1 – we’re not staying here for Christmas, the title alone tells us that (Kim, please, shut the hell up about your ‘Love In Line for Santa book title already!)

A woman in a hideous hat and over-sized sunglasses – the uniform of a Hollywood star – is sitting in the back of a car and winds down when they pull up next to a bunch of paparazzi. Jessica has just pulled up to the set and will be doing yet another film with her ex-boyfriend Vince. Now that’s awkward. I could barely sit through another friend’s wedding with my ex-boyfriend across the table and when one of the bridesmaids tried to take my bottle of wine, my only lifeline, through to the kitchen to ‘keep it safe’ during the speeches I almost ripped her arm off. She assured me she would put a label on it so no one else took it and I assured her she didn’t know my fucking name so leave my wine alone. I almost ruined that wedding on numerous occasions and legit purely by accident and account of me not wanting to be there but that is definitely a story for another time.

Back to Jessica… this looks less like a film set and more a very nice looking house. If this is her house… why has her ex-boyfriend just shown up? Jessica gets to walk into yes, her own house, while the press at the gates keep shouting thank you, presumably for the shots of her ass as she waltzes away. 

Random woman: “Hey Jess! Whaddya think?”

Jessica: “Rosalie…. what is that?”

Rosalie: “It’s a Christmas tree.”

Jessica: “Yes, it’s beautiful. Why is it in my house?”

Me: “I’m gonna take a real shot in the dark here but based on the really festive looking palm trees out on the roads…. because it’s almost Christmas?”

Rosalie: “Because it’s almost Christmas and everyone needs a tree!”


I’m not sure whether Jessica actually does hate Christmas trees but they will be spending the next 10 days in Iowa shooting a Christmas movie and she really thinks she’ll have had enough of them by then. Now… I do not work in the film industry but I can’t help feel that anything that takes 10 days to shoot is not made with the best quality. Hmm… I wonder how long any of these Christmas films take to shoot?

Rosalie informs our miserable star that her co-worker is waiting for her in the other room and Barbara, the director, will be there in a few minutes. Apparently directors should never run late, only the stars, and if Jessica had known this I presume she would have driven around the block a few more times so she could be the fashionably late one.

At Homestead Lodge meanwhile, the most glorious, well-lit, electrical draped fire hazard (my god I’ve missed these things!) some bloke is talking on the phone to maybe his Dad about both his parents going on a river cruise for Christmas because for Christ’s sake their child is grown up now and can spend Christmas on his own! They want to cruise around European rivers!

I’ve never seen something so beautiful in my entire life…

This guy’s sister, Zoe, overhears this and demands to speak to their father because she has sense and yes he should totally enjoy the damp weather and the havoc it will play on their old, arthritic joints. Thankfully she gives us both her brother’s name, Matt, and some back story on this call so we find out the parents left the business to them (and some other woman called Sophie, maybe) so they could go off and travel the world. Must be damn good money in the Christmas lodge business! Matt does not look impressed so heads off down the hall where his daughter, Sophie, is watching her tablet with only the fixed avidity a child can achieve when staring at a piece of technology and sending herself fucking deaf if she doesn’t turn down the volume on that thing! 

Sophie is more interested in adventure and slaying dragons and oh lord, who is on that screen but Jessica. Jessica will also be staying at the lodge. Cue another obsessive child story line – hopefully all of her hopes and dreams will be crushed when she meets her hero and finds out she can barely drive her own car around, let alone slay a dragon. When Matt breaks the news to her about her grandparents she is more concerned they’re gonna miss out on meeting Jessica. I have the feeling the only one bothered about them not being there on Christmas morning is Matt…. god, some children are just so fucking needy.

Back in Hollywood Vince and Jessica are having a delightfully strenuous talk about the fact Jessica has replaced Vince with Jill for her annual Christmas trip to Fiji and he’d better not mess up this acting gig because it’s her first time producing a movie. If she is producing it… why did she pick Vince when casting….? Vince appears to be an absolute arsehole who also delights in what amounts to sexual abuse and surprises Jessica with a kiss so he can put it on social media as PR for the film. Now… ya see…. she tells him to delete the picture but doesn’t stand there and make sure he does. So he doesn’t.

Yep, we’ll be seeing this again at some point

Prediction #2 – that picture is going to bite her in the ass just when things are going good with Matt and despite the fact she will have never worn those clothes during her filming and the lighting is very different and she is clearly in her own home he will be very annoyed by it all

Zoe is trying to get to the bottom of Matt’s mood swing and this woman is just a Pez dispenser of the back story world. Matt hates change and that is probably due to the fact his deceased wife, Melanie, is dead and Christmas was her favourite time of year. Wait… wait…. this guy is the Mayor!? And they have a town hall meeting to get to!? How did this guy become MAYOR when he can’t deal with change!?

I’m already really not so sure about this one, guys…

Prediction #3 – Matt’s ability to be Mayor will be questioned at some point but the delightful folk of… Homestead?… will rally together and save him because they know he’s such a great guy really, if a little needy

Barbara: “I don’t care that she’s making fun of your turtle. Your turtle doesn’t care either! No! He doe…. I love you. Bye.”

Me: “I’d like to hear more about this turtle…”

Barbara is leaving her kids with her husband for 10 days and fully expects to come back to a Lord of the Flies situation and I gotta say, this doesn’t seem to overly concern her! I like her. She is also, rightly, more concerned with shooting outdoors for 10 days in an Iowa December, of which Jessica wants to kick off early and will be arriving the next morning ahead of everyone else.

Jessica: “Yeah, my character grew up in the area, I just wanna get a feel for the place.”

Vince: “I don’t need to get a feel for the place. I’m playing an innkeeper, it’s not rocket science. I know because I played a rocket scientist who saved the world. … I did.”

Me: “Yeah, so back to this turtle…”

Prediction #4 – Vince is gonna have to take pointers from Matt about being an innkeeper and he’s not gonna enjoy it

Prediction #5 – Matt is gonna replace Vince in the film as the innkeeper!

As if the man didn’t already have enough to do. The same goes for Barbara who definitely needs to have wrapped up shooting by the 23rd December and Rosalie who is gently trying to force Jessica to go and see her parents rather than Fiji with Jill. Probably because Rosalie was hoping for that spare ticket to Fiji but fucking Jill broke up with her boyfriend instead. Bloody Jill…

Jessica is more confused that the Mayor of Homestead would not want the publicity of them filming in his town and Matt just wants to be able to hold all of their regular Christmas events – which are clearly too well documented and enjoyed and lured in Hollywood film makers in the first place – without being disrupted. The rest of the town could not give a shit about the Christmas tree lighting, the snowman competition or the sleigh ride traditions when Hollywood is coming and everyone votes unanimously against the Mayor and hates him even more for calling them all there that evening.

They then immediately go outside and light the fucking tree! How are ya gonna say Hollywood will mess with your tree lighting tradition when they’re not even there yet to ruin it! This man! Also, what is the deal with carollers being dressed in Victorian era clothing all of the time? Sophie lights the tree, it’s all magnificent and they return home to decorate Christmas cookies in the middle of the night because that is also completely normal.

Sophie is very concerned that Jessica won’t like her because Hayley Shepherd doesn’t like her but the other Hayley is her friend. Ooh! There’s two of me in this film!

Prediction #6 – Jessica will fucking hate Sophie like she hates all children

It must be strange for the kid whose living room is technically the Inn’s foyer but is easy enough to manage as she blasts her hearing back into the Stone Age and completely ignores her dad asking if she wants to help run errands. If that man had mentioned pie in the same room as me I would have probably broken both ankles in the act of dismounting from that sofa.

With only 11 days until Christmas Jessica is rocking up into town, forcing Rosalie to drive her. I wonder if Rosalie slayed that friggin’ dragon for her, too? Also, what about Rosalie’s Christmas? Either way Jessica is shocked to find the town has fire hazarded itself up to an inch of its life without the crew even coming and setting up the props yet. Ya might wanna ring ahead and tell them they won’t be needed anymore…

Wonderfully timed, as always, Matt rocks up at the bakery to pick up his pumpkin pies just as Jessica decides she would really like to pick up some cupcakes for the crew.

Jessica: “Oh, hi, could I get like a hundred cupcakes?”

Matt: “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t…

Jessica: “Chocolate, vanilla, red velvet… do they have red velvet in Iowa?

Matt: “Oh, you must be with the movie.”

Jessica: “Yes! Do you want an autograph?”

Me: “Only if it’s on a cheque to pay for all these cupcakes…”

Matt: “Erm, no thanks…”

Jessica: “Oh, come on, don’t be shy. There you go. Don’t go selling that on eBay.”

Matt: “Why would I sell this?”

Me: “Red Velvet cupcakes might have made it to Iowa but e-commerce is apparently yet to arrive.”

Completely ignoring this man and waltzing out of the shop, trailing a list of demands behind her and cementing everything Matt feared about these Hollywood folk in his brain, Jessica runs into a single photographer on the way out of the bakery who has somehow gotten the funds to follow her all the way up to Homestead. I’m sure Matt will just adore that. Surely all of the journalists would be forced to stay at the Inn too? We actually know this journalist, Ian, by name and he doesn’t seem so keen on his own job, either.

I’m enjoying Gavin the bodyguard and keep hoping he will jump in front of very innocent and harmless items because this is his first gig and he takes his job very seriously. I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown Jessica straight back out the door of the Inn after seeing the potential fire hazard they’ve just stepped into.

Sophie is so caught up in her show she hasn’t realised who is sitting next to her and asking her if she’s even enjoying the thing. Cue this child losing her actual shit and cue Matt coming back with his hands full of pie. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Jessica appears to be more concerned that her cupcake order might have gone missing seeing as this guy doesn’t even work at the bakery but hey, at least he has a nice lodge! Even Gavin is getting an introduction now, which I’m happy about because he’s doing a great job. Good job back there, buddy!

Gavin is just stealing this scene. Stealing it.

Jessica continues to ask to be put in touch with the Mayor because apparently he’s an absolute arsehole that doesn’t even want her there. Well, isn’t this just going swimmingly? Rosalie is PA-ing the shit out of Matt’s life too when she ropes him into a tour of the town at 10 am the next morning, whether he likes it or not. I presume he may be a little tired seeing as a small armada of trucks has pulled up outside the inn at the crack of dawn in order to begin shooting. Matt goes outside to look at these like he’s never seen a truck before in his life.

“Dragons! There are dragons in the road! Everybody up! Jessica! Slay them before they take up all the parking!”

This early alarm call clearly did nothing to affect Sophie who ambushes Gavin on the stairs in the morning and starts preaching to him about how she thinks she will need his services to take her to school and to her piano lessons to make Hayley Shepherd jealous and he’d better just take a seat on the stairs there because hashing out this deal is gonna take a while.

Sophie: “Dad said I can go on the tour. As long as I don’t bug you.”

Jessica: “You could never bug me.”

Me: “Well… that just sounds like a challenge to me.”

In order to make the entire thing even more pointless, Vince shows up! Just in time for the tour! I’m very surprised Ian isn’t following them on this tour too and they have somehow managed to bypass him as he stands outside the Inn freezing his ass off and waiting to get shots of the stars. He really isn’t too great at this…

Prediction #7 – when it matters most Ian will have a conscience because he hates being a reporter anyway

Every time Vince tries to speak people conveniently talk over him because the words escaping his face could not be a bigger waste of oxygen but at least he doesn’t seem too concerned and keeps grinning inanely at all the local people passing him by. It is of no surprise that Matt is horrified to see the middle of town packed with lighting rigs and crew members and people wheeling around clothes stands through the slush. Ya wanna hope that doesn’t freeze over in the morning. On the other hand Sophie is fucking loving it.

Whilst doing routine housekeeping back at the Inn, Zoe spots Ian through a window, tying himself to a tree so he can see directly into Jessica’s room. Well… I thought he was tied… when Zoe goes out there and screams at him he falls promptly out of the damn thing.

Prediction #8 – Side story romance for Zoe and Ian!

Jessica actually shows some sort of genuine emotion when Sophie almost gets her head taken off by a passing ladder but again, Sophie is cool with this. She would probably consider it a death well earned. Vince, however, just wants to reminisce about his and Jessica’s Christmas in Fiji that was definitely about to devolve into a conversation not meant for minors. Apparently the holidays are bringing out all of the sentimental feels in the man.

Jessica: “I’m trying to convince him we’re not stuck up movie stars and your stories about us traipsing around the globe aren’t helping. We need to find some common ground.”

Vince: “OK. Why didn’t you tell me? I gotcha… Hey Matt!”

Me: “Oh jesus….”

Vince: “I’m playing an innkeeper in this movie! Just like you! Yeah! Yeah.”

Everyone: “………….”

Me: “This man needs a script just to get through life.”

Isn’t Vince just delightful? Back at the Inn, Zoe is bringing some ice out for Ian’s knee when really she could have just left him face down in the snowdrift. For free. When questioning the man’s morals and whether he is able to feel guilt it turns out Zoe actually has big plans and wants to own a chain of these Inns by the time she’s 30. Has she told Matt? Does he know? He’s too needy for chains.

Needy Matt is being needy about his town square currently overrun with crew members because that’s where they do the tree lighting… which I’m sure they did last night. Barbara turns up just in time to tell everyone Santa got struck from the town square because he wasn’t working for them which sounds more like festive abuse to Sophie, especially when the model of Santa gets carried past like the festive Hollywood victim he is.

That evening, over what could be doing their finances or just scribbling on post-it notes, Matt can’t help discussing how entitled these Hollywood folk are with his sister and oh, did you hear the rumour that Jessica and Vince are getting back together again? We could say it should be of no concern to Matt, however…. I don’t think anyone would wish Vince upon another human being so this completely irrational question is allowed to fly.

Zoe: “Being famous can’t be easy.”

Matt: “No, you’re right, you’re right… The mansions, the private jets, it’s going to get tiring. It’s going to get really tiring.”

Zoe: “What about the constant spotlight? People are climbing trees just to get pictures of her.”

Matt: “They climb trees?”

Zoe: “Mhm.”

Matt: “OK, so, are you upset about the trees?”

Me: “You’re damn fucking right I am!!”

Matt is having a real hard time finding any sympathy for Jessica other than the fact she has been lumbered with Vince, it would seem. This grown ass man is so petulant that he can’t even hear a bad word about his snowman building skills without becoming immediately offended. The competition is apparently that evening but seeing as these people are working by candlelight and it’s already dark outside maybe the reason the man keeps building snowblobs every year is because he can’t see a fucking thing out there.

Even worse news is the fact there is a camera down on set and in order to film with one camera and/or get the other one fixed they will have to delay the snowman building competition. Heaven forbid… Matt’s already standing on the edge that no one really cares about. At least Jessica has the presence of mind to not spring any more surprises on this town’s simple Mayor but she does have the misfortune of hearing her friend, Jill, will no longer be going to Fiji with her because she got back together with her boyfriend after all. Jessica has real issues with ending phone calls and always seems to put the phone down before even she’s finished speaking.

After hearing about Jessica’s valiant effort to finish filming promptly at 7pm, in order for the competition to start, and seeing her standing across the town square like the killer in a horror film, Matt abandons his family to go and check on the crying woman in her trailer. Thank God Ian is there, creeping around the place and scaling the trees to take photos of this. I have to wonder why her trailer has such giant friggin’ windows if she knows she is constantly hounded by press….

As predicted Matt is equally as awkward with crying women as he is with women in general and suggests karaoke will cheer Jessica up and make her feel better about being utterly alone with only Vince to turn to. Karaoke certainly worked for him after his wife died. You heard it here first, folks, Matt has the ultimate cure-all. It should be of no surprise that Matt chose to sing Celine Dion that night, either.

Matt: “Now you know about it. You’re the only one who knows about it.”

Jessica: “Well your secret’s safe with me.”

Me: “And Ian lurking around outside.”

Matt doesn’t bother to invite the woman to build a snowman because perhaps those famous words would be cause for copyright infringement but one kiss on the cheek is enough to throw caution to the wind and invite her out anyway. Something Ian obviously catches on camera. At least he did something right today.

Now it amazes me that these people who live somewhere with an abundance of snow are so incredibly bad at constructing a snowman. Jessica I can forgive, but these guys? Nah. With only 20 minutes to go Jessica thinks they can probably cover up this hideous abomination with some wardrobe tricks. I hope the crew aren’t gonna miss those items…

Well, it’s basically the John Lewis advert, isn’t it?

Let me just say that nearly all of these snowmen are dreadful but there is nothing a blue wig can’t apparently fix and for the first time in forever (don’t sue me) the Mayor and his family win the snowman building competition and the most coveted snowman building trophy!!

Matt: “I think she’s gonna sleep with that thing tonight.”

Jessica: “Tonight? When I won my Golden Globe I slept with it for a week.”

Matt: “You won a Golden Globe?”

Jessica: “Wow… You really don’t know who I am, do you?”

Matt: “No, I do! I do, you were in that movie with the…. dragons and then that other movie with the…”

Both: “Dragons.”

Me: “Literally how Mom describes every actor and actress in the world.”

Luckily Vince pops out to interrupt this re-introduction between Jessica and Matt and asks Matt if he could teach him how to build a snowman, too. I can only presume this is for some more method acting of his… Maybe in return Vince could teach Matt how to watch all of Jessica’s films without shouting at her to watch out for that dragon she’s already swinging a sword at. I hope there are dragons in this new film…

With only 9 days until Christmas I have yet to see a single scene being filmed but Ian is still skulking around and is now even taking pictures of Zoe when he encounters her on the street. The man also puts on ‘shows’ which…. I think maybe saying he showcased his work in a gallery would have been better but… he takes pictures of all the random people who inspire him. I’m not sure what Zoe inspires him to do other than fall out of trees and steal ice packs off people.

Prediction #9 – Ian’s real dream is to just be an actual photographer and not the shady bastard he currently is

Oh, looks like I spoke too soon. We actually are being subjected to an awful scene filmed between Jessica and Vince which has all the chemistry of two dead, rotting fish that have been cut out of the stomach of a bear that was found dead out in the wilderness and the wildlife rangers carted back to a partner laboratory for them to do an autopsy on to check there are no diseases running rampant through the nationally protected forest but it turned out the bear just died of a case of complete boredom. …. Yeah, that kind of chemistry.

Forgetting completely that they are broken up, Vince is still reminiscing about past Christmas gifts he bought for Jessica and the one he bought her this year too! This man is dense. He’d even very much like to go for dinner with her that evening but Jessica is pre-booked on a sleigh ride with the Mayor and his family.

There appears to be some sort of queue for a sleigh ride, as if they run every 10 minutes and pick people up from outside the Inn, where Vince is skulking around on his balcony and wondering if Matt can show him how to sit down in a sleigh for more of his method acting. I am very sure Jessica mentioned Zoe in this sleigh ride but they have left the poor woman at home so she can take pity on Ian standing outside and freezing to death and invite him in for hot chocolate, instead. He is alarmingly bad at this journalist gig seeing as his star attraction was patiently waiting 20 feet away from him and just rode off in a sleigh he could definitely have followed on foot.

Meanwhile, Jessica is playing her tiny violin as she explains how she usually ruins her family’s Christmas by bringing drama and paparazzi with her, so just goes to Fiji instead. As children are want to do, Sophie hands her an open invitation to spend Christmas with them at the Inn.

With only 7 days to go before Christmas we are now filming a scene where Vince is teaching Jessica to skate and hogging the entire rink while the rest of the town stands around and waits for them to be done. When Anna is speaking to Matt about what they both respectively asked Santa for this year Vince feels he is missing out on the spotlight so starts doing skating tricks which would really only serve to remind people if these stars weren’t showboating so much they might actually be able to get on the rink themselves before midnight.

Jessica’s first foray into producing a film looks like it might bomb and she’ll just have to stay in Homestead, pretending she never bothered trying in the first place. Invited into the inner sanctum of Sophie’s room, Jessica gets to hear about how Sophie’s dead mom loved her films too and is assured her mom is probably always thinking about her from heaven while Matt stands outside crying. Ya men can be as emotional as ya damn well please but you can’t tell me singing Celine Dion in a karaoke bar helped you get over your dead wife but start crying when a random actress compares your deceased partner to Santa Claus. I have a feeling that karaoke tip really didn’t work out as well as he first made out.

Any excuse to go and sing more Celine Dion

6 days to go and we’re all about filming scenes these days. But only at night. There where some extras in the street behind Jessica and Vince, stealing the limelight by greeting each other and hugging each other constantly, that really distracted me. Despite Barbara saying the shot was great, probably because she was also distracted by the people in the background and missed all of the terrible acting, she wants to go again, much to Jessica’s dismay. Tonight is the great snowball fight and they can’t make the townspeople delay it any longer! No matter that it looks to be in a completely different part of town sectioned off for this very reason…

I believe this was the first draft of The Greatest Showman

I suspect this was less about delays and more about Jessica wanting to pelt snowballs at Vince and Barbara. Even Gavin has given up his usual bodyguard duties to hammer people with frozen water. When Zoe interrupts Ian’s photography by throwing a snowball at him he promptly falls over. Again. At least he addresses the fact he is the most unstable man in the entire world and Zoe thinks it might just be karma. She’s the one person talking sense in this place…

Unfortunately, his phone also flew out of his pocket so it could conveniently go off and Zoe could read a message claiming someone is willing to double the price for the picture of Jessica. The journalist with a heart comes clean immediately leading to the standard debate between the pair, weighing up a lot of money or Zoe’s brother being ripped apart by the tabloids. When Ian promises not to sell the picture this can really only lead to one thing…

Prediction #10 – that photo is getting out either way (probably thanks to Vince) and Zoe is going to immediately blame Ian for it

Unfortunately for Gavin he is once more left alone with Sophie and begins to look a little worried when she starts asking him exactly how tall he is. She is probably planning to include him in some nefarious plot to reach a high shelf for her…

Matt has just ran after Jessica to return her phone for her because not one of these Hollywood folks has suitable pockets for the devices, when he overhears only a portion of the conversation between her and Vince where he is adamant he is not acting in his scenes and really does still love her. As much as someone with a strong jaw and low IQ can love anything outside of their own reflection, I suppose. Matt has to walk away before he hears Jessica tell Vince this is all completely ridiculous because otherwise the film would be 30 minutes shorter than the mammoth length it already feels. Vince clearly blames this entire ordeal on Matt but I really wouldn’t be too concerned about what pain the man can dish out. He’d probably need to ask Matt what his weaknesses are as an innkeeper before he could make a move. Late tax returns, I guess.

Feeling sorry for himself, Matt can be found eating an entire fruit pie out of the dish to himself. Cue a heart-to-heart with Zoe who, as any self-respecting sister would, has stolen the pie off her brother to eat during this and listens to his nonsensical rambling before hitting him with a solid metaphor about stars and gravitational pulls. That is until Jessica rocks up looking for her phone and the man literally hurtles himself out of his chair to go and get it for her before taking her out onto the freezing porch for coffee.

Matt: “What about Vince?”

Jessica: “What about him?”

Matt: “He still loves you.”

Jessica: “Yeah, and I love him.”

Me: “Like someone loves having the flu.”

Jessica: “But I’m not in love with him anymore.”

Matt: “Are you sure because he’s pretty stiff competition.”

Me: “By which I mean it’s like talking to a plank of wood most of the time.”

Matt tries to avoid this kiss by reminding Jessica she will leave in a few days and even when she suggests staying for Christmas he can’t help reminding the woman that Christmas does eventually end. Like… all over the world, it eventually ends.

The next day even Ian is learning a harsh lesson: never share your pictures with your… whoever… if you don’t want them to get sold! Now the picture of Jessica and Matt is all over t’internet and all of his hopes and dreams of starting his new life as a decent human being go up in flames. As does Rosalie’s dreams of having a nice, normal, quiet film shoot when someone from The Times calls her to let her know the world just ended.

Unfortunately, no one can get to Matt in time before he heads out the door for better reception to take a call and is hit with a shit load of paparazzi on his doorstep. At least Sophie is trying to work the cameras before she is dragged unceremoniously back into the Inn.

Rosalie: “Look, Jess, I get it. You’re stressed about the movie and Vince and suddenly you have this warm fuzzy Christmas story come to life with the beautiful family and the sleigh rides and…

Jessica: “You’re worried about my career.”

Rosalie: “No, I’m worried about my friend.”

Me: “Who I happen to work and who didn’t invite me to Fiji.”

Rosalie: “Give it all up and go live in a mountain and raise goats! I don’t care as long as you’re happy!”


Rosalie does, at least, draw the line at returning to Hollywood and getting back together with Vince, otherwise she will be joining me up the mountain with my goats instead.

Zoe has suddenly taken a turn on this shit storm due to the amount of calls they have had from people wanting to stay at the Inn and this would be the perfect time to start their franchise. Which, unsurprisingly, Matt is really not a fan of because change is the devil. Zoe is trying to hit him with another metaphor when Gavin turns up to check on the family, especially Sophie, who promptly invites him to her tea-party.

Gavin teaches Sophie a valuable lesson in not posting all of your damn pictures online and people in pictures on the Internet are actually people, not just pixels. There is, however, still time for him to drink some tea and hand his number over to the family in case Sophie should ever need him for anything.

Prediction #11 – Sophie is gonna need him for something like being mobbed by paparazzi

Meanwhile, Jessica is hoping some other celebrity on this big wide world will do something monumentally dumb and take the spotlight off them for a while so everything can go back to normal. As… normal as any of these people’s lives are. As predicted, Zoe doesn’t believe a word Ian is spouting about nothing being his fault and tells him to get off her damn property.

Prediction #12 – Ian will make a grand gesture with all the photos he has of Zoe and other assorted people to make her forgive him

Barbara is hoping the crew will understand they will all need to work until sunrise that evening – because this film is apparently all set at fucking midnight – and work through Christmas Eve, too. Although the crew might be cool with this, Jessica very much doubts that the town will. She certainly does believe she has a large area of impact on her, I gotta say. That’s probably what gives her a new, mystery idea, in the first place.

3 days until Christmas and another town meeting is being called with the film stars and crew involved too. The townsfolk seem to friggin’ love the fact their own Mayor was caught kissing this movie star so I can’t imagine the idea of including their Christmas Eve: Festival of Lights in the movie, as the last scene, is really going to bother them too much. There are about only 20 people in this town by the looks of it but every single one of them wants to be an extra in this final scene.

It’s strange how at all of these town meetings the Mayor appears to have zero sway. Then again, they do have to spend all year with him. They know him far too well. Storming out of the meeting, Matt is more concerned that the festival will be too big and grand and he used to take his damn wife to that thing! Unfortunately the paparazzi storm the place just in time to break up a delightful apology on Jessica’s part and away he storms once more.

The man can’t even get a moment’s peace when decorating his tree as Vince turns up to enlighten us about how this movie is going to end; Jessica is going to go back to Hollywood and that will be that, yet it seems a shame all the same. I can’t tell if this was some sort of very subtle and veiled threat or he might be encouraging the Mayor to follow his heart. I am sure Vince doesn’t really know what he meant either.

I also hope that Matt is aware Barbara has flown her entire family out to spend Christmas there. You know how he doesn’t like change!! She also reminds Jessica she needs to decide whether work or personal life come first and she simply decided work could suck it, this time. Matt was probably chasing Zoe down to inform her they had 4 more unexpected guests but instead finds her getting food ready to feed the crew with because they’re like a weird, extended family. For some reason the paparazzi have cleared off for the day but will be back tomorrow…

Now… if this is Christmas Eve then… they’ll be back Christmas Day? And if this isn’t yet Christmas Eve… why would they come back even closer to the time of the big day? They don’t know that Jessica is planning on staying for Christmas, regardless, so why wouldn’t they have headed home to camp out and wait for her there? Ah, movie plots, what wondrous things you are.

When Matt mentions their only saving grace would be another celebrity doing something dumb Zoe gets an idea and wonders off, leaving Matt to deliver food to the masses instead. This new plan involves roping in not only Ian but Vince, who offers himself up. Now… if he is still in Homestead at the time I really don’t think that’s going to help the paparazzi move on and leave the entire town alone… When he said he understood what Zoe was getting at I hope they double checked with him. Just to make sure.

Matt appears to think what a tiring crew needs in order to cheer them up is a procession of carol singers coming towards them out of the night. Sure, they might be bringing food with them but they are also bringing tunes and I don’t know how I would feel about my pie being served with a helping of ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’.

At least Sophie is still overjoyed to see Jessica every time they meet because everyone’s big plan was to leak that original picture of Jessica and Vince kissing from the beginning of the movie. HOW!? HOW IS THAT GOING TO HELP ANY!? THE PAPARAZZI ARE GONNA STAY UNTIL THE END OF SHOOTING AND ARE GONNA BE TRYING TO GET PICTURES OF MATT TO CHECK HOW HEARTBROKEN HE IS! Christ on a bike, these people.

The next day and it looks as though, somehow, Jessica is not aware of this media storm brewing around her. I am more confused by the scene being filmed in the day where they were supposed to kiss but don’t and presumably will film the kiss at some other time… despite the fact Barbara says they now need to wait until night. Their favourite. So what… is that scene just going to dramatically change from the middle of the day to the middle of the night? Man, I would love to see this film once it was finished. They should release it as some sort of bizarre sequel.

With only 20 minutes of the actual film to go, a lot of people are going to have to have a lot of changes of hearts to wrap this up neatly. Vince finally gives Jessica her Christmas present which is a tabloid article on their most recent picture together and I can’t tell what he thought the reaction would be or whether he planned to leak that picture for Christmas all along. I mean… he does explain himself eloquently enough that his present to Jessica was to save Matt’s reputation but I still really feel they went about this all wrong.

Zoe is enjoying the Inn’s porch, now completely empty of mad photographers, so much so that she is willing to freeze her ass out there on a rocking chair to take in the scenery. It also makes it much easier for Ian to find her and give her the Christmas gift every woman wants. An actual, flattering photo that they didn’t have to take themselves. He has also brought her a photo release form that she needs to sign in order for him to use the photo in a Chicago show. Luckily he even included a pen in the bag so that she could sign it for him and maybe even perhaps visit the show so she can see herself being admired by other people. Zoe is getting the best deal out of this Christmas, I feel.

“I forgot that’s what I looked like without a Snapchat filter!”

It takes a small child to remind Matt to stop being such an arsehole and get them to the damn festival already, so he can get there just in time to invite Jessica to stay for Christmas and admit that he is, in fact, an arsehole and is also delaying the crew and everybody else filming this scene who just want to get home to their own families in order to admit this.

Matt: “Look, I know it’s tricky with your career and Vince but… we’ll figure it out. We have to try.”

Me: “OK so… when you thought she was totally, wonderfully, free and available this was all too difficult but now that you think she might have got back together with Vince this is all totally doable and you’re just happy for her to cheat on him or throw him under the tour bus. GREAT! You are definitely a completely reliable man to have around for the rest of her life. That’s just great.”

Jessica and Vince play out their last scene where she was meant to be going back to Hollywood, I presume, but instead ad libs and changes the entire direction of the movie which Vince finds very hard to keep up with. When she asks to run the scene again so they can end it with a kiss instead, Vince exits stage right and allows Matt to step up instead. I really hope they try and edit that into the film. I really do.

When we see a world premiere sign for their new film outside a cinema I am actually hopeful for a second we will get to see it but unfortunately all we get is them walking down the tiny red carpet in Homestead and onto a sleigh. I am more amazed that the place has a cinema at all and that it is casually on a residential street and right next to someone’s house.

And thank god that is over! I really would have preferred to watch the shambles of the film within a film, like that time I wanted to watch the Christmas play in Finding Father Christmas rather than the actual film. But I mean come on… that play had discount Death in it. You can’t argue with a discount version of Death.

If you would like to guess what sort of film Jessica and Barbara managed to produce then head over here. I, however, will be checking what scores I managed to rack up today.


Prediction board – 7.5/12

  • Prediction #1 – we’re not staying here for Christmas, the title alone tells us that (Kim, please, shut the hell up about your ‘Love In Line for Santa book title already!) – This really was more a dig at Kim who I’m still not over than a prediction but still… CORRECT
  • Prediction #2 – The picture of Jessica and Vince is going to come back and bite her in the ass – CORRECT! Although… seeing as it was intentional…. HALF A POINT!
  • Prediction #3 – Matt’s ability to be Mayor will be questioned but the townsfolk will stick up for him – INCORRECT! They didn’t even bother consulting him on most things anyway
  • Prediction #4 – Vince is gonna have to take pointers from Matt about being an innkeeper – Never actually happened… I guess it wasn’t rocket science after all. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #5 – Matt is gonna replace Vince in the film as the innkeeper! – It happened for two seconds people! That means it happened! CORRECT!
  • Prediction #6 – Jessica will fucking hate Sophie like she hates all children – INCORRECT! The woman seriously let me down
  • Prediction #7 – When it matters most Ian will have a conscience because he hates being a reporter anyway – CORRECT! He never did release that picture but he was dumb enough to send it in the first place…
  • Prediction #8 – Side story romance for Zoe and Ian! – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #9 – Ian’s real dream is to just be an actual photographer – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #10 – The photo of Jessica and Matt is getting out either way and Zoe is going to immediately blame Ian for it – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #11 – Sophie will call Gavin for help – INCORRECT! Not even to take her to a single piano lesson
  • Prediction #12 – Ian will make a grand gesture with the photos he has to make Zoe forgive him – CORRECT!


  • Horse and Sleigh: CHECK! They rode the thing all the damn time!
  • Piano: Pianos have once more been demoted for phones and tablets instead
  • Carolling: CHECK
  • Christmas Montage: I presume there is one in Jessica’s movie, but we missed out
  • Fire Hazards: The entire Inn! Finally!
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: CHECK
  • Snowing on cue: I wouldn’t like to say whether that was real snow or move magic so…. nooooo


Slowly crawling my way up my own lonely leaderboard! I realise most of my guesses were about Ian and Zoe but they were far more interesting than the actual main characters this time around.

Maybe we’ll try and avoid the Christmas movie inception feel from now on… It doesn’t work out great.

Christmas Advent #10 – The Spirit of Christmas

So… disclaimer.

I actually caught the second half of this film last year when I tried to do this self-imposed challenge the first time around but it was taking up all my time that I was meant to be spending enjoying my first Christmas in my first own home. However…. what I do remember is the main man in this film was literally the most beautiful person I had ever seen on my TV screen. I mean…. I mean…. So, yeah. When I saw this film rack up again on good ol’ Christmas 24 I was helpless to hit record. I ain’t even gonna delete this one after I’ve watched it.

I can’t possibly comment on the production value of the film because I actually don’t remember it, so prepare for a lot of me being biased here. I also won’t be making any predictions because I already saw how this film ends. At least I’m honest…. Let’s stop stalling! Let’s go see the man!


No big city aerial shots and festive people walking festively around, this time! This time we just got this beautiful man walking around in the woods and snow at night and checking his little pocket watch to see how much more beautiful he has become over the last 10 seconds.

Luckily a house is just in view where an olde worlde party is raring and some woman who might be called Millie or Willie storms out. I hope it’s Willie. She is chased down by another man onto the porch, just in time for our beautiful main guy to have his heart crushed as his presumably girlfriend/fiance/wife happily hugs this other mystery guy.

I really would have just kept walking if I was him and confronted them where it was at least warm and had good lighting. Not only because some unknown figure comes up behind him, smashes him around the back of the head and kills him out there in the woods. Classic woods.

Now we get to see the modern city streets, buried under snow and looking especially festive. That guy’s murder was the pre-opening credits scene. An appetiser, if you will. Not unlike the appetiser Kate probably ate at her fancy dinner date right before the guy she was seeing tells her she’s incapable of love (in so many words). Probably because she’s an attorney. I don’t imagine they have that whole ‘love’ thing down just right.

Kate: “Are you breaking up with me?”

Guy: “Yes…”

Kate: “Oh, thank God! I thought you were proposing.”

Me: “I love her.”

I love her even more when she straight up tells this guy he is right, he is not her priority when she is some sort of super attorney. Kate takes this time to run through all of her ex-boyfriends who have also claimed she is incapable of love simply because the woman refuses to pretend she cares about people when she doesn’t. She then commences to steal this guys food that he wasn’t going to finish anyway.

This incapacity to love is also probably the reason why, the next day, Kate’s boss makes her his first port of call to deal with the recently deceased Henrietta Forsyth’s will. He couldn’t possibly. He’s off to the Bahamas for Christmas. Turned out Henrietta’s main asset is a giant ass house called Hollygrove Inn and, with no heirs, the trust wants this place sold before they get hit with taxes. Before the end of the year. Which is in three weeks.

I swear to God all of the business people too impatient to wait a couple of weeks are herded into one giant pen and just randomly picked out as vague plot points for assorted Christmas films because nowhere else do you find this shit! Our office closes over Christmas. This is why I liked Mark so much! It’s a good job this film has the most beautiful man this side of Christmas in it, I tell ya.

To sweeten this absolute shit sandwich he has just delivered, Kate’s boss hints that he would be happy to put her name forward for a promotion if she manages to pull off the sale of the century but only because the Inn is apparently haunted and all the people they have sent out to appraise it have ran away and refuse to go back. This leaves it up to Kate to meet a Mr Murray on the 12th December and hold his hand while he evaluates the place.

Kate does meet Mr Murray… it just so happens to be as he is running away from the house and speeding off down the driveway. If I was Kate, walking into this house, I would be less worried about the ghosts and more worried about who keeps decorating the place for the festive season.

This is where I get a little confused as some guy pops up claiming he is closing up the Inn for the holiday season. So Henrietta owned the place but… wasn’t around and let this guy run it as an Inn and didn’t inform him when she died the place would just be turned over to a trust and then sold…. I have zero idea how this works but Walter informs Kate they actually close up over Christmas as part of a tradition. A tradition we are not going to question right now because we are reminded that Mr Murray just promptly left the premises.

Daniel the ghost has never harmed anybody but sometimes he does get assertive. I would be so very happy to see Daniel Jacob Forsyth assert himself. Kate is also happy to get assertive and reminds Walter she has a set of keys so despite the fact the Inn has closed until Boxing Day, the staff have gone home and Walter is also leaving within the hour… she will be staying and getting this damn house appraised.

Walter: “Inadvisable.”

Kate: “Because of the ghost? I don’t scare easily.”

Walter: “I’m leaving soon. You will be alone.”

Me: “Yes, thank you for explaining how being alone works again, Walter.”

To be fair, after seeing the picture of Daniel on the fireplace and hearing he was the ghost I think anyone would have been willing to stick it out for the night. Although finding someone else capable of appraising the house and completing the task within 24 hours is very optimistic on Kate’s part.

“Well why didn’t you say he was a ghost!? I love haunted houses! Suddenly.”

Walter bangs on about tradition some more, making it all sound very ominous but without explaining anything whilst Kate looks at him like he is an absolute fucking idiot and she can’t believe someone left him in charge of this place. Good signal at the inn though, Kate is able to phone her boss and let him know Mr Murray is a pussy all before he flies out to the Bahamas that evening. They even have a house alarm she can set!

As soon as the clock strikes midnight Daniel casually strolls into the inn and turns off the burglar alarm which made me laugh. He either hates modern technology or is just corporeal enough to set off the alarms when he passes between zones 1 and 2. He certainly seems corporeal enough when he walks up behind Kate to inform her she is trespassing, only for her to back into a bookcase and have some sort of vase hit her in the back of the head and knock her out. I can’t help feel you probably shouldn’t attorney with a concussion.

I am enjoying that, even now, we have not seen the ghosts face properly despite the fact we saw him at the start of the film and know he is one and the same person. I don’t know if this was meant to create suspense or was included so it would be a big surprise to the not so quick masses when Kate comes upon Daniel playing the piano in the morning and he tells her she really should get the hell out of his house.

Daniel is also corporeal enough to pick Kate up and bodily throw her out of the house because that was actual concussion protocol until very recently. At least he is nice enough to throw a blanket out after her so she won’t die too quickly of exposure out on the porch. I am unsure how Kate managed to call the local police, presumably her phone is stapled to her hand, or why she thinks this man is a trespasser and called the police to deal with him when she heard the ghosts name was Daniel, saw the man in the picture and found out he was Daniel and then saw Daniel.

Does she think the police casually do exorcisms on the side of their regular duties? This woman wants a promotion but can’t put simple pieces of information together? Kate, woman, you’re letting me down!

Kate: “He was here, I swear.”

Sheriff: “Well he was probably some drifter; came in out of the cold and hightailed it out the back when he saw me. I mean, I’ll check around the area, though.”

Kate: “Well he was dressed awfully nice for a drifter. He wore a tie.”

Sheriff: “Well… some do.”

Me: “What kind of high class drifters do you get around here? Oh, do they look exactly like this one? In this picture? Whose name is Daniel and has been dead for Christ knows how many years already!?

It only gets worse when the Sheriff suggests Kate uses the alarm system and she can’t even convincingly say she remembers setting it. Lord, I had such high hopes, too. Freshening up in the bathroom the poor woman almost suffers a heart attack when she finds Daniel standing in the room who has no wish to harm her, he just really wants her to fucking leave so he can be alone. Ironically and literally impossibly, that’s my kind of man.

“I’ll just continue brooding over here. Don’t mind me.”

Unfortunately Kate simply locks herself back into the bathroom with her phone and calls the Sheriff again. He presumes Kate is suffering from concussion, which she might actually be, and jokes it might just be a ghost. I honest to God cannot believe this woman hasn’t figured this out when she looked at a picture of the man twice and heard he was a ghost. There is not being easy to scare and then not being easy to scare because you’re a fucking idiot.

Thankfully Walter comes back just as she is having a revelation, looking at a newspaper clipping on Daniel’s murder, framed and hung up in the hallway alongside a picture of him, WHICH IS EXACTLY THE SAME PICTURE SHE LOOKED AT TWICE ON THE MANTELPIECE IN THE OTHER ROOM ALREADY! Walter, buddy, I’m so glad to see you. I don’t think I can spend another hour and a half with this woman.

Kate: “You knew this would happen when I said I was staying here, didn’t you!?”


Kate tries to prove that Daniel isn’t a ghost by grabbing his arm and waving it around while he’s just trying to eat an apple. Like me and many others he doesn’t seem too impressed by being touched by strange humans.

Daniel has been cursed and technically comes back to life between the hours of midnight 13th December and midnight Christmas Eve. Kate may be shocked and outraged to be told about such things as ghosts and curses but I am more outraged that she thinks there is only a passing resemblance between this guy in front of her and the guy in the photo. I guess that vase hit her a little harder than I first presumed.

In an effort to prove this entire thing to the woman Daniel drags her out to the limits of the garden. I am glad he looks like he’s enjoying fucking with this woman’s mind when he falls backwards and disappears into thin air, only to be waiting for Kate on the stairs with his apple.

Kate: “Grilled cheese? I think if I came back from the dead my first meal would not be a grilled cheese.”

Daniel: “I can hear you.”

Me: “I imagine everyone in the afterlife can hear her, mate, I’d get used to it.”

The man is not big on the chit-chat when he’s trying to eat an entire turkey and I can’t blame him; when she’s not breaking up with people, downing wine and stealing their desserts Kate is actually real fucking annoying. Rather than torment Daniel in his two solid weeks on earth Walter invites Kate for a walk to explain some more about the ghosts past. That is… no one knows why the fuck he keeps coming back but Kate is just annoying and determined enough to try and find out.

Daniel, however, is not willing to waste his time on earth trying to figure this shit out. Especially not with this woman. When he first returned his cousin, Harry, was in charge of the inn but when he says they tried to figure it out I think he’s missing the key fact that the internet didn’t exist back then. I’m also going to presume cousin Harry didn’t put too much effort in to his research.

Daniel wants to move on. Kate wants to sell an inn. LET’S GO PEOPLE!

Walter, bless him, is more concerned that if the inn gets sold and people find out about Daniel (despite the fact it seems everyone knows about the haunted inn anyway) he may become a curiosity and, worse, may never be alone again. This is enough for Daniel to start answering questions but the guy remembers legit nothing about how he died. He does remember returning home from Montreal at the time, though. Hearing how this guy was ‘rum-runner’ during prohibition makes him even more attractive.

To say Walter claimed he had very little to do with Daniel after their first encounter and doesn’t know much about what happened he does mention a brother, Charles, who would happily have sold the place after their parent’s deaths. Luckily, cousin Harry kept the place going while Daniel was out bootlegging in order to get money for Millie, who he met and fell in love with at a party. During this flashback cousin Harry is wearing a decidedly modern jumper compared to everyone else and it’s kinda off-putting.

Wait…. no…. Lilly. Fuck’s. Sake.

Harry founded Go Outdoors during the prohibition

After this very detailed flashback and the fact Daniel outlined this entire story was about a girl Kate has the absolute bollocks to ask if Lilly was his sweetheart. It is honest to god no fucking wonder the man just wants to be left alone for the two weeks of the year he can actually hold a knife and fork to eat with.

As far as Daniel is concerned Lilly betrayed him with his own brother. I don’t remember who murdered the guy but my bets are still with the brother. Now that we’ve opened the floodgates we now have to experience flashback after flashback, including the fact the inn is a big reason Lilly even looked at him twice. Charming.

Seeing as Daniel doesn’t need to sleep Kate’s only concern is that she stays the hell out of her room like a moody teenager. She is also forced to admit the fact she is terribly alone and will probably die that way before encountering a decidedly darker spirit on the way back to her room who likes to whisper from dark rooms and play with the doors ominously.

During even more flashbacks the next morning I have to wonder if they picked much less attractive people to play Daniel’s surrounding family so it makes him look better. There is also something of a family feud in the way Harry was not meant to be telling Charles anything and Charles is disgusted by the fact his brother will be breaking the law and Daniel is disgusted by the fact he follows his girlfriend around like a lost puppy. Tumultuous, I’m telling ya.

Kate, meanwhile, is happy to walk in on Daniel without a shirt on and trying to iron his clothes with a literal turn of the century iron. The man thinks it’s only fair his room should be off limits too which basically just requires Kate to stay out of the attic for the next two weeks. They were not, however, prepared to find Walter and Molly, the Sheriff’s sister, downstairs in the lobby. Molly’s pipes have burst (her physical pipes at her pub, not her mental ones which is the way every other fucker around here is going) and she really needs a place to continue doing business. Logically she thought the inn might be a great place to start looking.

Molly: “If there is any chance you would think about opening the tavern for the holidays I…

Daniel: “No!”

Kate: “What he means… is…. he needs more time to work out the specifics.”

Daniel: “Specifically no.”

Molly: “Hi! I’m Molly, what’s your name?”

Everyone: “……….”

Kate: “DJ.”

Daniel: “It is absolutely not DJ. A ridiculous name if I ever heard such a thing.”

Me: “He’s right. The name Daniel is still real fuckin’ common these days. Also, if Molly is as dumb as you, she will never piece together the news clippings about Daniel’s death and the very clear picture of him and the guy called Daniel who looks exactly like him and walking around the inn in period-style clothes.”

I am at a loss here, people.

Back to our regular scheduling, Daniel wants all of these people out his fucking house. In fact he thinks this might be the worst Christmas since he died.

Not even the lack of staff at the inn is enough persuade Molly and she is willing to bring her own people to work the tavern. Neither is the fact Daniel is slagging off her bartender and claiming he is far better at mixing drinks and will prove it that very night! I am more interested in his drink’s cabinet which I am impressed by but he believes is in deplorable condition. Maybe Daniel and Kate can come and stock our drink’s cabinet… I could live with a festive ghost in return for a steady supply of cocktails. I would also like to know if Kate will be charging this hefty shopping trip to the company’s account…

I do worry that Daniel’s limited cocktail repertoire will let him down and Kate’s boss is more worried that she is at some sort of party instead of selling this inn.

Sheriff: “I said what are your intentions about my sister? She likes you. … I mean, don’t worry, if you don’t like her then that’s fine but just don’t lead her on, OK?”

Me: “That is basically brother poetry.”

Thankfully Walter does like Molly so I hope he comes along soon and stops a) Daniel from letting on he has been here for decades and b) Molly from talking about the scandalous marriage of Charles and Lilly just a month after Daniel died and the baby that came way too quickly and was also probably Daniel’s.

Unfortunately the baby died after a few hours and Lilly died a few days later, the recollection of which causes Daniel to storm away into a quiet room where his inn isn’t being turned into the local watering hole.

Kate: “Why did you storm off like that?”

Me: “…. Really? …. REALLY!?”

To make it even worse Daniel didn’t even know about the baby and how Lilly died. When he returned he forbid his cousin from telling him anything past the fact Lilly had married his brother… if only he’d have stuck in there just a liiiiittle longer! Although the guy had just found out he was dead that year, so… I guess he is sort of forgiven.

In yet another flashback we find out Charles went ahead and told Lilly about Daniel’s planned bootlegging, promised he would be around for Christmas and then went ahead and did it anyway. Kate takes some serious jumps and is happy that at least she didn’t lie to her pregnant fiance, leave her alone, die and then let her die in a loveless marriage shortly afterwards. That would have been a burn if it wasn’t so completely blown out of proportion.

Walter attempts a pep talk but what it really amounts to is telling her she should argue with the ghost some more because he hasn’t had the pleasure for so many years. Wow. What a Christmas. Kate also reveals that she constantly self-sabotages relationships despite the fact Daniel has shown her no interest and continuously tells her to get the hell out of his house. She just goes from one crazy stepping stone to the next, our little attorney, here.

When Daniel returns home later that evening and hallucinates his deceased fiance I can’t imagine the first thing he wants to see in the morning is Kate rocking up with a fuck-off Christmas tree strapped to the roof of her car. Also she is meant to be selling and emptying the building, not bringing the outdoors in. Christ, and don’t even get me started on this whole planting a Christmas tree outside which Kieran is slowly getting behind too. In another seven years I might have my own nursery.

Wondering around the house Kate cannot find the ghost anywhere, presumably to get him to haul this tree off her car, but is instead lured into a room by the much less friendly entity of…. whatever the fuck was standing next to the toilet. She probably just wondered in while the poor ghost was trying to pee and they got understandably pissed off. Luckily Daniel runs in and everything is aaaaaaaaaalright.

Not wanting to stay indoors Kate forces Daniel outside to freeze his ghost butt off and help him figure out who the other ghost in the house is. The one that just wants privacy when they’re in the bathroom. We both apologise to each other just in time to decorate a Christmas tree together and remind each other that one of us hasn’t had a proper Christmas in 95 years and the other is forever alone.

This leads to Kate’s breakthrough that she may actually not even know how to love. She attributes this to her parents divorcing when she was young. Boy, if I listed all the shit I went through when I was young I could attribute so many flaws and crimes I have not committed to that shit. I am missing some sort of trick here, it seems.

Kate makes the incredibly bold promise that even if they can’t send Daniel back to whence he came she will make sure he always has a tree for Christmas. Unless she is planning on buying the inn herself I feel this may be far easier in theory than practice. I suppose, if the new tenants never changed the alarm code, she could just sneak in every year and just set one up overnight.

Daniel, in a bid to keep Kate safe, will be spending the night in her room with her, sitting in a chair and facing the other direction the entire time. She is far less welcoming of this than any person has a right to be but does admit she would buy the inn if she made even half that amount of money. In the night Daniel is roused by some noises downstairs but decides not to go and check out the ghost of his deceased fiance in favour of making sure Kate is properly tucked in. Lilly is gonna be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed.

Walter is alarmed to hear there are two ghosts at the inn and that the suspect list for Daniel’s murder now consists of his brother Charles, Lilly and a gangster called Conrad who he and Harry worked with when he was scurrying around during prohibition bringing great joy to the masses. Like a really rum-y Santa Claus. He quit Conrad’s money making scheme when he realised he was in way over his head and he probably didn’t even like rum that much in the first place.

Daniel conveniently remembers that he left Harry back in Montreal and saw Lilly out on the porch before he was cracked around the back of the head – something he had never remembered before. The time Daniel was gone to Canada is also the exact same time that he rocks back up on earth, able to make pancakes, apparently. Unfortunately some Senator has died back in the city and cut Kate’s boss’ holiday short meaning he also has to cut her ‘holiday’ short, too.

Daniel hands over his pocket watch to remind Kate to come back after dealing with the estate of the dead senator so lovingly and effectively. The thing hasn’t opened since his death and he’s not even sure it can cross the property line without simply disappearing but hey, take it anyway. It’s like the gift that just keeps on failing. (Can confirm pocket watch makes it back to Boston.)

Boss: “So all that time and you didn’t accomplish the one thing that I asked…”

Kate: “Well, I’ve been working with the ghost. Daniel is his name! We’re trying to figure out why he hasn’t crossed over to the other side in hopes that once he actually did I could bring in the appraisers and we could see the darn thing.”

Boss: “Just say you were skiing. There is nice skiing there.”

Kate: “I wasn’t skiing.”

Boss: “That’s a shame. Live a little! But not until after you get the inn appraised.”

Me: “I am getting real mixed messages from this guy. I’m not even sure what her job is anymore…”

Back at the inn, during a riveting game of chess, Walter and Daniel discuss the finer points of dating and what strange creatures women really are. Daniel even goes so far as making another appointment with a terrified looking Mr Murray to appraise the inn. Apparently he did this for Walter but I can’t imagine Walter is too struck on losing his livelihood either… Kate is alarmed to hear Mr Murray even went back but that leaves her with one week to sell the place. Due to the fact she needs to be around for the Christmas Eve party so her boss can announce her promotion she strictly cannot return to that inn. Apparently not even on the weekends. What kind of life is this woman leading?

One morning Daniel is woken up from his sleep on an outdoor concrete bench, that he is draped over like Jack Skellington after his sleigh gets shot down, by Kate playing the piano. The man had the inn appraised simply because it was what she wanted in the first place so Kate feels it is only prudent to share the birth certificate she found for his son who was named after him. As in…. first and middle names. Seeing as she listed Daniel as the father on the certificate at least Lilly was aware that the marriage was merely a cover and Charles probably just experienced something resembling happiness until everything was ripped away from him. Delightful.

Walter and Molly rock up with decorations just in time to interrupt the moment and start setting up the ballroom to host the Christmas Eve dance. It’s a shame we don’t get a terrible decorating montage and instead just switch to the poor angel on top of the tree swaying a bit as so many people stampede around on the floor. At least Kate is kind enough to return Daniel’s watch to him and put it in a tiny gift box like she’s not basically just returning a present. It’s the equivalent of giving your Mom her own tableware set for Christmas. But at least the watch opens now.

“Oh, no, you shouldn’t ha…. oh, you didn’t.”

Seeing as it is Christmas Eve and the man is apt to disappear soon Kate thinks it best to kiss the man now. Unfortunately things aren’t going as well for Walter as Molly is off dancing with some random bloke and having a great time doing it. Unsure of how legal matters work Daniel stipulates that whoever buys the inn has to hold this dance every year. No matter what they turn the building into. That would be interesting to see.

With Walter stealing Molly back from the random guy and Kate being stolen by the Sheriff, Daniel has nothing to do but watch a replay of what happened that fateful night from inside the house. Following Lilly and Charles out to the porch he listens to Charles shit all over him instead of going out to the woods and finding out who killed him. Talking to himself now Daniel comes to the realisation it was his cousin that killed him all along. So much for staying in Montreal, bud.

Daniel chases Harry off into the house, with Kate in tow, where Harry admits he was threatened into killing his cousin and is hanging around the house because he has nowhere else to go. For some reason Lilly is hanging out of a doorway trying to send him a message with facial expressions alone and by god it seems to work! Apparently a little forgiveness is all that was needed, on everyone’s part, because there was just a never ending and viscous cycle of ghosts keeping each other on earth, too afraid to move on.

It’s at this point Kate pulls her sorry, not sorry about Daniel failing to move on after finding out who killed him and she’d rather have a fantastic boyfriend for 12 days of the year than simply wither up and die alone. We are forgetting the imminent sale of the inn, it would appear, but Kate is adamant she will be waiting right there for him next year and all of the following years, too.

Apparently this guy kisses so good women just pass out at his feet. I can live with that.

Although the guy has just left Kate the spiritual gift of being capable of love, and feeling love in return and having Lilly come to pick him up and ship him off to the afterlife he still thinks he might stick around, anyway. I can’t help but feel their relationship wasn’t that grand because she’s pretty cool with letting him stay with this other woman and just disappears at the property line quite casually.

“Shit, Lilly, I can’t cross over. I left the oven on.”

Waking up the next morning and wondering how much she fucking drank last night she takes a call from her boss who is more just impressed she prioritised anything over her work and ain’t even mad she ran off. The good news is that Walter and Molly have joined forces to the buy the inn so at least Kate won’t seem utterly insane when she turns up every year with a Christmas tree.

And neither will it seem strange when Daniel keeps hanging around and walking through the woods to surprise people that he’s still alive. Walking through that snow seems strenuous as fuck and if I was told a part of my acting was to run on snow I would have turned that job straight down.

…. They might also need to take down all those news clippings about how Daniel died 100 years ago or so, too.

Apparently this was meant to be a romantic thriller. Is there… such a thing? I might try writing one. You can catch Daniel’s beautiful face here.


  • Horse and Sleigh: There was basically nothing outside the house
  • Carolling: I don’t think carolling would have gone down well…
  • Christmas Montage: Nope but we did get many a flashback
  • Fire Hazards: You’d have thought they would be more lax about fires back then..
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: HELLA CHECK!!
  • Snowing on cue: It was of no help to us this film


Hey… at least I got a perfect score on predictions, non?

I have already come to terms with the fact none of the other leading men will be as attractive as Daniel. Don’t worry about it. I’m at peace with it. Kinda.

Christmas Advent #9 – 12 Gifts of Christmas

Aaaaalllll byyyyy myyyyyyseeeeeeelf. Prefer to be…. aaaaallll byyyyy MYYYYYYYself oooonce moooooore. 

No really. The house is silent and I can enjoy the brainwashing affects of Christmas films once more; something I discussed yesterday with Mother after she said they were really quite depressing when she was living on her own and the film was trying to convince her she needed a man in her life to make things complete. I informed her that was a crock of shit but she still demands I plant a fir tree in the back garden and hope for the best… Her excuse was ‘but you love trying to save the environment, I thought you’d enjoy saving a tree too.’ Almost caught me out with that too, the friggin cellar goblin.

Anyway, on with the film!


Cue the aerial shot of the city and festive city streets, which really should have been part of our checklist this year, and a shot of a shop window display that looks like the statue of liberty brandishing a turkey leg.

In 2040 the Statue of Liberty will be an interactive attraction which lobs giant turkey legs at passing boats

We see two children running through a shop while two poor women run after them begging them to slow down, their joints can’t take this shit anymore. These kids would rather go see Santa than shop for a gift for their dad with their mom and Aunt Anna. Mom says she is shopping for a gift for their dad but I note she is in the women’s clothing section of the store touching party dresses so hey, who knows, this might be an interesting and open family!!

Anna promises her nieces with hot chocolate for good behaviour and is told by her sister that she really needs to stop spoiling them. No, no, you’re mistaken, that is called bribery. 

Mom: “What about this?”

Anna: “A shirt….”

Mom: “Yeah! It’s the perfect size and I think it will look good on him.”

Anna: “Mhm.”

Mom: “Uh-oh, what is it?”

Anna: “Nothing, I’m just wondering, as a present… what does this say?”

Me: “I want a divorce.”

Anna thinks her sister or maybe sister-in-law can do much better and commandeers this shop heading to destination ‘Frankie’s perfect Christmas present’. Apparently a gift wrapped basket of imported Italian spices will do the trick… They went to Italy on their honeymoon where Frankie took his wife to a million different bistros which made her fat so this year she is bringing the fat to him.

Despite the fact Anna is really good at picking gifts, ie. just pays attention to people, she is having some sort of financial difficulty and still owes her sister rent. Man, if only picking out gifts paid money…

Prediction #1 – At least someone is gonna find their dream career this Christmas

As it turns out Anna’s actual job as an artist isn’t paying any actual money either and nor will it if she is late for her appointment to see Julia at an art gallery inquiring about her first opening. Julia, or at least a woman who never confirmed she wasn’t Julia, doesn’t seem all that struck on hosting someone who is ‘between agents’ at the moment. You know, like respected and established artists.

Prediction #2 – Julia is going to regret this when Anna is much more famous and doesn’t host her work there

Anna feels the only cure for this terrible day would be coffee and almost runs into a man speaking to someone via Bluetooth, which always makes people look insane. As per usual Anna appears to know the staff at the coffee house well enough to have a ‘usual’ order and get freebies for her nieces handed over while meanwhile the business guy behind her is trying to avoid answering a call on the other line from his mother.

This guy is not having the best day and has popped in to find a cake for his assistant’s birthday that he completely forgot and has no idea what she likes. Cue Anna to the rescue which requires her to get very close to the man in order to whisper about ‘off-the-menu samplers’ that Eva never advertises but also somehow sells out of everyday… To entice this man into purchasing from the secret menu Anna shows him her own special cupcakes which is not a euphemism for anything and I kind of wish it was because the actual cupcakes she shows him are standard at best. Maybe he doesn’t get to see many cupcakes in his line of work but he seems impressed enough.

These look like the kind of cupcakes my sister-in-law’s mother tries to make. … They taste like rubber.

Back home Anna is still moaning about the art gallery and her sister suggests she shows some more of her work. You know, like those convenient Christmas pictures she illustrates just for fun and aren’t really art. Love, your actual art clearly isn’t getting you very far right now so maybe try a different definition. This all comes back to your heart being in something again to make it extra special but Anna just wants to be taken seriously in her work, damn it! Even when her sister claims she would love to put up her Christmas artwork in the restaurant if only she would let her.

Oh good christ, if the painting Anna is holding is one of her own then Julia really didn’t miss out on anything by not bothering to look at her portfolio. Her sister isn’t too bothered that Anna is always late on rent because she gets payback in the form of free and constant babysitting. Like that evening.

I love how she’s captured to real angular qualities of the water

At least the restaurant is doing well – it will be catering the Mayor’s annual Christmas party. I presume this is a big deal where nothing can go wrong.

Prediction #3 – by the Christmas party Anna’s work will be up in the restaurant in order to make the party extra special and the Mayor will fall in love with her work, boosting her popularity and qualifications

Back in an office the business guy is again ignoring calls from his mother in order to concentrate on this more thrilling, corporate conference calls. At least his staff are hanging around the office enjoying the cupcakes he brought back for them. A woman does answer the phone and announces the name of this office but I am not even going to attempt to decipher what she just said into that handset. It will only make me mad 40 minutes into the film where it turns out I’ve been writing the entire name.

Luckily some guy called Edward Maxwell rocks up and is able to pronounce the name Mark properly. However he does fuck up the enunciation of some woman who has called them with second thoughts about a digital campaign pitched for next Christmas. NEXT CHRISTMAS! She will be in in 6 days to see what Christmas miracle they have come up with because the fact they have an entire 6 months to dream this up just isn’t enough. NEXT CHRISTMAS!

The silver lining to this entire mess is that Mark doesn’t have to phone his mother back now because he’s far too busy and will be in meetings all day tomorrow. This apparently clashes with an appointment in his calendar labelled ‘Christmas Shopping’ but I am much more intrigued by yesterday’s appointment where he reviewed a Vacuum photo shoot. I bet they were impressed with their campaign…

I think we all know the most important day of the year here

Prediction #4 – Anna will be doing all of his Christmas shopping for him because he is saving a campaign for NEXT CHRISTMAS

I hope he wasn’t meant to be shopping with his mother…

Back with Anna I can confirm she should definitely stick to painting Santa but she has definitely just removed that painting off the easel and put it up on the mantelpiece before some parts of it were completely dry. Unless, of course, she was just sitting in front of that easel for hours, waiting for the exact right moment to sign her initials.

It has come to my attention that people in Christmas films just adore have Christmas trees in the middle of rooms, hallways and landings where you have to fight with them just to get to the other side of the damn house. This ominous as shit tree is behind Anna as she tries to make job hunting even mildly interesting and instead turns to their trusty search engine ‘Thurbble’. I adore that name.

That tree wasn’t there at the beginning of the scene….

Despite thinking a job where you paid to shop didn’t exist she sure does search the term ‘personal shopper’ quickly enough and even gets herself some business cards printed out to put up in Eva’s cafe. She leaves the place just in time to bump into Mark and find out he doesn’t eat sugar. Remarkable.

Prediction #5 – he is picking up her business card so he can be pleasantly surprised and shocked to see her yet again

Although he may not eat sugar he is nice enough to be pick up a dozen assorted muffins for his employees, seeing as they adored being off their faces on buttercream yesterday. And so the business card disappears into his pocket.

None of the people around the table in this meeting seem to even notice the sudden presence of muffins in the room. I don’t care how much the client hated the pitch for NEXT YEAR’s festive campaign because it was too similar to this year’s. You never ignore a free muffin. Again, not a euphemism. Mark is much better at enunciating and the woman who is not happy with NEXT YEAR’S digital campaign is Nina Collins.

Edward pops up later in the day to a) check how the brainstorming is going and b) whether Mark has made a decision on the ‘company Christmas present’ because it’s his turn this year. I am really not sure what a company Christmas present is…. Is it given to the building? The complete hierarchy? Do we all share? Is it just a strange phrase for Christmas party? Oh god, it’s not team building in disguise, is it!?

I can’t tell if Mark really thinks he is capable of pulling this off as well as creating a new pitch in 6 days or whether he just really doesn’t want Edward to hand over his turn to some guy called Terry. Maybe Terry’s idea of a company present is hunting endangered animals or something.

Prediction #6 – is Mark REALLY going to ask Anna to deal with his company present, too!?

With some help from is assistant she informs him the 11th December is too late to order gumball machines and some… kind of balls with the company logo on was done last year. What kind of friggin company presents are these!? Whose turn was it last year!? Was that you, Terry!?

Seeing as the man has been completely ignoring her Mark’s mother turns up at his office in true parent style. Apparently the man has been dodging her for an entire month. That takes some dedication, I gotta give it to him.

Mark’s Mom: “I’m not going to hold you up here. I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I would drop in and say hello.”

Me: “And the real meddling reason she is there in 3….2….1…”

Mark’s Mom: “And I was wondering what you’re doing for Christmas this year.”

Me: “Aaaaaand there it is. Look at those crazy fucking eyes.”


“What do you mean I won’t have grandchildren by Christmas Day in 2 weeks!?”

Mark’s Mom’s crazy eyes may be due to the strange make-up the production team have given her but it really does bring the insanity out in them. Really she just wants her son to spend Christmas with his family and doesn’t he know that his sister and her husband are flying in this year? And on Christmas morning they were all going to go downstairs and open presents together! My God, this woman’s ideas are revolutionary! Get her to work on NEXT YEAR’s Christmas campaign!

All his mother’s visit really does is remind the man he actually needs to buy gifts for all of these persistent people and he quickly phones up Anna to help him the fuck out. Anna almost screws it up herself by cutting the man off when she thinks it might be the Hope Art Gallery instead but saves it just in time to arrange to meet at her sister’s restaurant.

Cue the alarmed reveal and her sister who keeps popping around the side of the Christmas tree to point at the back of Mark’s head and inform Anna of how cute he is during their very. important. business. conversation. Ahem. Anna does at least reveal that Mark is her first client and she is actually a painter but is still trying to make a living from that so this secret can’t come back and bite her in the ass at a later date like they usually do. The woman is getting an amazing 30 quid an hour and Mark has already put in the hard work by setting up a spreadsheet to cover the 13 shopping days left and the 12 people and 12 gifts he still needs.

Now my family is right obsessed with Christmas (if you couldn’t tell) and this isn’t a one gift and done kind of deal. They had really better be extraordinary gifts if you’re only getting one. Like the puppy I really hope to receive next year.

Anna: “A smart watch! Didn’t they just come out?”

Me: “Aren’t they… always just coming out?”

This film came out in 2015, there is really no excuse for her shock. Apparently this gift is for his oldest friend Graham Ainsley and the pair are always trying to top each other each year which is a competition that has been going on since they were roommates in prep school. Back then they were so broke they would just watch sports game and eat instant ramen.

Prediction #7 – Anna is going to get very sentimental with Mark’s gifts this year – looks like it’s instant ramen for you, Graham

Mark sets her the very easy task of buying a smart watch and…. I think this guy is just going to give her an assignment every day. Does he know she has two hands and is capable of carrying more than one bag at a time? He also happily hands over his business and, more importantly, his credit card before taking a call and leaving the restaurant. RUN, ANNA! RUN! You can buy so much before he even realises!!!!

In the tech shop Anna has found herself there are masses of fake Poinsettia’s everywhere. Yesterday Mom bought me a real one because I have about a million houseplants already and can ever say no and god damn it the cellar goblin got me again! Anyway, I took a brief 5 minutes to check out correct Poinsettia care and after deciding I totally got this in the bag I went back to watching Anna try and get a sold out smart watch. The internet, my dear. The internet. That existed back in 2015.

Anna doesn’t seem too concerned by the news that the smart watch is sold out and settles back into the massage chair the tech shop has…. weirdly…. to mull this problem over. It just so happen this chair is facing a TV with a basketball game on and the nostalgic idea I knew she was going to have suddenly springs to mind. This leads her to Mark’s office where she is met with a receptionist who only knows a few lines of speech that she simply recycles to everyone she meets.

Receptionist: “And… who may I ask is calling?”

Me: “She’s… she’s standing right in front of you… Are you going to call up to Mark to tell him you have Anna on line 1 and then try to patch an entire human being through to the 10th floor?”

I don’t know why Anna seems so incredibly nervous to be in the office building – maybe she has an aversion to a polished chrome finish or something. Either way when she gets to Mark she confirms she has Graham’s gift and hands him an envelope that is definitely not a smart watch. I somehow doubt that Anna went into five stores and checked online like she claims and probably just went with the idea she came up with in the first store but that envelope contains two courtside Knicks tickets and a gift certificate for the highest rated ramen restaurant in the city.

I would also like to hire Anna but I fear Mark has given her real high expectations for an hourly wage.

Mark is not as impressed as Anna is with her own gift ideas and is going to take some serious convincing to actually spend time with people this Christmas. He is more bemused that Anna didn’t just do what he asked her to do and used her own initiative and kind of, sort of, maybe fires her while he has a think about all of this. In the meantime his assistant, Sandy, will at least write Anna a cheque for the work she did so really nobody lost anything today and at least she remembers to give him his credit card back. Oh, his name is Marc Rehnquist. EVEN WHEN YOU THINK YOU GET A NAME AS SIMPLE AS MARK RIGHT IT JUST HAS TO BE SPELT DIFFERENT. TELL ME, HOW THE FUCK HAVE THEY DECIDED TO SPELL ANNA? IS IT JUST A SERIES OF FUCKING NUMBERS?!

Anna is quite dejected when she leaves the building but there is nothing much to fear as, on his way to a meeting, Mark asks Sandy to mail out a bunch of papers on his desk. One of which is the envelope to Graham. There is no address on this so I hope she knows what his address is and Graham is aware he can’t open this present until Christmas but… out the door it goes anyway!

Back at home at least Anna’s nieces are complimenting her artist skills and boast that their decorations are always fancier than the other neighbourhood kids. Anna tries to tell them it’s the thought that counts but can’t help being bitter about Mark rejecting her sentimental gift. The next stop on Anna’s journey to world domination is to make a website for herself and so she doesn’t notice the child who is subtly circling her and trying to strangle her with a paper chain.

Anna really should have listened to that psychic that told her Christmas would kill her one day

At his own apartment Mark is working hard and eating… probably ramen from the local Chinese takeaway when who should turn up but Graham to thank him in person! Told you they should have put a note on that letter to say it was a Christmas present… Thankfully he can’t stay long because his wife is in the cab outside so we don’t have to listen to how much he loved the upgraded version of hoops and noodles this year.

Graham: “I mean the TV was cool but I gotta admit… I haven’t even opened it! I already had one!”

Me: “I don’t see a smart watch on that wrist of yours though. You don’t have one of those already.”

Graham is on the way to take his family away over Christmas which really just reminds Mark that he has been avidly avoiding his own for the season but at least he has come around to the idea of sentimental gifts. I would like to see Anna buy meaningful gifts for some nephews the man has probably never even seen before. Her opportunity to do so is fast coming when Mark rings her in the morning and wakes her up to meet him at the cafe/bakery.

I am happy to report that Anna at least wears tights in cold weather even when there is no snow on the ground. I’m looking at you, (). Mark admits that Graham loved his gift and he will no longer question the woman’s instincts but he does need her to help with the company gift that year. When he says he has to buy hundreds of people a gift I’m still unsure whether this is one big gift or a gift each… and how the hell is she going to make these so personal? I guess she could give Sandy a better pen for writing cheques when people get fired.

Anna: “Well, usually I ask people questions but I think I’d look pretty suspicious trawling the halls of your agency asking strangers what they want for Christmas.”

Me: “Why? The company Christmas gift isn’t a secret. They know it’s coming.”

Instead Mark decides to invite Anna to the company Christmas party tomorrow night where she can mingle with his department and get a feel for gift ideas. This of course involves her going as his date to avoid that weird stranger trawling the dance floor feel she was about to start exuding.

Prediction #8 – Mark’s mom is definitely going to hear about this and get very excited

Anna’s sister is nice enough to ditch all of her restaurant responsibilities, by which I mean literally dropping a bunch of napkins she was setting out on tables on the spot, to take Anna on a dress shopping montage where we don’t get to see the winning garment for maximum shock affect that we can experience right alongside Mark when he finally sees her.

There is much mingling going on with cocktails in what appears to be the friggin’ foyer of the building when Anna bursts in and commandeers Mark’s attention. Being very forward she goes right ahead and loosens the man tie so he doesn’t look quite so much like he’s going to pitch a new campaign to the office. Adamant that he can relax he actually does away with the tie completely and trails around after Anna while she canvases his staff who Mark is surprised to find actually have their own lives and interests.

Struggling to find one gift to rule them all, Anna suggests just giving them the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve off. I’m not sure how the major heads of the company will feel about that exactly but we’re about to find out because the very next day Edward brings it up in a meeting which leads to an even bigger meeting to announce the paid week off. Unfortunately, Mark is not so sure he’ll be taking the week off.

Over lunch with Anna and a huge bowl of pasta I am proud of he hands her another cheque with a bonus in it, despite the fact I haven’t seen her buy any other gifts for people… The man even ignores a call from work to keep eating with the woman! He loves his pizza so much he orders five from Anna’s sister to take back to the office with him. This man is heading for employee of the entire season.

Anna is feeling good, she’s paying off all her late rent, she’s being wished Merry Christmas by random people dressed as Santa in the street, she is buying a shirt I distinctly remember her telling her sister not to buy for her own husband and she is even checking out apartment’s for rent. I hate to remind her she currently only has one client and Christmas ends fairly soon… The landlord cares not what she does, only that the rent is on time, something Anna really doesn’t have a long and wonderful history with.

Prediction #9 – at some point in her future, maybe outside of this film, the rent will not be on time

Back in the real world Nina Collins is not so impressed with the pitch for NEXT YEAR that has been delivered to her because they are just not personal enough but she appreciates the hard work. One employee is freaking out that Nina has another meeting with their biggest competitor and they’re all gonna be out of a client but Mark seems pretty calm about it all.

Prediction #10 – Anna will be helping with the damn pitch, as well

Despite not eating sugar Mark turns up at the bakery to get a cupcake and runs into Anna so he can offload all his woes to her.

Anna: “What are you doing here?! Wanna join me?”

Mark: “Well, I think my company’s about to lose a huge client.”

Anna: “Uh-oh.”

Me: “Yeah, that ‘what are you doing here’ question was purely rhetorical.”

Mark: “Yeah, I’ve done hundreds of campaigns over the years but I just don’t know how to give them what they want…. You?”

Me: “Christ, well how is she gonna top that?”

Anna quickly glosses over Mark’s troubles and reveals that she is celebrating finally levelling up as an adult and moving on with her life! That means her art will have to fall at the wayside a little, however, just like Mark’s creative writing degree he decides to tell us all about! A creative writing degree and he still can’t get this pitch right… The man did go from a copywriter in a small agency to where he is now though so I can’t help feeling he is doing something right.

After a chat about each other’s family and how Mark probably won’t spend Christmas with them he decides maybe he really will call his sister that he probably hasn’t spoken to for years. Instead of going back to the office Anna decides to drag the man along with her to get the rest of the gifts from his list. I have mixed feelings about this because she either hasn’t been buying any this whole time or has just brought whatever was on the list which really defeats the whole point of her making him look amazing to all of his family and friends.

Mark: “Wasn’t the whole point of me hiring someone was so I didn’t have to go shopping?”

Anna: “Oh, come on, no ones going to miss you for one hour, are they?”

Me: “Harsh.”

Cue a shopping montage where Mark remembers what it is to not be in the office and also take many samples off some poor woman in the shop. I’m not sure what the samples are of, considering she is standing in the candle section but Mark and Anna seem to be enjoying them.

Even though Anna clearly points out the fact that they have now brought presents for everyone on Mark’s list when she asks what is next and Mark responds with the very clear fact they appear to be finished…. she looks stunned. At least the man is willing to leave a review on her website whenever the hell she gets that set up. If I was her I’d be more worried how I’m going to pay my first month’s rent. Maybe she can offer to babysit the landlord’s kids for free, too.

Seeing as the pair are awkwardly parting ways and we are only halfway through the film I really don’t know where we can go from here. We could very easily wrap this film up in the next 20 minutes with Mark’s change of Christmas spirit but I guess…. we’re here for the entire ride now.

I am happy to see that Anna appears to still be living at home with only 8 days until Christmas and rather than answer her sister’s questions about whether she’s so sad because she doesn’t get to talk to Mark anymore she goes and colours with her nieces instead. Well, she colours with one of them. The older one is dealing with green beans or something.

The Mayor’s annual Christmas meal is still taking up all of Anna’s sister’s time so she asks if she can babysit both that evening and on Sunday 21st. This date is so specific I can’t help but feel…

Prediction #11 – Mark is going to need her on 21st December and the kids are just going to have to come along with her

Back at his apartment Mark is setting up the hideous, fake white tree they brought for him whilst shopping and declares Anna wins before calling his sister. Yvonne, I think, happens to be standing next to their mother when she takes the call and that woman is looking at that phone like ‘Why the fuck is he calling you and not me?’. If he doesn’t ask for her to put Mom on the phone he is going to pay dearly for this…

Instead he arranges to meet his sister for lunch the next day and she is more worried that there is something in the water around here. The mention of his nephews just wanting to see Uncle Mark over Christmas would have me running for the hills and in all fairness he’s still not completely set on the idea either. When invited to go skating that Saturday he immediately asks if he can bring a friend along…

This leads to a strange scene where Mark rocks up at her house where she conveniently forgot to tell him she lived in her sister’s basement and before he got down the stairs she was hiding coffee mugs behind cushions. His voice really carries when he shouts though, she heard him calling her from up the stairs and across the room perfectly. He is also very impressed by all of Anna’s paintings that she has hung up around the place. I would be likely to warn him not to touch them because they’re probably all still wet when she hung them up there.

Anna is delighted that Mark will actually be spending time with his family this Christmas and will be adding a few extra gifts to the list for his family. I guess it’s harder to only give them a single gift you didn’t really put much thought into when you’re face to face with them.. He also invites Anna to skating despite the fact I don’t think she can. This should be interesting.

Eric, Yvonne, Jackson and Cooper all meet Anna, his FRIEND before she basically adopts the youngest child and leads him off into the rink to find her some skates. It shocks me that these people are always so comfortable around children… especially children on very sharp blades. I went skating once and it was the worst experience ever. I can’t even walk in a straight line, I don’t know why I thought skating was going to be a good idea.

Anna takes the chance to canvas Yvonne on what she wants for Christmas but it’s the pretty simple desire to have the entire family together for the season. At this point, unless Mark suffers a crisis of faith, it’s a done deal. Yvonne is even nice enough to suggest a hot chocolate break 2 seconds after getting on the ice so she can remove her kids from pestering their uncle and Mark can safely lead Anna around the rink without falling on her ass.

Prediction #12 – Mark will be tempted to stick with work this Christmas rather than his family but will turn up at the last minute

When his mom calls again the next day he’s going to wish he was still ignoring her calls.

Mark’s Mom: “I know how busy you are so I’ll cut right to the chase.”

Mark: “I appreciate that.”

Mark’s Mom: “I was chatting with your sister this morning and she said me you brought a… friend to the ice rink.”

Me: “She said she would cut right to the chase, not that it would be a short conversation.”

Mark’s Mom is inviting Anna to Sunday dinner at 6 that evening and has already made her mind up that that is happening before the man can answer or find out what the fuck Anna had planned. I hope she cooked enough for two extra kids she wasn’t expecting…

Anna is more excited she will have chance to find out what everyone wants for Christmas on the 21st! of December! and completely forgets it was the Mayor’s party tonight and she was supposed to be babysitting. I can’t tell if she tries to guilt her sister into letting this one slide but her sister is out that door and not having a second of it.

Anna: “Mark, hi. It’s Anna. I’m sorry to have to cancel at the very last second but I messed up. I forgot I had to babysit my nieces tonight.”

Mark: “Well that’s OK, why don’t we just bring them?”

Anna: “Really?”

Mark: “Yes. My mom loves kids plus they can hang out with the boys.”

Me: “Would have been awkward if you were using that as an excuse to get out of dinner…”

I also hope Anna remembered to take the lasagne her sister had left for them in the oven because Mark has come to pick them up and it’s time to go. Mark has even brought her a hideous necklace Anna saw whilst shopping that she just really loved which at least is sweet of him and I have decided he is one of the least annoying men out of the tragic 9 we have met already.

They get to drive down a street with some manic Christmas decorations up which reminds me of a small village just down the road from us where they all decorate their houses and allow people to come and walk around and check them out and even give donations if they feel like it. It’s the closest we’ll ever get to a living Christmas film. However, unlike Mark, I did not grow up in what looks like the honest to god biggest house on earth but at least the kid’s look impressed by it.

Before entering the house Anna reminds them to be polite and on their best behaviour so I can only hope one of them tells Mark’s mom to pass the fucking potatoes at the dinner table. When asking how Mark and Anna met Mark decides to tell his mother they definitely met when he hired her to help around the office and distracts them by mentioning how great she is at painting. Mark’s Dad is trying to get his camera to work so he can take pictures of the entire family and it looks like he might be getting a new camera for Christmas.

All his mom wants, like his sister, is for the whole family to be together at Christmas and points out a portrait painted of them the last time they were all together before Mark went off to prep school. Now. If I can get screenshots of nothing else from this film I promise I will get you a screenshot of this. I had to pause the film and laugh for 2 minutes straight because this portrait is the gift that just keeps giving. I can’t… they have to see that every day. Who the fuck are these people. I need that thing as my screensaver on every single device I own.


Mark: “Oh, don’t look at that.”

Me: “No, really, please, don’t fucking look at that.”

Anna: “But you look so cute.”

Me: “I can’t breathe.”

We are thankfully saved by the bell to signify the roast is done and we can all hopefully sit in a different room. I can’t decide whether Anna is looking at the portrait so much because she has a fantastic idea or she’s just keeping one eye on the painting in case they jump out of the fucking thing and come for her throat.

Prediction #13 – Anna is going to paint them a much better fucking portrait

At the end of the night Anna is pleased to hear the entire family love her but kissing her at this point would be a logistically difficult as at any point one of them is carrying the youngest niece. Isn’t that convenient. You know they can’t kiss until after some amount of strain has been put on their relationship.

After a delightful conversation with her sister where Anna admits Mark really ain’t so bad Mark turns up at his office to find Nina waiting for him with Edward. She is there to give Mark and his company a last chance to run their campaign for NEXT YEAR and just produce something special that gives them the feels.

Prediction #14 – not wanting to take away this holiday from all his staff Mark takes the blow and may have to work through his Christmas

He seems to have had a brainwave already, which is nice, and rocks up at Anna’s sisters restaurant asking for a favour. Back in yet another meeting Mark announces his revolutionary idea… it’s basically just a painting of Anna’s in a power point presentation where I have just realised Santa’s Christmas list is basically defying gravity and that’s probably why his staff don’t have the most convinced looks on their faces either.

Anna is just signing her name away on a picture we haven’t seen but is definitely a family portrait for Mark and despite the fact she has only seen their faces for one evening they will probably look a lot better than the portrait they currently have WHEN Mark shows up. Quickly throwing something over this portrait she accepts his gift of roses and prepares for this whole conversation to go downhill when he asks for her Christmas paintings and she reminds him they are just for fun and she wants to be a serious artist.

Mark: “I think you and I make a great team.”

Me: “Oh no. You have started this all wrong for what I know you are about to suggest.”

Anna: “So do I.”

Mark: “Which gave me a great idea. I think it’s time that you and I work on something a lot bigger than my Christmas gifts.”

Me: “You do not bring roses to a business pitch and change the woman’s portrait so Santa is holding a laptop.”

I could not face palm hard enough at the image of Santa holding a laptop and even if it wasn’t for the fact that Anna clearly specified she painted these things for herself I would have been outraged that he had altered my portrait so hideously. And here comes the turning moment where Anna realises Mark really is just bothered about profit margins and Mark is really bemused why Anna can’t be a serious artist while painting Santa. I mean… logistically it would be fantastic. You could relax and spend all year just painting for the one season….

This picture is completely unrealistic. Santa is way too old to know how to work an Excel spreadsheet

Anyway. Anna is very sad and decides this would be a great time to call up about that apartment and check if it’s still available because your sister’s basement is just not enough room to be sad inside. In the office Sandy wonders if she still needs to post Anna’s new contract that Mark had drafted up without checking with anyone and serves to remind him he actually doesn’t have all of his family’s extra gifts.

Anna’s Sister: “It’s Christmas Eve. Are you really leaving? Do you have somewhere to go?”

Me: “Nah, thought I’d just pack all my shit up and go camp out on the lawn for the night.”

Anna’s feeling of betrayal has spilled over to her sister for handing her paintings over to Mark and is packing up all of her shit ready to move out after Christmas. I would have gotten over that betrayal pretty quick when considering the ability to pay rent late with no fuss.

Anna finds the incomplete check list of Mark’s extra gifts and weighs up whether to ring the man or not and tell him what he should be buying with his last few free shopping days. Mark still turns up bright and early with gifts and is met by his nephews at his mother’s house so she has much time to question him about his life choices.

Mark’s Mom: “I was hoping we might see Anna today. She’s such a lovely girl, so talented too.”

Mark: “Yeah.”

Mark’s Mom: “What’s she doing for the holiday?”

Me: “Planning my death, probably.”

Prediction #15 – Mark’s Mom is hunting Anna down and dragging her out that basement with her portrait

Anna is looking incredibly bitter while Christmas mayhem goes on around her and keeps looking at all the gifts with this weird, simpering expression that would be best slapped off her face.

“Yes but suffered heartbreak and betrayal this Christmas.”

Anna’s Sister: “Come on, you don’t think I know when you’re pretending to have a good time?”

Me: “That was her trying!?”

Anna’s sister gives her the pep-talk of a lifetime about her art, her heart and her damn love life. This inspirational speech has Anna running off to see Mark and skipping out on Christmas dinner so this had better be good and I hope this means she will continue to live in the basement and not pay extortionate rent rates with the money she does not have.

Even at gift giving time in Mark’s house his mother is commenting about how they’re not all quite together as a family, like Anna was already part of this strange clan with a really nice house. I guess nothing is quite good enough, is it Mother?

Both Mark and Anna agree they were both wrong and both right and both overreacted which brings us to an even playing field that you could at least hope to build the stable foundations of a relationship on. Even from a completely different room his mother is meddling and interrupting their first kiss when she calls out to them.

Mark’s Mom: “Mark! Anna! Come see!”

Me: “Anna has been looking at that portrait for days. You’re calling her in like this will be a big surprise for her.”

I am going to presume they used a filter on a photograph of the family to make this portrait so I don’t know why they couldn’t have grabbed four random people and done the same for the original portrait. Or they just wanted it to look extra terrible so Anna’s would look extra amazing.

“I guess we could… paint Anna in inside the tree or something?”

In full Mom mode now Mark’s mom states the portrait isn’t quite perfect because Anna isn’t in it. Like the woman would presumptuously paint herself into the scene of her bosses family like some crazed stalker who lives in her sister’s basement and paints pictures of Santa Claus all year round. I mean.. despite all those flaws she is still being invited to stay for dinner and to stick around for a few more Christmas’ yet.

Mark quickly takes the chance while his mother is in the other room busy with dinner to kiss the woman because isn’t she just the greatest Christmas gift he ever received. Going to be a bit difficult buying him something next year at this rate.

But that’s a wrap people! I didn’t even mind this film. Other than the very expected paddy that Anna threw when Mark butchered her painting of Santa there wasn’t any outlandish character flaws or whinging or completely illogical choices. I liked it!

Seriously, maybe actually take the time to give this one a go here. Unfortunately, I can only find that link to a tiny ass screen and some real weird voice overs on everyone. Mark doesn’t usually sound like Andre the Giant, I swear….


Prediction board – 8/15

  • Prediction #1 – At least someone is gonna find their dream career this Christmas – CORRECT
  • Prediction #2 – Julia is going to regret not hosting Anna’s work when she is famous and doesn’t want to know – Unless there is a sequel we will never know… INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #3 – by the Christmas party Anna’s work will be up in the restaurant and the Mayor will fall in love with her work, boosting her popularity and qualifications – I mean… her work was actually up in the restaurant anyway but it was not the Christmas paintings, as predicted. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #4 – Anna will be doing all of Mark’s Christmas shopping for him because he is saving a campaign for NEXT CHRISTMAS – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #5 – Mark will pick up Anna’s business card so he can be pleasantly surprised and shocked to see her yet again – Easy one. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #6 – is Mark REALLY going to ask Anna to deal with his company present, too!? – Yes… Yes he is. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #7 – Anna is going to get very sentimental with Mark’s gifts this year – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #8 – Mark’s mom will hear he had a date for the office Christmas party and get very excited – Apparently no one gossips anymore. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #9 – at some point in Anna’s future, maybe outside of this film, the rent will not be on time – I’m giving myself this one. Ya know why? Because she’s still in that basement! CORRECT!
  • Prediction #10 – Anna will be helping with the damn pitch, as well – In a round-about way…. yes, she did, but it wasn’t intentional so INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #11 – Mark is going to need Anna on 21st December and the kids are just going to have to come along with her – So very, very CORRECT!
  • Prediction #12 – Mark will be tempted to stick with work this Christmas rather than his family but will turn up at the last minute – The temptation really wasn’t that strong after he smashed that pitch with Santa on a laptop. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #13 – Anna is going to paint them a much better fucking portrait – Thank fucking god this was CORRECT!
  • Prediction #14 – Not wanting to take away this holiday from all his staff Mark takes the blow and may have to work through his Christmas – I think he would of, ya know… but he didn’t. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #15 – Mark’s Mom is hunting Anna down and dragging her out that basement with her portrait – Anna pulled herself out of that basement. INCORRECT!


  • Horse and Sleigh: Not in the city, puh-lease
  • Piano: I am very sure they have all been burnt for kindling at this point
  • Carolling: Nada
  • Christmas Montage: We were even treated to a good ol’ 90’s fashion montage today!
  • Fire Hazards: Other than the fact the woman painted in a basement… not that bad
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: Everyone was alive god damn it! EVERYONE!
  • Snowing on cue: The weather was not playing ball this time


I am… mildly happy with that score! This wasn’t even toooooo bad of a film – not compared to some of the train wrecks we have already witnessed, anyway. I’d be happy to see more well-portioned food knocking around the place though and we never did find out what happened to that lasagne in the oven…

Before I shed a tear of possibly wasted lasagne let’s get out of here! Until tomorrow!

Christmas Advent #8 – The Mistletoe Inn

Today we have a special guest! MMMMMMOM! Unfortunately she watched a Christmas film before she rocked up to my house yesterday and all through this film she kept telling me how great the film she watched yesterday was instead, even if there were Christians in it. She spent this film sitting in the corner, knitting and, for the most part, just shouting about how much she hated Garth.


Our film starts with the comfortable standard: festive streets, festive people doing shopping, everyone happy, jingling bells and one very determined looking woman. I am going to make it a goal of mine to find a film where the guy is the main character. That went so well for () on Day 1. He ended up joining a cult.

Our very determined looking woman is on the phone to her father asking if they can change that dinner arrangement to a dessert arrangement instead because she is late for book reading with Garth. Garth certainly wasn’t expecting her to show up to this author’s reading at the local bookshop. Not after he’d left her that letter in an envelope, anyway… Luckily our woman, Kim, has brought it with her so she can read it in public! Kim is quite excited to read the new chapter pages Garth had left her in an envelope so pulls them out and gets right to it. She’s even impressed with his use of adjectives… the one’s he has used to break up with her via note.

I can’t tell, when Kim proclaims she cannot believe what he has done, whether the other people at the reading turn around because she is interrupting the reading and being too loud or because they definitely want to hear more about this breakup. I would have fallen firmly into the latter group, especially when the woman looks as naturally neurotic as she does.

Garth, apparently, is getting very serious with his writing these days and is starting to contact publishers and agents to get his work out there. I hope he’s prepared to suffer months if not years of rejection letters and all of that hard work definitely not paying off…. He seems very optimistic about himself. He mentions something about his blog ‘A Dash of Romance’ which sounds incredibly boring and like that doesn’t exactly mean he is qualified to write an entire novel. What bothers Garth the most is that, in the two years they have been together, Kim has never once shown him any of her writing where as he is about to take the next step in his career.

This is not how he pictured a relationship with a fellow romance writer to be and he really needs to find someone much more serious in their writing if he going to continue in this life.

Garth: “I just… need to be with a serious writer, right now.”

Mom: “Oh, that was pathetic! What a weird man!”

Mom just loves Garth.

I miss much of what is said in the next scene when Kim rocks up to her Dad’s house due to the high-pitched squealing falling out of my face. The dad had a Leonberger! It is literally my dream dog but Kieran likes clean carpets too much and Leonbergers love mud and water too much and I would love the dog too much to stop it diving straight in! Oh, and they’re like the size and weight of a grown ass man. That too.

I dial it down just in time to hear Kim moaning how she is single again just in time for Christmas and me and Mom listing all the things about Christmas which are even better when you’re single. It mostly amounted to never having to share your food or wine but also saving money on presents. Kim is even icing gingerbread men with miserable little faces now. I can’t help but feel getting rid of Garth should have led to some sort of dinner party.

Dad: “I never liked Garth, anyway. What was his lame excuse?”

Mom: “He gets it.”

Kim vows to finish off her romance novel and show it off to anyone with eyes just to spite Garth, which I don’t think is the best motivation to complete a book but enough to get the job done. Fuck Garth. Who even is Garth, anyway? Dad does some standard Dadding and promises things will be better in the morning, however I beg to differ if Kim is going to stay up all night reading Christmas-themed romance novels to remind her of the relationship she no longer has and looking at a picture of her presumably deceased mother to remind her of the parent she no longer has. Why do people keep these family photos next to the bed where you have to be reminded constantly at your most vulnerable?!

The author of her festive read is H. G or J. Cowell (I’m sure the book said J but she said G so….) and Kim wonders what he is doing at that very moment. Probably enjoying life as a successful novelist who will never have the misfortune of dating Garth.

Kim appears to work at some sort of car dealership as the woman you have to go and see if you have sold a car so she can put another little X next to your name and see how you’re doing in this competition to… win a trip to Aruba?! What friggin’ car dealership is sending employees to Aruba if they sell the most cars? What if only one car is sold? They still technically sold the most. I have many questions about this set up but Kim has decided she will treat herself this Christmas with a ticket to a romance writing workshop in Vermont. Held only 5 days before Christmas it’s the perfect time to remove yourself from your family and responsibilities and concentrate on your pipe dream instead.

Either way the Dad seems cool with the idea of the workshop and is overjoyed Kim might actually be considering showing her damn work to someone. They are out picking a Christmas tree which just sparks Mom off again about how great that other film was that she watched and how they didn’t believe in killing the trees so decorated the ones outside…

Dad – “No, this one is too short.”

Mom: “He’s fussy like me.”

Dad – “That one is more like a Christmas shrub.”

Mom – “Yep! He ain’t wrong…. but those ones for 20 quid at Asda…”

Me – “Mother! I am not going to go and buy a tree and then dig a hole in the garden and plant it at 2pm in the afternoon in late November so you can start a festive tradition in my garden! No!”

Predictions are not a thing when you have Mom hanging around, shouting about how much she hates Garth and how easy it would be to dig a small hole in the garden… she does occasionally gift us with wisdom though. Especially when Kim’s Dad asks if she will really be home in time for Christmas, what with these Christmas blizzards which often whip up and leave people stranded with potential future spouses.

Mom Prediction #1 – “Of course she will. With a new man in tow!”

Gotta give it to her, she’s good with her predictions!

Kim has just rocked up at the writer’s retreat when some guy barrels past, running through her luggage and popping open a case. He doesn’t seem phased in the slightest that this woman has bought Christmas decorations with her. I mean… legit Christmas decorations. Including an entire string of lights. This guy, helping to pick up what looks like the Grinch’s loot after he stole Christmas, is Zeke and is also here to attend the workshop. He is taking part despite apparently already having a publisher and getting a book signed…. probably just a leaflet or something. He also works on a typewriter which gets all of the thumbs up from me. Man, I would love a typewriter.

My Nan used to have one that even had a predictably creepy key that would sometimes print and sometimes not. God only knows where she has squirrelled that away.

Zeke: “Do people still use these as alarm clocks?”

Kim: “It’s a white noise machine! It keeps me calm while I’m writing.”

Zeke: “I’ve only just met you but I’m already having a hard time picturing you calm.”

Me: “Call the burns unit.”

Mom: “Why?”

Me: “It’s a sick bur…. nevermind.”

Some woman called Samantha rocks up and starts telling Kim about the schedule and that the author H. G. Cowell will be speaking at some point to everyone there. Unfortunately Mom distracted me real bad by looking around my living room and deciding how we will decorate it this year. I watched a lot of my metaphorical money being shot out of a money gun being controlled by Mom.

Me: “Wait! What is she wearing!?”

Mom: “Oh God…”

Kim: “What happened? I thought we were meant to come dressed as our favourite literary character?”

Samantha: “Oh, no, they sent an email around cancelling that.”

Me: “Who the absolute fuck is her favourite character?”

At a cocktail party that evening Kim has graced us with her presence, kitted out in some weird white, Victorian looking hideous lace dress and a necklace with… Christmas presents on it. She is…. something. It’s fine though because Samantha is more than happy to go and get them some festive, literary themed cocktails. Me and Mom decide we would both like to attend a writing workshop and luckily the promise of a cocktail gets Kim through a short conversation with Zeke where he is quite bemused by her outfit.

Mom is so distracting I am actually shocked to see Garth at this little retreat and Mom happily reminds us that he is a massive prick. He keeps banging on about the famous author reading his work because there is actually a competition and the best people will have manuscripts read by the author before he picks one. Kim is kinda pissed off about how far Garth has managed to crawl up into this author’s colon because she was the first one who had invited him into the rectal passage in the first place. Zeke comes back to announce he fully understands Kim outfit (I’m glad someone does) and she has come dressed as The Ghost of Christmas Present! Mother now adores Zeke not only for this revelation but also the fact Garth hasn’t written his little name tag out very well and Zeke thinks his name is Garn. Look….  if that’s all it takes to win my mother’s love she should stick around and watch me struggle with American’s pronunciations during the week.

Some woman called Luann rocks up who looks to be an old hand at the writer’s workshop scene but is here purely to see the elusive H. G. Cowell who apparently no one has ever seen! Everybody is obsessed with this author because he just truly understands women and I’m starting to feel many of these women don’t actually care about writing… Either way Zeke thinks he can do better. When questioned by Luann it appears that Zeke is published but not published and his editor may be ripping his work to pieces but it will be out soon regardless. I’m unsure…. I adore writing but so far all these people are just fucking awful. Except for whichever person is standing behind that bar and making those cocktails.

Garth manages to chase Kim down and takes his glasses off to show us all his weird little shrew eyes. He’s also apparently sexist but Kim has announced this mother fucking competition is ON and she is taking Garth down. I presume that is why Kim is up so early in the morning to go jogging, helping people who have dropped presents and looking severely jolly before she slips majestically on some ice right in front of Zeke, inside a coffee shop, who comes out to help.

It turns out Kim would rather go back to the hotel and die of embarrassment alone rather than over coffee with the man so just concentrates on getting ready for their first day at the workshop instead, led diligently by Samantha who knows all and lead her off to a giant Christmas tree in the middle of the dining room. Bit inconvenient.

Samantha: “See this partridge in a pear tree thing?”

Kim: “I thought that was a quail.”

Samantha: “Well a partridge is just a quail with a better publicist.”

Me: “Let that be a lesson to us all….”

People have to pick a random, well publicised quail ornament off the tree and open the little piece of paper it’s holding. This tells them which group they will belong in for the rest of the workshop where they are paired up with a writing partner and have to complete daily assignments and attend various seminars. Me and Mom both quickly decide we do not want to attend a writing workshop anymore. It was of no surprise to anybody, except Mom, that Garth is also in Kim’s group. He teams up with the monster Luann without fuss but unfortunately Group C has odd numbers and Kim is left partnerless. Well, that sure wasn’t going to sit right with a Christmas film and Zeke pops up because his own group was too full and he was moved over here, just in time to be paired up with Kim.

Fortunately the woman in charge of their group already knows that Garth is a criticising prick as soon as look at him and let’s the entire group know that harsh and unproductive criticism will not be tolerated. While everyone else is getting to work Zeke and Kim take part in a strange game of pass the notebooks until they finally just fall on the floor.

As it turned out, earlier in the film Kim actually said whale noise, not white noise. I was mighty confused to hear the warbling whale song coming out of that tiny speaker… until it was cut off by the literal hammering of Zeke on his typewriter across the corridor.

Kim: “I’m trying to write.”

Zeke: “Yeeeeah, me too.”

Kim: “Oh, really? Because it sounds like you’re trying to send morse code down the hallway.”

Me: “He is. He is desperately asking for help to get away from you.”

Zeke is merely distracted by Kim’s fully decorated hotel room over her shoulder and that explains all the Christmas decorations she had stowed away in her luggage. He also notes the fact they are arguing below a sprig of mistletoe so I am not surprised to see him immediately run off to Kim’s room to remove himself from that potential hideous situation. He has also ran off to check out what she’s been writing: two people meet in a line to meet Santa. Kim’s imaginative title is…. Love In Line To Meet Santa. Christ on a bike. Kim thinks this is a fucking wonderful title and is pissed that Zeke should even suggest it was too obvious and not catchy enough.

At dinner with Samantha her friend thinks she has spotted the elusive author because the man is wearing tweed just like many of the men from his stories! Thank God this retreat wasn’t based out in the English countryside… I can’t help thinking if he was really that elusive he wouldn’t be casually sitting at dinner and talking to people. Kim pulls out some of Zeke’s pages for an assignment they have had to share with each other and is alarmed to find he has written that time she tripped on ice into his assignment. For some reason she is mighty pissed about this, despite the fact no one else knows, and thinks she has the rights to that scene which is technically public domain. When she chases Zeke down to scream all of this at him he is more delighted to have her assignment and discover she took his advice and changed the title. All this scene does is cement the fact this woman is a fucking annoyance into our brains and that someone really needs to save Zeke before he gets into this too far.

Their group mentor pops out to let Kim know that she actually won this first round of assignments, despite the fact she used the ol’ ‘oh no, he has children but later they just turn out to be nieces and nephews and we could have been together this entire time’ and everyone thinks this is the greatest plot twist they have ever read. Clearly none of them have ever sat around and watched Christmas24 all winter.

Garth turns up to painfully congratulate his ex-girlfriend but even when asking when she came up with this completely original story he quickly tires to hear some childhood memory she had of standing in line with her parents to meet Santa. Wanting to gossip some more with her friend Samantha comes and shoos shrew-eyed Garth away before he can waste any more of the oxygen in the foyer.

Mom’s Prediction #2 – Samantha is actually H. G. Cowell

I love this woman. I think she just loves anyone who hates Garth. She also believes that the author’s new book will be about Zeke and Kim’s romance that they discover at a romance writers convention

We are subjected to more scenes where Kim is completely resistant to feedback so I can’t help feel writing is really not the path for her… Zeke, however, has no qualms with opening up about anything and that includes the dry patch he is currently experiencing ahead of his latest book contract. Oh lord, now Mom thinks the author might be him, too. The author might be everyone, now. Except Garth.

The next morning Zeke rocks up at breakfast to suggest Kim does not go to their planned seminar ‘How Not To Get An Agent’. According to Zeke, the woman who presents that seminar is a dream crusher. It’s certainly not the plain honesty that it’s as difficult as fuck to get published or get an agent. No. It’s crushing dreams. In all fairness, knowing Kim’s disposition, it’s probably best she does avoid the seminar before she goes out and tries to break her neck on another patch of ice.

Zeke says he can cover all this shit better than that woman in the seminar and instead they go out and look at some snowmen Zeke built for this very occasion. He has even put  accessories on them from the lost and found and at this point alarm bells would be ringing in my mind because this man had been planning out the part where he gets me alone in the woods with only two snowmen has a witness to my murder. Sorry, snow-ma’ams. One snow-ma’am is the dream crusher from the seminar and the other is just the type of person Kim needs around her constantly to tell her everything will be OK.

So as it did turn out Zeke is a fucking maniac who drinks far too much coffee but he should definitely be writing children’s books because his ad lib is adorable. By the time they get back to the workshop, completely unmurdered, Samantha is just walking across the lobby after escaping the seminar which should be renamed ‘How To Never Feel Inspired Again’. Garth is the only person who is taking notes on how to crush his own dreams. Or at least Kim’s.

For their next assignment – something to do with a romantic dinner scene – Samantha thinks it would be a great idea to actually go for a romantic dinner and proposes they all go and do just that. For research, purely. Well… until she sees the guy in tweed wander past and thinks she would have a better time stalking him around the resort instead but demands that Kim and Zeke still go for a dinner that they never planned.

Zeke: “You look great.”

Me: “She looks exactly how she has looked this entire time but just wearing a dress.”

So off the pair go to dinner with Garth watching them with his tiny shrew eyes. I feel they should have been talking about their writing the entire dinner and not just after the food had gone. They think it’s perfectly acceptable to work over the dessert course which is just sacrilege. Desserts are meant for shovelling, not discussing business over. Kim zig-zags around the questions about herself like someone avoiding sniper fire because she still has issues with sharing anything so it’s completely out of character when she opens up to Zeke about her book : a woman finds herself single before Christmas after a string of failed relationships when she meets a guy who agrees to pretend to be together so they can get through the holidays. Wow.

Her deceased mother inspired her because she used to write offbeat short stories for some local newsletter but she died at Christmas a few years ago. Just tragic. Her mom read every word Kim ever wrote but since she died… nah thanks. Zeke on the other hand thinks all literature is romance because the human heart is a canvas. Just tragic. He used to have a wife and when things were good so was his writing and pay cheques but when the divorce came all he got in the settlement was writer’s block. Now he just spends his time going to conferences in the hope something will inspire him.

Honestly this entire film is just Mom switching between either Samantha or Zeke being the actual author based on every tiny thing they say.

Kim thinks a little literary exercise will help and wants to know what the most romantic detail of the entire restaurant is. I would say whatever pudding the person on the next table is eating but he goes with how shiny a spoon is because apparently it reflects just a hint of candlelight in her eyes. Those alarm bells are ringing again… Having failed to run for her life back at the restaurant the two are strolling past some carollers in a bandstand when Zeke asks what the fuck the deal with Garth is, anyway. Other than the fact he is a peacock at parties and likes to put everyone else down that’s just his usual temperament, unfortunately.

Zeke is correct in the fact if Kim wants to grow it means taking criticism sometimes but I can’t help feel he is wrong when he claims this also means standing still while people pelt snowballs at her. Which he does. The woman is wearing a very bad choice of heels and her feet are gonna straight up drop off if she spends any more time outside but instead she stands there while Zeke throws a snowball at her for every mistake she made in her last assignment, like using too many adjectives, until they fall over together in the snowbank and catch pneumonia.

Zeke strokes hair back behind Kim’s ear

Mom: “Aaaaawwww.”

Me: “I’d be like ‘get your glove out of my ear’.”

It’s a good job one of them remembers the way back to the hotel because Zeke will be reading her manuscript tonight whether she likes it or not. For a moment I thought she was going to pull the entire thing out her bag but it was just on a USB after all.

The next morning he hasn’t turned up at the group exercise and I fear that he may have been outside constructing the largest snowball on world record to catapult at Kim for all of the hideous mistakes she made in her manuscript. Unfortunately Zeke rocks up late but just in time to hear Garth being awarded this round. To top things off Garth has also written a blog post about Kim on his blog, which is nice of him, and Kim is told she needs to wait for feedback from Zeke because waiting is also part of the entire torturous journey of being published.

Kim doesn’t actually believe in herself but just really wants people to love her and tell her work is amazing which keeps getting increasingly more annoying throughout the film. Despite the fact everyone keeps saying how great her assignments are she claims she just cant take any more rejection. This woman is needy.

For once Kim actually bothers to go to a seminar where a woman is talking about H. G. Cowell’s way of writing. We are forced to believe that this woman never goes anywhere without a tree before she lights it up and puts decorations on it too. The ornaments are the characters and the concepts and the lights are points in our lives. The angel on top is our clear point of view from above that lets us look at the lives of others and the gifts underneath the tree are what people take away from what we have given. Mom just keeps really agreeing with this like she wants to go to a workshop and is shit hot at writing.

In order to give Kim her feedback, Zeke is taking her out to the Christmas market to eat crepes. I have a bad feeling about this feedback… He loves everything but he just doesn’t think its quite there yet; the characters and details don’t feel personal enough just yet and she is basically just missing descriptions. The quite literal bread and butter to that plot filling. It should not have been surprising to find out Kim doesn’t know any of these details about her own locations or characters or that she really isn’t good at taking criticism and just walks off rather than face facts.

Thankfully, Kim knows Samantha and Samantha knows wine so she is more than equipped to talk some sense into this woman who really just needs throwing under the first bus Samantha can find. Kim is more concerned that the manuscript is a piece of her soul and Zeke didn’t like that piece of her soul despite the fact he clearly said he did. Samantha has a lot of patience and a very full glass of wine, the tools required to deal with Kim, and is sure Zeke is a good guy because she has spoken to him for more then 5 minutes.

The next day all of the contestants meet with a professional panel of agents to review their work and let them know whether they should just give up and go work in retail. Zeke is hanging around the coffee machine just to wish Kim good look before her meeting and I already dread what is about to happen. She is just getting all doe-eyed over the compliments she is receiving when she is told her characters aren’t quite detailed enough and need to stop being so perfect – give them a drug or drink habit or something. The tears are basically already there by the time she is told she has a long way to go and despite the man telling her not to be discouraged (and she’s the only person he has said this to all day) she just really can’t function without constant reassurance and immediately starts crying at Zeke because they didn’t tell her they they loved her unconditionally.

To shut her cry hole Zeke takes her out for a midnight horse and carriage ride. Brave. We know how midnight carriage rides go. Looking at you here, Nick! This time we are taking a ride to celebrate a rejection (that she didn’t even get) which Zeke thinks should be savoured like a fine wine. As long as it’s wine I’ll savour anything! Offering up their rejection stories Zeke’s was actually literary but Kim’s was just some kid called Timmy saying he didn’t want to date her crazy ass in the schoolyard.

It is casually mentioned that the next day all of the writers have the day off, so Zeke is gonna take Kim off somewhere for a change of scenery and to give everyone else a break. This happens to be New York City, somewhere Kim decided to set her story without ever going and knowing no details of. We are able to get to New York on such short notice because Zeke has more frequent flier miles than he knows what to do with AND AIN’T THAT SUSPICIOUS!? According to Mother… yes. Very. They don’t even get there until that night and stay at the hotel Kim has included in her book courtesy of this guy’s massive fortune.

At least one of their rooms has a fantastic view which sparks Mom off on trying to plan a Christmas in New York despite me trying to tell her it will be expensive but someone at her work is going Thursday for a week and flying first class. Maybe she’s a bloody author too…

Samantha calls just then to inform Kim she is having dinner with Mr Tweed himself and oh, where the hell is Kim anyway? I don’t presume she actually cares where her friend is but she did miss Samantha winning this next leg of the competition! Zeke and Kim go off to explore New York and work on both her book and not getting mugged. Kim realises her book really was lacking detail but now she’s got way too much and won’t stop prattling on about the smells and sights of New York – I can only imagine.

They stop to get some roasted chestnuts, which are just weird little grim under-cooked potatoes, in my opinion, and by this time Kim has gotten used to the thundering of Zeke’s typewriter through the walls. I can’t help feel, seeing as this hotel is so expensive, they shouldn’t be able to shout through the walls to each other and ask how their books are going…

The next morning, already kitted out in the dressing gowns they will probably attempt to steal, Samantha texts Kim to let her know a huge storm is coming in, flights are getting cancelled and the author’s talk has been moved from that evening to 2pm that afternoon. Kim completely steamrolls whatever Zeke had just been about to tell her, presumably the big reveal that Kim will no doubt feel some way about.

Thankfully Samantha didn’t decide to leave the workshop to run away to New York and is on hand to submit Kim’s work on her behalf… right in front of Garth. Dumb move. Garth swoops in when the admin woman is distracted and drops Kim’s manuscript into the bin. Mom says he is a prick but by now I think that’s exactly where Kim deserves and needs to be. When she finally rocks up to the seminar she realises her name is not on board of people who won competitions but is distracted by Mr Tweed who is H. G. Cowell’s editor or…. something. And, when introducing this wonder writer, who should stroll in buuuuuuuuuuuuut ZEKE!

Kim: “……..”

Mom: “I did try to tell you.”

Me: “Yes. All movie. She tried to tell you.”

Zeke makes a lovely speech about how he used to think up stories during his work commute every day until he just happened to have all these books going, was a bestseller, wanted to remain completely anonymous and didn’t notice his second love was taking him away from his first love until the divorce punched him right in the throat. Kim is just sitting there, continuing to be an ugly crier, as she hears about how love left him with nothing but writer’s block but love has returned and he’s writing again!

Over this relationship already, Samantha just wants to know if the rumours about a new book are true but it’s actually just an 800 page anthology from his agent. I mean, against all odds when you think about who Kim actually is, I feel a book will materialise very soon. Kim may be alarmed to find she could be an inspiration to the man but I hate to remind her that he’s still not going to read her manuscript via this workshop as outlined by his agent, is he?

Kim is packing up her shit and trying to get the fuck outta dodge before Zeke rocks up and tries to explain he wanted to be liked for himself rather than a famous author, which is only fair, but this woman is dumb as shit and is actually annoyed by this revelation. And even more, she is annoyed at being an inspiration to one of her favourite authors.

Kim: “That was the worst rejection of all.”

Me: “She’s on crack.”

Mom: “Yeah. She’s like…..”

Me: “GARTH!”

Mom: “What a prick.”

Back in whatever circle of hell she presides over, Kim is trotting down the street with her Dad and really bigging herself up, claiming next year she’s gonna be speaking at a conference, not just attending and she was so made to be a writer…. Of all the things that woman may be made for it is not being a writer. Samantha calls in order to let her know she won the entire competition which really just amounts to beating Garth. In any case she will be meeting with Zeke tomorrow in case…. you know… Kim wants to tell him anything that she might not have been able to say when she was busy overreacting? Kim, still being dumb as shit, thinks nothing of it when Samantha asks her for the amended last pages of her friend’s manuscript to read through so she can conveniently, probably, hand these over to Zeke and have him arrive back in time to save the day. Jus’ sayin’.

When Kim gets home Garth is creeping around the porch so he can tell her he was totally wrong and her writing was wonderful after all. At least she is not dumb enough to take Garth back, there are apparently even limits to her stupidity. As it turns out, Garth just wants her to put a good word in for him with Cowell and you would not believe how happy Mom is that Garth will be lonely this Christmas.

Her Dad is just serving Christmas dinner when the bell rings and he doesn’t seem so surprised by a mystery visitor so sends his daughter off to open the door. It is only Zeke and a whole bunch of flowers but I imagine the dad always sends Kim to the door in the hopes someone will kidnap her and take her off his hands. To be fair, I just wanna see some more of the Leonberger who is a beautiful bambino!

This woman needs to get over whatever it is she’s not over already and just settle for a good life getting writing tips from a legit writer, some good criticism AND being able to read all of his drafts first. That would be my damn dream. Thankfully she is also not dumb enough to turn him down again, especially on Christmas day when the man just really needs a turkey dinner. They reintroduce themselves, because this is always an important part of starting over with someone that I couldn’t comment on because I have never started over with someone once I have decided they’re a prick, and he even has a present for her from a publisher! Apparently the new ending was so great that they looked over the absence of detail, warmth or realism and are thinking about publishing her work and Zeke has to keep reassuring her that they loved it.

Me: “They really loved it.”

Mom: “Your Dad’s turkey is getting cold! Do you know how long and hard it is to make a Christmas dinner and you’re out there!?!?!?! GO ON IN!”

Mother is truly outraged they are still standing out in this blizzard and leaving turkey to go cold but please note my mom thinks food is already freezing as she transfers it from the pan to the plate and actually calls you down for dinner before she even plates up…. just so ya know.

I actually couldn’t find a link for this one! I am not surprised to find that I couldn’t care less. The more people who give Kim attention is probably for the better.


Mom’s prediction board – 1/2

  • Mom Prediction #1 – Kim will be home in time for Christmas with a new man – I mean… he didn’t actually come back with her but I’m gonna give it to her
  • Mom’s Prediction #2 – Samantha is actually H. G. Cowell – I can’t give her this one unfortunately



  • Horse and Sleigh: CHECK!
  • Piano: These are totally out of Vogue
  • Carolling: Only in the background, as it should be
  • Christmas Montage: I…. The whole thing passed by in a sort of montage for me
  • Fire Hazards: Unfortunately safe pathways had mostly been cleared for all of the writer’s attending the workshops
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: CHECK!
  • Snowing on cue: Just when it felt like, really…


This was definitely not my favourite film. At all. Kim…. just Kim.

But Mom scored 50% on her predictions which ain’t that bad! Especially when she kept changing her damn mind about who was H. G. Cowell out of the million people attending this workshop.

Let’s hope for prettier criers tomorrow!

Christmas Advent #7 – My Christmas Love

So I know I should be watching films I recorded to get them off the Sky box but instead ended up recording about 10 more today… but in my defence! Ya shoulda read the descriptions. They were glorious. One involved a psychiatric ward!

This film had the honour of being picked simply because it was first in the loooong loooong list. And I can’t stop singing the title to the tune of My Endless Love. Maybe we can get a whole remix recorded… Damn. On with the film!


The opening scenes of Christmas films are usually my favourite and always involve people walking around on busy streets and lots of people being festive. This one isn’t any different but first we are treated to some very exclusive tastes in Christmas baubles…

When our main woman is trotting off down a very snowy road I cannot help staring at her in horror because she is not even wearing tights! Her legs are going to drop right off! And why are you wearing heels when there is snow on the ground!?

This absolutely insane woman bursts into a cafe where the hostess appears to know her well enough to hug her, offer her her usual booth and knows this woman is insane enough to not question why she is dressed for pneumonia. Apparently she is actually here for a date but that still does not excuse the clothing choices.

I am unsure if she is a dreaded ‘people person’ or is just nosy as fuck because she starts talking to the guy a table over dressed in a suit and double, triple-checking the ring he has bought. I mean it’s one thing telling the guy he’s left the tag on his suit, which he rips off in a way liable to cause a tear right through the armpit, and another to ask to see the ring.

Which is hideous.

Woman: “Do you mind if I see the ring?”

Mystery Man: “Is is that obvious?”

Woman: “Nooooooo, it’s…. yeah”

Me: “Well he was staring at it two fucking seconds ago…”

Woman: “My gosh that’s so pretty. You have to relax, she’s definitely gonna say yes.”

Mystery Man: “If I can ask her… this is the third time I’ve brought it with me.”

Me: “Does she also wonder why you’re always wearing a suit these days?”

Cynthia is so about this wedding proposal she gives away her regular booth to the hopeless groom-to-be because apparently it’s more romantic. That may be so but that giant circular table is going to make it a little difficult for him to get down on one knee and propose to the woman without the table decorations blocking his face. Our main woman’s date, Alex, shows up to celebrate their 5 month anniversary so…. is it still a date if you’re together already? I don’t know the logistics of relationships, despite being in one for 5 years. I don’t believe we dated.

While the woman who is about to get engaged walks in dressed like an actual Christmas present, Alex has bought one for our main woman. Cynthia said she would rather him bring this early Christmas gift to the farm with them so she can open it there but it turns out… Alex isn’t so sure about this relationship. I am very sure it may be down to the two weeks Cynthia wants him to spend with her family on their farm over Christmas after only 5 months. And what about the man’s own family? Huh? Huh!?

Our main woman goes from about 0 – 100 in 0.2 seconds flat, which I feel is going to be a frequent occurrence in this film, and decides to compliment the soon to be engaged couple before stealing both cupcakes she ordered and is yet to pay for and swiping that early Christmas gift. Alex…. mate…. you dodged a bullet. What woman goes out in that weather without at least wearing tights?

It’s all fine though because there are many eligible bros playing basketball together – one of whom is her employee who she calls over to her apartment to help her get over being dumped. Is that what bosses do? I’ve never received that call before… and let’s be honest, I wouldn’t be answering the phone to my boss anyway. He should have just kept playing basketball and having a good time. Instead the guy is now being subjected to hearing about failed relationships, Christmas travel, our main woman’s family and farm and her little sister’s Christmas wedding.

Prediction #1 – she is taking her employee on this trip instead because her family were expecting this mystical boyfriend

This employee just can’t help mentioning the right guy is out there somewhere for her and I can’t help but feel if he’s not put off by her drinking out of a ‘I love Mom’ mug then he is the right guy for her. This family seems…. well, as dysfunctional and all up in each other’s business as every other family in Christmas films. The people just can’t let each other be.

And score! The very next day we are taking our employee as our plus one to the wedding. Or maybe just because our woman needed someone to carry her… easel. I’m not sure if we’ve actually heard her name yet but her caller ID said Cynthia so I’m taking a stab in the dark here that her name may be Cynthia. At least we can’t mishear spelling… looking at you America.

Preparing for this trip of unknown length Cynthia mentions the deadline on that book they need to meet so I guess this has quickly become a working trip rather than anything anyone will actually enjoy. Cynthia also says the magic words that this will be the first Christmas the family has celebrated since her mother passed away. Despite her involve and probably depressed family she thinks she’s doing her employee a favour because he was going to be alone on Christmas anyway. I would…. I would rather that…

The man also hasn’t dated in the last decade, which I presume is conveniently the same amount of time he’s been in love with his boss. He, on the other hand, is able to count all 6 relationships that Cynthia has had and crashed into the side of a mountain in the past 2 years on his hands.

Cynthia: “At least you haven’t screwed up literally 5 relationships in the last 2 years.”

Employee: “…. Ronaldo….”

Cynthia: “Argh! Stop! He doesn’t count!”

Employee: “….?”

Cynthia: “Because I can’t handle two hands.”

Me: “Wait… everyone has two hands… you dumped him because… ohhhhhhhhh that guy was counting on two hands!”

Just as Cynthia is claiming everything is going to be perfect this Christmas she gets pulled over by the police just as she is entering Quechee….. Queeeecheeeeee. What a place to say you grew up in. I wished I lived somewhere with a name like Quechee.

Scott, the alarmingly young police guy, has pulled Cynthia over because that’s apparently what policemen do when they see someone they recognise driving down their hometown road. We finally learn the employee’s name – Liam – and the fact he ‘draws pictures’ by which he means he is an illustrator. We only discover this because Scott immediately presumes that Cynthia is now married to the guy and she quickly waves her hand in Liam’s face and confirms he is nothing but a work friend.

Prediction #2 – Cynthia and Scott used to date

Apparently Cynthia’s sister… Janice? Jan? Jans? J….. fuck it, I don’t know what he said but she’s been telling everyone Cynthia is coming to screw up her wedding because her big sister gets waaaaaaaaaaaay too excited about weddings. As far as I can see the woman gets way too excited about everything. Some may find this endearing but me and her sister are very much on the other side of the fence. I am enjoying Liam though, he’s played by the sex pest teacher from the Netflix Scream series but I can enjoy his face this time because he’s not trying to have sex with a teenager in every episode.

And score!! In a delightful conversation between boss and employee we find out Scott was Cynthia’s first boyfriend, which also explains why there were so many shots of these two guys face’s when Scott suggested he and Cynthia should hang out sometime while she’s back home.

Cynthia moans that there are no lights or Christmas decorations up at the house so sends Liam on in to face her sister JANET while she goes looking for her Dad in his giant workshop, barn thing. Two seconds in the empty room tells her he has abandoned ship and neither has Liam gone into the house because apparently Janet is quite terrifying. I hope the man sitting at the counter and typing at 60 miles per hour is Janet’s fiance because it would explain the absolute look of terror on his face. Or maybe he’s just typing so quickly he’s about to shift into a different dimension. Either was this is Roger and soon he will be part of this terrible, terrible family dynamic. Or maybe that’s the reason for the terrified look…

Oh, it also turns out that guy from the cafe was named Jason not Alex and yes, it turns out everyone knows that Cynthia is overbearing as shit in a relationship and apparently this spills over into everyone else’s relationships and this whole family has really annoying voices. Cynthia also writes ‘Felicia Flowers‘ books and apparently they are so good because she ‘writes what she knows’. I dread to think what these books are about and how many children she might be convincing to go out in winter with no tights on.

According to Janet their Dad is struggling a little and will be even more so when she moves out with Roger, her fiance. They haven’t even had time to put up the Christmas decorations, like ol’ Cynthia eagle-eyes hadn’t already noticed.

Dad: “That sounds like my girl!”

Me: “Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure all the neighbourhood dogs know she’s home by now, too.”

Cynthia immediately shirks all responsibilities by prattling on about Christmas decorations and dragging every other fucker into this decorating frenzy with her. Only Liam truly suffers as he is elected the main victim that she will be carting off around town to buy supplies. I don’t know why Liam seems so awkward with this family when Cynthia leaves him with them to go and get changed. They all clearly know him and the fact he should be married to their relative by now.

Dad: “But if you do get any designs on my daughter then remember I’m a hunter. A good one.”

Liam: “Good to know.”

Roger: “He gives me that speech every day.”

Me: “I love how completely fucking terrified Roger is all of the time. Maybe if he stopped looking so much like a deer in the headlights the Dad would stop trying to gun him down so much.”

Apparently Roger also has mystical powers and can teleport from one side of a room to the other which doesn’t escape Liam’s notice when he asks how the hell he got behind him so quickly to be terrified in another spot of the kitchen. On our journeys it turns out Cynthia just happens to know every eligible batchelor in Quechee and when picking up a wreath we meet Grant, who she used to date in high school. I feel Liam should be running the fuck away because Grant is overseeing a fundraiser and these men are just EVERYWHERE. Cynthia just keeps telling everyone that she and Liam are simply friends and nothing more, much to the increasing decline of that man’s self-esteem.

Grant offers Cynthia a wreath from his private reserve in a box under the table because apparently, every year, 5 minutes before closing there is just a tidal wave of single moms who end up having to pick through the scraps of what people have left in their wake. Grant keeps the box hidden for them because they deserve good-looking wreaths more than any other member of society so their ungrateful children can not appreciate them for the festive season. Clearly these single mothers have not got to grips with using their children as slave labour to churn out beautiful looking Christmas decorations all day while they’re out at work. Call it a game or an educational experience, whatever, just get those wreaths made, kids.

Cynthia: “How did we ever break up!? Crazy!”

Grant: “….”

Liam: “Ya know they all look the same to me sooooo let’s go back.”

Me: “Before we meet any more of your ex-boyfriends that you are still overly forward with.”

Prediction #3 – Grant is serious competition for Liam. This is a race.

Cynthia continues to be consistently overbearing and is making cookies because the biscuit barrel was empty but she refuses to go store to buy Christmas cookies. Instead she will just use other people’s ingredients they so carelessly left lying around in cupboards. Even Liam is asking if today’s plans involve meeting more ex-boyfriends throughout this entire conversation there are many shots of a partridge in a pear tree in a cage that is being walked up the drive by a woman. When Cynthia opens the door to her this woman starts belting out the first line of ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ and looking very pleased with herself before she simply hands the cage over and gets the fuck outta there.

Cynthia: “Can you give me some more information? Is this for me? Do you have a business card?”

Me: “Does it even come with care instructions? The fuck do you do with a partridge in a cage with a fake pear tree? Who runs a business like this!?”

This incredibly thoughtful gift comes with a very considerate note saying ‘Merry Christmas To My One True Love’ with absolutely no name from either the sender or to the recipient. Cynthia immediately jumps to 100mph and claims this is a romantic Christmas mystery. A Christery, if you will. That’s right, she went there. Janet has clearly never seen an actual tree because her main concern is where Cynthia will plant that plastic tree back in her apartment. I would really be more concerned about where you’re going to plant that live friggin’ bird right now.

Prediction #4 – Liam is sending the gifts because he has suffered enough time with her to know she adores both Christmas and needless romance

Janet has to leave this madness because she has a wedding to plan and a house to sell. I hope….. I hope not the house her dad is currently living in and that’s what she really meant when she said he might struggle once she moved in with Roger…. you know… on account of suddenly being homeless and all.

Liam: “How do you know this is for you? Janet is the one getting married.”

Cynthia: “Janet is marrying her accountant.”

Me: “That’s the most logical thing you’ve said so far.”

Liam wants to ask if Roger sent this caged insanity anyway and I presume this is just a cover to mask the fact he is sending the gifts. He’d better be anyway, I want my own points. We are treated to a Christmas decorating montage where, for a woman so obsessed with dating everyone and being in love all of the time, she is really fucking blind to the man allowing her to boss him around and decorate her family home and dance on her porch with her. All of these films would be at least 40 minutes shorter if they weren’t all so romantically blind and lived in reality.

The family, at least, appreciate Liam’s hard work and Janet recalls that one year a tree lost all its needles because 8 year old Cynthia didn’t know that trees don’t drink eggnog. At 8 years old I really feel something of this sort should have been covered in school or…. you know, your general life. Liam can’t help taking the chance to ask Roger if he sent the bird but at the first mention of a Christmas wedding Roger is praising the logistics of it all. Everyone has the day off so everyone can come and your Christmas list becomes your wedding gift list. This man is nothing if not logical and that is exactly why he would never order that fucking bird.

The time has actually come for Cynthia and Liam to do some actual work and it is at the point where Cynthia is just throwing ideas around that I realise she hasn’t even written this book that needs illustrating and is making it up as she goes along. She also expects Liam to draw along like a terrible episode with Bob Ross. That is until she gets distracted by a wedding dress she finds in some sort of crawl space that fits her perfectly but was actually her mom’s.

Prediction #5 – Cynthia is going to ruin the wedding by making it a double wedding and wearing that dress!

Cynthia keeps banging on about the fun surprises her mom and dad would leave for each other and if Liam has been hanging around with her for as long as he definitely has he is the one sending the gifts. It is at the point Cynthia waltzes off, shirking her work responsibilities now, to show her sister this dress and I am alarmed that she’s wearing such weird thin heels indoors. You’re at home and there is snow everywhere! Wear trainers before you trip over that damn dress and break your neck.

Cynthia: “Look what I found! You’ll never guess where it was.”

Janet: “In the closet upstairs in a box labelled ‘Mom’s wedding gown’?”

Me: “Well that all seems to check out. Sorry for wasting your time, madam.”

Cynthia tries to make a case for Janet wearing her dead mother’s dress and how dare could she go and pick her own wedding dress without her big sister anyway? Janet claims she has bought a dress which can actually be worn again! and Cynthia shoots her own argument right in the face by demanding a wedding dress should only be worn once because it’s special. Buh-bye deceased woman’s wedding dress. Buh-bye now.

Luckily the second day of Christmas is here and I’ve just realised how many fucking birds are in this song when those damn turtle doves show up. The place is gonna be overrun, it’s a good job they live on a farm where I have seen zero farm work and in fact zero livestock. Once more the delivery woman sings at Cynthia before running away and there’s a whole deal about why turtle doves are called turtle doves.

Cynthia is quite confused because they don’t look like turtles or eat turtles so apparently we’re at a loss and definitely won’t be googling the answer any time soon. (Spoiler: it’s because of the turr noise they make which lead to their Latin name turtur. Hell yeah.)

Dad: “You remind me of your mother.”

Me: “Oh, was she batshit insane, too?”

Cynthia is totally cool with dragging her Dad along to the local pet store to see who bought these birds because I presume the woman always needs to be supervised. She also just cannot let a surprise be a surprise and wants to ruin the entire thing for herself. It turns out the woman who owns the pet shop is madly in love Cynthia’s dad and again for a woman people claim just loves romance she is completely fucking blind. The nice, not crazy, woman informs us she can’t actually sell turtle doves because you need a special permit just to import them in which she certainly doesn’t do because she’s not fucking nuts. Unfortunate we are just in time for Scott to turn up with some fliers for the Quechee carnival. Cynthia begins to suspect it might actually be Scott sending the gifts but I can legit already say no, the man can’t even remember to give out fliers, he ain’t gonna remember the entire ’12 days of Christmas’ song. However we do get free tickets to the carnival!!

At this point Kieran joins me during an ad break so he hasn’t yet experienced the wonders of Cynthia’s voice or general existence.

Cynthia has left these birds in all their original tiny cages, which is unimaginably cruel, and Liam doesn’t even get chance to draw them like he wants to because now three french hens have turned up and Cynthia immediately needs to find out where they came from. She takes them off to the city to visit a pet shop that has the permit to import turtle doves… or at least that is what I thought was happening because the next moment we’re in a giant office building. Liam suggests they just don’t ruin the surprise like normal people whilst Cynthia is busy pretending she and Liam are from animal services.

Liam is meant to be acting tough so introduces himself as the bad cop which apparently works because the office guy hands over a file to them. The person sending the gifts will remain anonymous until the last gift is sent, as per the instructions in a letter they received which no, they are not handing over to Cynthia.

At least the next set of birds are fake before actual animal control drops in on their asses. Janet once more has an excuse to escape this mad house of birds because she has cakes to taste. Cynthia keeps banging on about Grant, much to Liam’s horror, and although Liam clearly didn’t expect to be here to see this outpouring of crazy at least now he can stop her from getting engaged to Grant in the space of two weeks.

At lunch with Grant she signs some of her own books for him to give to nieces and nephews and I gotta say… those books look hefty for children’s books and nothing at all like the picture books I was expecting. The illustrations that we very briefly see on the cover also look nothing like the illustrative skills we have already seen from Liam making me question whether they could have found better props, at least.

Speaking of Liam, all he wants to do is draw these fucking birds. So much so he has even moved himself out to the barn in order to get some peace and quiet except now Scott is interrupting him whilst looking for Cynthia. He even mentions the gifts she has been receiving. How does everyone know about the secret admirer suddenly? Other than the fact Cynthia legitimately cannot keep her mouth shut… Liam just keeps drawing these gifts and says it’s just something hes working on….

Prediction #6 – Liam is working on a giant flip-book to commemorate all this effort he has gone to

Meanwhile, back on the date, Cynthia is getting real fucking weird and incredibly forward with poor Grant before…. I actually paused the film to laugh at this. Cynthia is pawing at the man’s hand like a limpet when the waitress addresses him as ‘father’. Grant takes his scarf off to reveal his dog collar. Grant’s neck has always been covered and he’s just terribly Christian now and is real big about this confession Cynthia was about to make presuming he was the one sending the gifts.

The next day even Dad finds an excuse to leave the house so he doesn’t have to watch his one insane daughter try to fit five tiny golden rings on her fingers like inedible hula-hoops. Janet thinks it might be Scott and Cynthia thinks it’s Jason, despite the fact he broke up with her. According to Cynthia’s misfiring brain cells that was just a big fake-out. Honestly, this woman deserves to be alone forever.

She is so obsessed that she drives all the way back to the city and Jason’s apartment only to find another woman in it. This woman is a terrible burden on the environment, society… the galaxy! I’m more surprised that Scott isn’t there to meet her on her way back into town and pull her over again. Finally Cynthia does the sensible thing and gives. the fuck. up.

Janet: “It’s so obviously who your one true love is, the answer is literally right in front of your face.”

Liam: “It is?”

Janet: “Scott.”

Me: “Someone called the motherfucking ambulance because this guy just got burnt.

The next day all day Janet really wants to do is just plan her fucking wedding but instead Cynthia and Liam are having a pillow fight with 6 giant pillows with geese on to the point she can’t even hear her own phone call. Damn it. I was really hoping for 6 actual geese on this day….

Even Kieran comments how dangerous this pillow fight is when the Dad starts flinging pillows at people and making this site a potential fire hazard. The boy just knows.

The terrible duo have gone Christmas shopping, probably because her family have requested Liam gets her out the fucking house for a few hours, and for some reason Liam is buying presents for Janet and the dad. Liam already has something for Cynthia, which I presume is a wedding proposal, and all Cynthia wants to talk about is Scott. This woman is the most fickle person on earth; Liam needs to hurtle himself to the hills before he marries her only for her to fall in love with the local barista four weeks later. Cynthia has a MOMENT of clarity where she asks if it might be Liam and he fully admits it before holding his hands up and going ‘naaaaaaaaaah’. He probably realised if he admits it she might actually turn her sights on him.

Cynthia has set up an adorably insane little chart on the fridge and every morning she crosses off the next gift. Day seven is seven bottles of  ‘Swan’s Champage’ which I can get behind! Let’s all get rat arsed in the name of Christmas and all that! By the way, their dad is not good at pouring champagne. They’ll be drinking froth for hours before they get any actual liquid.

Dad: “It’s time for a toast your mother always used to make. To family… past, present and future. Let you always be in our hearts, if not in our hands.”

Me: “…… In our hands……”

Cynthia once more blows off work obligations to go and have a date with Scott who she is suddenly having all of the feels for. I can’t tell if Liam desperately tries to set those chickens free of their tiny prison because of animal cruelty or to distract Cynthia and make her late for her date. Even after falling on the man this woman is unphased! If films have taught men anything it’s that when a woman falls on you she will immediately and literally fall for you at the exact same time.

Dad: “Why aren’t you spending Christmas with your girlfriend?”

Liam: “I don’t have one.”

Kieran: “The Dad is like ‘HA! You nerd’.”

While playing chess Dad is giving double advice, telling Liam to just make a damn move and even if it’s the wrong move at least he will have tried. Unfortunately Cynthia interrupts and is wearing her damn date outfit again. You know, the one without the tights!! Liam attempts to remind her that on the drive into town she wasn’t even that keen on Scott and now she’s obsessed with him. Despite the fact the man professes he cares about her, and asks her to slow the fuck down and stop getting herself hurt she experiences immediate amnesia of that scene the moment she opens the door to Scott and some carollers who start belting out a song at her.

I would literally have walked back into that house and slammed the door on him. Nuh thanks. At least the carollers look interested in Liam but he does the sensible thing and slams the door on them.

Scott: “You know, most of all people just call me when they need help.”

Me: “Well………. you’re the police………”

Cynthia is impressed when, on the date, Scott remembers she likes cupcakes and this means he knows her far better than she ever presumed. Woman, within the first 5 minutes of watching this film I knew you loved cupcakes. What is your god damn deal? Liam is casually drawing pictures of Cynthia herself when she rocks back up with Scott and, on her very doorstep, he essentially takes the credit for the mystery gifts. What an absolute prick.

Prediction #7 – All will eventually be revealed about Scott at an unfortunate moment and that will be this relationship’s demise

We now have 8 maids with raw milk in pails dancing around the house, just to make things even more awkward. At least they piss off afterwards and don’t just hang around the house like the birds they’ve shoved out in the barn thing. We find Roger working on something finance-y on his laptop and he does not look like he has fucking relaxed at all. It’s really no surprise when Janet shouts at him after catching him reading a wedding magazine. She is really against a big ol’ wedding and just wants something small, calm and simple. Roger looks real crestfallen about making the effort but Janet reminds him where going around chasing giant romantic gestures gets you. It gets you on the same psych ward as her big sister. Unfortunately, Cynthia was listening to the part where Janet reminds her fiance that chasing romance has gotten Cynthia nowhere but I get the distinct feeling that is not going to even put a dent in her manic disposition.

Liam is out chopping wood at the work barn thing when Scott comes up asking for advice on his big date with Cynthia that evening. It turns out he really doesn’t know her that well and it doesn’t strike him as strange at all to be asking her employee for dating advice… Unfortunately me and Kieran just cannot figure out what the hell the man has planned. Whatever it is, Liam does not think it’s suitable for cold weather which Scott somehow forgot about, despite standing in actual snow at the time. Whilst it is also snowing. I can’t even…

Scott: “I’m thinking (unintelligible words).”

Me: “Pot pie?”

Kieran: “Popeye?”

Me: “What the actual fuck is this man saying?”

Even the dad is legitimately astounded by Liam’s stupidity which lead him to give Scott some sound dating advice. He probably goes back into the house to get his hunting rifle out and just put the man out of his misery.

Scott has taken Cynthia off to the community centre for their annual Christmas cotillion, so it’s a good job she was dressed appropriately despite not knowing where the fuck they were going at all. The woman just will not stop giggling and having the greatest time ever. She’s not right, I swear to God. The highlight of this dance was Kieran playing Super Mario Odyssey next to me and shouting “YOSHI!? OH MY GOD I’M YOSHI!”

The next day all Cynthia can talk about is Scott and how great he is and Liam is quite surprised to hear Scott take credit for sending the mystery gifts. I feel he is about to break the snooker cue he is playing with right over his own face in a bid to end this actual nightmare. Even worse, Cynthia is now ditching Liam and taking Scott to the wedding instead because apparently they will get to dance and… that will just be better, don’t you think? Liam, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? I assume he just agrees for an easy life and hopes he can escape this hellhole and take the birds with him while everyone else is busy getting married.

Prediction #8 – Scott’s lies will be revealed at the wedding and Cynthia really will ruin her little sister’s big day because it will be so dramatic

The next day even Roger manages to smile and look like he is actually enjoying himself with the 9 ladies dancing around the hallway. Cynthia rocks up with her phone two seconds too late and asks if they can do it again only for Liam to notice someone called Maggie amongst the dancers. She responds by shouting LEMUR especially loudly which I suppose you can get away with when you went to college with someone. Why is it that whenever old acquaintances see each other with someone they immediately ask whether they are a boyfriend or girlfriend. How about asking their fucking name first? Why are you all so obsessed about dating?

Prediction #9 – Maggie serves no real purpose other than to make Cynthia realise she is medically a moron

Liam and Maggie are happy talking in the foreground while Cynthia downs wine in the background. For once, seeing someone down a glass of wine does not make them any more relatable to me. I just think she’s really adding to her problems. She also thinks it’s a big deal they’re going to the carnival together when neither of them are even from around here. Her dad tries to explain there is not a monopoly on the Quechee carnival but she is not even listening when he suggests she might actually be interested in Liam. Instead she is too busy chewing her hair and preparing to cough up one hell of a furball later.

I dread to think how crazy Cynthia will get now she is trying to be in love with Scott and jealous over Maggie at the same time. Her little brain will just explode. They have also just abandoned the 10 lords-a-leaping to go to the carnival instead, the former of which are hammering on the doorway in vain and hurtling themselves around the driveway.

At one of the stalls Roger is having a crisis of faith but luckily it is Grant’s booth he has gone to. Roger wonders if withholding information is the same as lying to someone and he just wanted to surprise someone he loves. Grant is very open about being a father now and doesn’t even have his scarf wrapped around his neck properly so he feels fully qualified to tell the man it will all work out no matter what he does. I have a feeling Janet probably won’t enjoy whatever the plan is. Meanwhile Maggie is being very forward and informs Liam he is very clearly in love with his boss so she may as well just serve as a tool to make the woman jealous. Maggie knows not of which bear she pokes.

Their dad can be found briefly hanging out with pet shop owner who is nice enough to give him some free cookies to him. It almost looks as though everyone is getting sorted on a relationship level… that is, until the woman suggests the dad needs to look after himself and not stay cooped up in the house all the time. She asks if he’s going to stay for the jamboree but the dad quickly makes his escape. She pushed one jamboree too far, it would seem.

Pet Shop Woman: “Are you sticking around for the big jamboree?”

Kieran: “Hayley, are you sticking around for the big jamboree?”

Me: “No, I’m too sober for that.”

This evening when Cynthia and Scott are saying goodbye at the door she is much less bothered about kissing him and more interested about getting in the damn house. Probably not wearing any tights again and realised she has actual frostbite coming. It was at this point I really had to check how long of this nightmare fuel was left and found the fire would still be going strong for another 30 minutes.

Fortunately Liam is waiting just inside the door, at midnight, to serve her Irish coffee without the coffee. I really don’t know why he is still trying with this woman. I can’t tell if it’s endearing or a sign he is the dumbest human on earth right after Cynthia herself. Maybe they are made for each other. Cynthia is very happy to hear how it’s never going to work out between Maggie and Liam but claims she is still ready to settle on Scott, despite the fact she is aware it makes no sense herself.

Liam just wants to make sure Cynthia is happy and unfortunately she says the words ‘you are such a good friend’. Now… me and Kieran watched a programme once where this guy was saying goodbye to a woman at her door and went ‘you are such a good friend’ before very slowly leaning in to kiss her. The whole thing was very awkward and for about two weeks later Kieran would constantly come up to me and say those words before dramatically trying to kiss me while I laughed openly and loudly in his face from both hysteria and gut-wrenching embarrassment for the actors who had to do this in the first place.

Because of this I almost missed the moment Janet comes out in her wedding dress that Cynthia promised not to comment on, and is doing quite a good job, until Janet then asks her what she thinks…….. It’s a fucking hideous wedding dress, I gotta say. Janet really just wants a simple and quiet wedding so now is probably not a good time to tell her there is an alarming band of pipers outside who the dad has casually just bribed with a hot breakfast in order to have them help set up the wedding venue for the rehearsal.

I’m enjoying the wedding venue because it’s the closest thing I’ve seen to a fire hazard all film. Scott and Cynthia can’t help talking through Roger’s speech which is not only rude but surely now he has ruined the surprise for Janet and she has to listen to how great she is again in a few days and pretend she hasn’t already heard all of this before. Either way, Scott mentions he has a big surprise for her at this rehearsal and in a moment of sanity she suggests that maybe Scott shouldn’t spring his surprise at the rehearsal because it might overshadow the entire thing. Scott admits that maybe 12 pipers piping would be a bit too much during someone else’s wedding rehearsal at which point Cynthia gets REAL fucking crazy. We had seen nothing yet.

Cynthia: “It’s 12 drummers drumming. The pipers came today.”

Scott: “Oh…”

Cynthia: “Do you… do you even know the song?”

Scott: “Yeah.”

Cynthia: “Why don’t you sing it?”

Scott: “Right now?”

Cynthia: “Yes, right now.”

Unsurprisingly Scott did not know the correct lyrics to the song but I died at the point where Cynthia had to remind Scott how to count with this brutal fucking line.

Cynthia: “It’s 8 because numbers go like this. 7, 8, 9.”

Kieran: “What a bitch.”

Me: “What a hero.”

Cynthia stalks out of the wedding rehearsal, which I suppose is better than overshadowing the actual wedding, and she is pisssssssssssssssssssed that Scott has been lying to her for a week and taking credit for someone else’s work. Cynthia is horrified to hear that Scott might really think she was shallow enough to value these gifts and showy romantic gestures over an actual connection with another human being. To which both me and Kieran look at the TV and go “Errrrrrrrrrrrr………. yeah?”

Cynthia breaks up with Scott in a spectacular fashion where she tells him just how fucking wonderful he is but just not wonderful enough to be able to count to 10 or date her. Luckily Liam is still up and working so she can run in and start feeling him up and tell him how much she missed him at the rehearsal dinner…. you know…. despite the fact she uninvited him.

Cynthia finally reveals she knows Liam is the one sending her the gifts and he rightly points out that is because there is no other eligible batchelor left in the town. Liam is apparently over this shit which makes no sense because she has done much worse and he was still there at midnight showing up with whiskey. I understand people have limits but the director’s really should have made it clear that Liam even had a limit much sooner than this. Now he looks as crazy as Cynthia as she stands there and demands this man be her leftovers while she cries and whinges and he goes to find a motel so he can get the fuck out of there in the morning. So…. if Liam isn’t sending those gifts… who the fuck is?

Prediction #11 – With no other avenue left to turn down… the dead mom is sending the gifts from beyond the grave to remind her family that life still goes on without her and really she’ll always be there… and so will all those fucking birds

That evening, when everyone is back home, even Janet admits it wouldn’t be a normal day if it wasn’t completely absorbed by Cynthia and her drama and ain’t even bothered she walked out on her rehearsal. She’s probably relieved. It is at this point that Janet finds Roger’s plans to go to the Caribbean for a week on their honeymoon and thinks this is some very rare strain of a romantic infection Cynthia has passed on to Roger with her mere presence alone. How could he possibly think she could leave her father alone for one week when soon she will be moving out entirely!? For God’s sake Roger, it’s clearly just logic! Why would you ever think that?

Romance is apparently pulling the family apart and everything is so terrible Janet actually turns to Cynthia and champagne for advice. Sure, because patient zero is going to be of any help.

Janet doesn’t have a single romantic bone in her body and only said yes to marrying Roger because it made sense at the time. Despite that foreboding cloud of doom rolling in off the horizon she really does just want him to be happy. Janet doesn’t want to be in love properly because, when someone inevitably dies first, it’s awful and heartbreaking. Cynthia points out she has clearly fallen in love with Roger anyway so it’s all too late and she may as well just fate her impending death with a husband. More importantly I adore the giant swigs they are taking from this bottle. Now that I can finally appreciate.

Cynthia admits that Scott was a giant mistake but mentions nothing of Liam, which is strange that no one has asked where the man who was living in their house has gone. Cynthia is gonna stop chasing romance down like a caveman with a fucking spear but seeing as we heard this a mere 40 minutes before I really don’t hold out much hope.

The 12th day of Christmas involves every fucker dancing around the drive with only one tiny van in the background which apparently brought them all here. Not that is Christmas magic. The woman kindly sings the entire song for us once more and at one point I am sure they are about to get another seven bottles of that champagne back! Well, if the troupe are carrying off the champagne they’d better take all the birds with them because Cynthia was adamant on keeping them out in the cold barn.

Unfortunately, despite taking everything else, they hand back the partridge in the pear tree and I imagine the poor bird is screaming for them to just take him back through the little gilded bars. This time the cage has a letter with ‘Thomas’ on it and this whole time they were for the dad, presumably from his dead wife. Fuck you Cynthia. Fuck. You. There is a very long letter from the mother to remind the dad to keep living and keep being happy instead of moping around and Cynthia apologises for stealing all of the limelight yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet again.

Cynthia decides to steal the limelight again 0.2 seconds later by claiming she has her entire life wrong and she doesn’t need someone to do romantic things for her, she needs someone to torture. I mean! Do romantic things for. So obviously she needs to run off to the bus station in order to stop Liam from returning to a city she has clearly already shown she is happy to drive back to on short notice. She executes this plan to stop Liam by jumping in front of a bus and bleating his name at the thing until it drives off and reveals him on a bench.

For a moment Cynthia believes he is still there because he changed his mind but it turns out that wasn’t even his bus. You know… because more than one bus does run through the place and they don’t all have to work on Cynthia’s schedule. At least she was considerate enough to  bring him back his sketchbook but she does not start strong when she starts repeating ‘It’s you’ over and over again. Liam is clearly worried how much of his life he must give up to convince this woman he did not send her all those birds but she clears up the fact she just meant she has always wanted a love story but it’s very important to be good friends first. Thank god she understands that much about relationships, the amount I have seen based on arguments in these films are alarming.

But it’s fine! Everyone loves each other and he can be plus one at the wedding again and he forgives her for being a complete nut job because he is also technically insane. Roger still looks mildly terrified at his wedding but at least Janet is wearing her mother’s dress and not the hideous material box she wanted to wear before. There is a strange cut scene from Grant starting the wedding to Roger talking about their honeymoon which amounts to the complete sentence: ‘we are gathered here today…. for an all exclusive resort!’. So at least they’re going on holiday properly and at least the dad asks the pet shop owner to dance with him because his dead wife would have wanted that for him.

Dad: Would you like to dance?”

Kieran: “No, I can’t think of anything worse right now.”

That’s the real reason I love this man…. sometimes it’s like listening to myself.

Maggie and Scott take an interest in each other and I hope she doesn’t mind that the man is a police officer and carries a gun but can’t count to ten. We end with some very alarming and intricate dances going on on the dance floor and some casual animal cruelty as we pan away to see they’ve hung the turtle doves up there, above the loud dance floor in their tiny, tiny cage.

If you would like to watch the growth of a small menagerie in a tiny box in the corner of the screen, head over here.


Prediction board – 5.5/10

  • Prediction #1 – Cynthia takes Liam home with her because her family were expecting a boyfriend – technically it was more a plus one but whatever. I suffered for this. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #2 – Cynthia and Scott used to date – easy CORRECT!
  • Prediction #3 – Grant is serious competition for Liam – I believe the only thing Grant is serious competition for is the devil, these days. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #4 – Liam is the mystery gift giver – sadly INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #5 – Cynthia is going to ruin the wedding by making it a double wedding and wearing that dress! – Looking back on it I am so very glad this didn’t happen, she would have squealed the entire time. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #6 – Liam is working on a giant flip-book to commemorate all this effort he has gone to – Ya know, I don’t even know what he was working on! It certainly wasn’t the deadline, that’s for sure. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #7 – All will be revealed about Scott at an unfortunate moment, ending the relationship – this was an easy shot. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #8 – Scott’s lies will be revealed at the wedding and Cynthia will ruin her little sister’s big day – hey, it happened at the rehearsal so I’m giving myself half a point to make myself feel better.
  • Prediction #9 – Maggie serves no real purpose other than to make Cynthia realise she is medically a moron – we didn’t Maggie for that but CORRECT!
  • Prediction #11 – The mom planned the gifts to remind her family life goes on without her – CORRECT!


  • Horse and Sleigh: Horses are a thing of Christmas past
  • Piano: As is gathering around a piano
  • Carolling: Unfortunately there was a dose of daily carolling in this one
  • Christmas Montage: A Christmas decorating montage!
  • Fire Hazards: I was bitterly, bitterly disappointed that everyone could always safely reach an exit in this film
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: CHECK!
  • Snowing on cue: It snowed pretty much as and when it felt like it. As nature should


This was definitely not my favourite film. If it wasn’t for Liam’s face I would have turned it off 10 minutes into hearing Cynthia’s voice.

I don’t even remember making most of those predictions so I suppose scoring just over half is good enough for me.

Let’s hope for people who speak in a more comfortable, human range tomorrow!

Christmas Advent #6 – Under the Misletoe

I have been forced back to the Sky box today due to the fact Kieran was sick of looking at the million films I had saved despite the fact I only needed 24. Also it was preventing us from recording NFL games. They both only come around once a year but it turns out Christmas is much more likely to give you concussion and kill you off…

Today we are watching Under the Mistletoe. The beginning of this film was so understated I didn’t even realise it had started for 2 minutes because I was too busy eating. Not even the festive music got my attention because that is a literal part of my every day life now. It’s like a really depressing backing track to my life. Imagine festive music playing behind the entire ‘Lost Mickey/Suicide Mouse’ episode… that’s my life right now. (Kids, don’t check out that episode, it’s grim as fuck. Also, stop reading anything I post, it’s grim as fuck.)


OK so as per usual we start in an office because we are lead to believe that all office workers are soulless, miserable, hollow shells of human beings who are in such desperate need of Christmas spirit that Santa himself has to get involved most of the time.

One woman is trying to write an article about getting a real hot body for the New Year because if it hasn’t worked for you at any other point why not try when you’re still hungover, it’s too cold to go outside and you have all that leftover Christmas food to eat. Some guy called Lester, who I believe is the manager of this place, is told to stop pestering her by another mystery office worker and shouldn’t he be playing golf or something.

She is right to assume this, he has turned up in a tropical shirt with his golf club but apparently he’s here for the office party so I guess… maybe that’s his +1 or something.

Our main woman thanks this mystery woman, so I guess Lester is the obligatory sex pest office boss, but would rather not go to the office party. I don’t blame her. Not if Lester is going to be skulking around and trying to cheat on his golf club all night.

Mystery woman: “You’re loss, there’s gonna be tons of hot guys there. I need a remedy for my frigid sheets since I kicked George to the curb.”

Main woman: “Anne, George dumped you, remember?”

Anne: “He was romantically challenged with commitment phobia.”

Me: “Woman, that still doesn’t change the fact that… he dumped you.”

Main woman would rather be shopping for a Christmas tree with Tom Jonathan. Now, at this point I am used to Americans refusing to speak clearly so I presume this was two people, however I am holding out for some strange abomination made up of two people in a horrific science experiment gone wrong.

Now…. no-ow. Anne mentions unconditional love and there are no happy marriages at the beginning of a Christmas film that are still that way at the end. SO. Here it comes…

Prediction #1 – Whichever part of the abomination she is married to will either die in a horrific car crash whilst going to purchase their tree or… far less dramatic, plain ol’ divorce

They really must be a power couple because Main Woman and Tom/John cannot even be forced into an argument when untangling Christmas lights. They also show their son Tom/John some crappy star that has been in the family for generations and one day he’ll be putting it on top of his own tree with his own kids. The kid genuinely looks at them like he would rather be celibate for the rest of his life than have to own that damn star. It doesn’t help any when he is forced to watch his parents kissing under the mistletoe. I think we have just watched Tom/John Jr’s future family crash and burn before our very eyes.

He has seen some things…

Tom/John Jr’s questions from the back seat of the car keep distracting his dad until they collide with another car. Goodbye Tom, I am sad to say we only found out your name in the last few moments of your life. The next scene Main Woman is in a hospital bed in a suspiciously sparse room and I presume that is why they put Anne and her boobs in the scene to distract everyone. I know I was distracted.

Life support? What life support? Huh?

Now… it’s up to Anne to deliver the news that Tom didn’t make it and honest to god from the look on John’s face and the face of some random man who just walked in through the curtains… I think this is the first anyone has heard of it!! The nurse leads her off stage left because her devastating work here is now done and oh, I really haven’t been paying attention to this film because the random guy is actually Tom and Anne walks straight through him and he’s a ghost. What a way to learn you died. Especially as your knocked out wife kind of just agrees to the statement that you’re dead and goes back to sleep again.

Tom: “Life doesn’t always turn out the way you planned it to.”

Me: “He seems very OK with being dead right now!”

I’m not entirely sure what is going on in the next scene or how much time has passed but Main Woman is searching through a box of Christmas things and starts to feel nostalgic enough to look out at their pool in the backyard. Maybe it’s the fact the thing is full of leaves and really needs cleaning out, I don’t know, maybe that was Tom’s job, but she starts reminiscing about some time they played hockey together and then there is a bright light and he sort of skates off into the distance and she waves at the pool. I mean… that might be an exact memory and someone just turned the floodlights on at the wrong time at the rink but… I think she’s losing it guys.

Turns out Main Woman’s name is Susan, which she gives to us when going through her bills and talking to herself. John has turned into a right prick since his Dad died and is demanding that she takes him to school of all things and how dare she keep making him peanut and jelly sandwiches! So obviously he thinks now is a great time to ask what happens to people after they die.

Susan: “Well, if they’re a loving person then angels come to down to meet them and they’ll take them to be back with God.”

Me: “But you should know that their physical body will slowly decompose and rot until there is almost nothing left of them and that can take quite a while depending on the environmental conditions.”

John: “Do you believe there is some kind of life for a person after they die?”

Susan: “This is about your Dad, isn’t it?”

Me: “No shit! How many other fucking people have died around you recently!?”

Susan delivers a terrible pep talk about the fact they’re all just going to have to get used to life without Tom when John drops the bombshell that that is what his Dad told him last night. Apparently he told him life just doesn’t work out how you planned, sometimes. Which… wait so…. either Tom is stuck on a really boring parental advice loop in the afterlife or this is the very next day and Susan is already out of the hospital and driving her soon to school with concussion and getting over her dead husband very casually.

Fuck’s sake. Someone bring Anne back.

Susan also thinks that just before dropping her son off at school would be a great time to tell him he lived in a fantasy world and suggests maybe Tom wasn’t so perfect after all.

Prediction #2 – John wasn’t great at bookkeeping and probably wracked up all those bills Susan is now stuck with

Susan: “You have to stop telling people that you speak with him.”

John: “But I do.”

Susan: “But you don’t, honey.”

Me: “Susan, you’re fucking killing me right now. You’re my parenting hero.”

She is even pushy enough to presume he wants to join a hockey team that I presume he has no interest in. Feeling flustered by this blistering argument with what appears to be a 12 year old, Susan turns to her mobile phone. I don’t know who she’s phoning seeing as she just puts the thing straight to her ear but either way she promptly pulls out and hits another car passing by.

Oh. Fuck. No….. is that…. is that….

Phew, never mind people. For a horrible, stomach sinking moment I thought this guy was back from last year’s Christmas Lodge.

May we never forget….

Unfortunately for our guy he does look remarkably like him… I know the Christmas circuit is kinda small but please not Mary and Jack, her entire Christian family and her ex-boyfriend Kent who is probably still at jazz-fest.


Prediction #3 – All good relationships start with an argument because if you can’t get on in those early days…. well, it only gets better from there, right? Right?

Susan: “Don’t you look where you’re going you just drove right into me!”

Man: “I hit you!? You pulled out without even looking!”

Susan: “I did not! All I did was…. was…

Man: “Talking on your cellphone…”

Susan: “Oh is that a sexist remark!?”

Me: “…. Who the fuck writes these scripts…?”

Man: “No, no, that was an observation.”

Me: “Oh, OK, we’re just gonna let that crazy remark go, I see.”

Despite the fact Susan’s car is not damaged and the guy says they should just please, for the love of God forget they every met each other, she is still trying to yell at him before he drives off. She also starts grumbling to herself about what else could possibly go wrong with her life. I’m sure that’s a rhetorical question and she doesn’t actually want me to answer.

She’s even having a shit time at work trying to make her next article on the Victorian revival interesting. I guess that explains the Victorian carol singers from yesterday

Anne honest to fucking Christ has penis on the brain and nothing else. As in I believe she has an actual penis on the brain because she seems to malfunction and start spouting ‘cougar’ every time a man is mentioned. Seriously, she needs a CT scan or something. Susan tells her she got into an argument with her kid about him talking to his dead Dad and all Anne wants to know is whether the guy she drove her car into was hot or not. Luckily Anne is there to tell us running into someone is not a felony unless you were putting your make-up on at the same time… which I imagine she knows because she has done.

Numerous times.

When Anne has to answer a phone call Susan makes a break for it before she has to hear about that time Anne went dogging, again.

This next scene actually made me late for work. (Yes, I have so many Christmas films to write up that I am even doing this at 6am in the morning.) At school John is being reliably weird and talking to thin air which can only lead to bullying because different is bad, kids.

John punches this fat kid which for some reason brings out the Mystery Man Susan drove into that morning. John then proceeds to try and spark the guy out too but doesn’t manage much with his flimsy wrists. I believe what then happens is probably tantamount to child abuse but either way I sat and replayed John’s punches a good three times before I could get over them.

Prediction #4 – This guy is the school’s new teacher or… life coach or some sort of support guy who is going to bond with John much to Susan’s dismay

Anne goes to find Susan out on a park bench and realises her work colleague may just have depression. I probably would too if John was my kid.

Susan: “Sometimes I wonder, ya know, why bother getting up? Or eating or breathing. None of what happens makes any sense.”

Anne: “Does anybody’s life make any sense?”

Me: “Your’s certainly fucking doesn’t.”

Anne kindly compares all of this to that time her sister died and Susan should just work on being happy again. Thank Christ we escape this conversation and hearing about how Anne probably got over her sister’s death by sleeping with her widowed husband because we are called to the school.

Susan is required to see John’s counsellor and we can all only presume who that may be. As soon as the woman is gone ghost Tom shows up and works on making his son look doubly insane by talking to himself outside of the counsellor’s office. What a thoughtful parent.

As predicted Susan is enthralled to see Mystery Man Kevin Harrison at the school and it only gets worse when he informs her that John tried to spark him out earlier. The man casually and oh so subtly mentions hockey so that we can all be informed he is the new hockey coach, too.

Prediction #5 – If you can’t bond over counselling you sure as shit can bond over hockey practice! 

Susan can’t help noticing what appears to be a picture of a spy on Kevin’s desk and asks if this may be his wife rather than his MI5 escort. Susan sees absolutely nothing wrong with her aberrant behaviour when he turns the picture around so he doesn’t have to look at it. Probably remembered he shouldn’t have printed that specific photo of a secret agent out to A5 size, frame it and keep it in his office.

An…. Anastacia? Is that you!?

Prediction #6 – Kevin has a conveniently deceased spouse. Widowers unite!

While the adults talk about boring adult talk and how the school is demanding Susan send John off to a psychologist because he’s hearing voices… John is sitting outside the door hearing those voices just fine, thanks. Tom is explaining Susan is unable to see him because she’s still too pissed off at him for not keeping his eyes on the road.

John: “So where do you go after? You know… to heaven or what?”

Tom: “It’s kinda complicated…”

John: “You only say that when you don’t want to explain everything to me! Like sex!”

Me: “Woah! What!? Kid, you can barely walk down a corridor without talking to yourself and punching someone! You just… stay the hell away from Anne.”

Kevin is nice enough to leave a space open for John on the hockey team despite the fact he thinks he might be insane and will have blades attached to the bottom of his feet. People make weird choices at Christmas.

I’m unsure what angle the writer’s were going for when they fleshed out Susan’s character as she tells her son the real meaning of Christmas is giving gifts and he just needs to grow the fuck up already.

Prediction #7 – Susan is gonna ask for some bizarre permission to be happy with Kevin in the future at which point Tom will come down and visit her and just be relieved he’s no longer in limbo with this actual psycho

John finds a flyer for some weird local radio station dating search and I feel he may just be more interested in the $50,000 prize money.

Word Art you say… Hmmm… I’ll have to check it out

Prediction #8 – Susan is getting entered into that competition whether she knows and/or likes it or not

Tom comes back to visit John and between an angry mother and a condescending father… John is gonna be a real catch when he gets older.

John: “Me and Mom aren’t getting along. She just doesn’t know what she wants from one minute to the next.”

Tom: “Well… not only is she your Mom, she’s a woman. Sometimes it’s hard to know what they want.”

Me: “Did…. did a man write this script?”

Turns out Tom never bothered to get anymore life insurance and now Susan can’t pay for the bills and mortgage. No wonder she’s pissed. I’m not sure a ghost trying to explain life insurance to their 10 year old child is the greatest or most normal learning curve I have ever seen but… I guess everyone’s gotta start somewhere.

Tom decides everyone just needs a little more stability. Should we help Susan with her stress? Shall we put routines in place so everyone can do their fair share around the house? Try to alleviate the burden on her? Get her to seek some help and advice? Downsize? Work on her own mind and body before she has a breakdown?

No. Apparently all any woman needs is a man around the house. Ya know the more Tom speaks the more I’m glad he’s dead. I’m sure Susan who is trying to figure out how to keep a roof over her son’s head and having a breakdown in the kitchen would really appreciate her son and dead husband signing her up for a dating search with the local radio.

She’s just gonna love it. I know it.

John is probably not regretting his decision to throw his mother under the bus as he tries to make an effort to enjoy Christmas this year and asks for a tree but she just ain’t feeling it. Instead she goes into a gift shop, pulls out a long list and asks the woman behind the counter for scented candles because she a) couldn’t remember that one product and b) couldn’t just use her own fucking eyes.

Susan: “What an interesting shop. How long have you been here?”

Woman: “Oh… forever and ever.”

Me: “Please don’t be Mrs. Claus or something…”

Susan: “What a lovely antique headboard.”

Woman: “It wasn’t antique when Herbert and I bought it new. We were married 52 years.”

Susan: “Oh, that’s beautiful. Your husband…”

Woman: “Passed. 9 years ago.”

Susan: “I’m sorry to hear that. You must be lonely all by yourself.”

Woman: “Oh no, Herbert is upstairs.”

Me: “Oh my fucking god please say you kept the body!!!”

Turns out she is just on about his spirit because they’ve always lived upstairs and this sparks John off. Susan is now looking at both her son and this shop owner like they both need committing. To help Susan open up her tiny mind the shop owner gives her a book called ‘Spirits & Apparitions of Christmas’. I mean I can’t speak for Herbert but I’m very sure Tom isn’t famous enough to feature in that book unless there is a specific section on people who don’t buy life insurance.

Despite the fact John feels the old lady explained everything in perfect detail Susan is having a hard time believing there is anyone sane left in this town with her. To combat this John goes up to his room to play some tabletop hockey game and shout at himself. Susan is gonna wish she didn’t bother reading that book because it distracts her from the fact her son and dead husband are signing her up to what is essentially a dating site.

John: “What are her hobbies?”

Tom: “Yeah, right, if she had time for hobbies you mean.”

John: “Scuba diving and horseback riding.”

Tom: “She doesn’t do either one of those.”

John: “But it creates a sexy image, Dad. Kind of like a TV commercial.”

Me: “ONE! You are ten years old! TWO! You are talking about your own mother and THREE! THHHHRRREEEEE! You are discussing this with your dead father!”

Tom: “Yeah… OK…. ya know what, put some tennis on there too.”

Me: “I give the fuck up. Seriously. I’ve met you and can confirm even if you had taken out life insurance you would barely cover one month of the mortgage.”

While Tom is waking John back up to play more tabletop hockey and ruining his sleep pattern Susan is downstairs where the lights are flickering and the piano is playing to itself. She is far less terrified than she should be right now. I’d love it if Tom couldn’t even play the piano in life…

One encounter with a self-playing piano and Susan is whinging about the fact John can see his Dad but she can’t. John kindly informs her she needs to stop being so angry otherwise Tom will never find peace but thinks a nice long talk will solve this. Not until things calm down though. … Fuck knows when that will be because John decides to inform her he knows Tom didn’t leave her with any money and they might lose the house. Read the room, kid.

Kevin could also do with reading the room when he skulks up outta nowhere and offers to hang out with John at the ice rink after school despite what John might have had planned.

Kevin: “Maybe I can figure out where these conversations with his Dad are coming from.”

Susan: “Yeah, well…. anything you can suggest I’m open because…. right now I am at a complete loss.”

Me: “Oh…. so…. we’re already back to not believing in our dead husband’s spirit again. Cool.”

John is clearly wondering why the fuck he’s being made to hang out with his counsellor and why he keeps asking about his grades and his Dad.

Kevin: “You know most people would say there isn’t such a thing as a spirit or… ghost.”

John: “I guess…”

Kevin: “Now you understand what common sense means, right?”

Me: “Where the hell is this going…?”

John: “My Dad says common sense is faith and believing in things when someone tries to tell you not to.”

Kevin: “OK, you got me.”

Me: “No he…. he really doesn’t…. he doesn’t get common sense either.”

Kevin is busy telling Susan what she already knew – her son thinks he can see his dead Dad – while Tom/John are debating the fine line between having a ghost talk to someone and freaking them out. You’d be surprised to hear there is about a piano’s difference between the two.

I am unsure why and quite terrified to see Anne looking after John that evening and even more surprised that she doesn’t seem too impressed by the fact the dating site have invited Susan back to be a contestant. Of all the people in the world who would be supportive I was betting on her. Or maybe she entered too and no one got back to her…. Oh, Anne. John apparently has a plan to make her go through with it which I presume is just more identity theft.

Meanwhile Kevin is falling prey to the affliction every man suffers in Christmas films and that is… becoming a stalker. This time he pops out from behind a sign to chase Susan down and suggest he needs time alone with John in an even more relaxed and private environment. Home invasion 101, right there. Susan thinks this is a great idea and for some reason automatically invites the man’s wife to dinner too.

Look, there is already one crazy old woman keeping her husband’s corpse above the shop, why not have Kevin bring his corpse-y wife to dinner too? She has so many stories, seriously, she is just a riot.

When Susan gets back home I am ALARMED to find out that wasn’t Anne at all! No wonder there was no mention of a penis! It’s someone called Diane with the exact same hair cut, colour and pretty much the same bloody face as Anne! I should have gone with my gut instinct when I saw her boobs and thought they looked smaller than usual. Who the fuck is Diane?

Regardless of who she is and the fact she is very skeptical about John talking to dead people Susan decides to tell her about the piano playing to itself anyway. When she mentions the song that was playing Diane mentions that was Tom’s favourite Christmas song. Now, in a previous scene Tom said it was Susan’s favourite Christmas song.

This guy is literally the worst husband.

Susan: “I don’t think it’s Johnathan who needs a shrink. I think it’s me.”

Me: “Wait…. wait…. so…. he can talk to ghosts and start fights and know things he shouldn’t but you hear a piano playing and you need a shrink? This ain’t the fucking Susan show…. This is the Anne show!”

Back in the office Lester loves Susan’s Victorian revival article so much he’s put her on the radio to plug the new issue. I have a feeling this isn’t going to go quite as planned… and as soon as the host starts talking about cupid it is apparent.

Anne, who is egging her on in the background and seems to be in on this whole thing makes me question everything and whether Diane and Anne might actually be the same person. Even Lester, listening in from the office, seems cool with this.

Susan babbles on a bit about how hope and dreaming can be dangerous and can really hurt you when forever doesn’t work out when the host opens up the phone lines to what I can only presume is ‘Sex Pests Ring for Free Hour’.

Sex Pest: “Hey Susan, what a sexy voice you have. Just listening to you makes me all like… hot and bothered. So I just have to say this; will you marry me?”

Me: “What the actual fuck am I watching?”

The host seems completely unperturbed that Susan has ripped her headphones off and exited the studio and just continues to giggle inanely to herself. Let me just list the women we have met so far….

  • Emotionally damaged, always angry, always changing her mind, men just cannot understand what she wants so take turns guessing instead
  • Our very own cougar sex pest who just loves penis
  • The dumbest radio show host on earth who is completely vapid and giggles at everything she hears

I am horrified to tell you both of these things…. A woman helped to write this film and…


I’m taking a minute, guys.

OK. I’m good. So despite the fact Susan hated every second of this betrayal and a stark reminder that her husband is dead on national radio Lester wants her to do an entire piece on the dating scene from her very own perspective as a contestant and thought the entire thing was just wonderful. I naturally assume at this point he is telepathically connected to Diane because at zero point did he have a chance to call her and let her know that. Susan, however, just wants to know whose idea this was in the first place.

Oh John… it’s a good job you enjoy talking to your Dad so much because I fear you about to join him. Tom is actually making his son appear crazy at that very moment while he talks to him from the seats at a hockey game and tries to convince him to play hockey again. Real-life Kevin also rocks up to try and convince him just in time to see Susan storm on stage right.

Kevin is completely unable to read the room and while Susan is trying to give her child the riot act he asks if they’d like to go get some food after practice. John sees this as his chance to avoid an ass-whooping for another few hours and pleads with her to let them go. Burger and chips can really help a person calm down. No. I mean it. You could probably throw burger and chips at a bomb and it would defuse the thing on impact.

I’m starting to get the feeling Diane secretly lives in the damn house with them because she is there again in the morning trying to convince Susan to be a homewrecker just in time for Christmas. It gets worse when a shit load of post comes in from prospective dates on the competition – which, by the way, when I remember that flyer I imagined the entire set up of this ‘contest’ to be much different.

Susan: “No, no, I can’t do this. These guys could all be… sumo wrestlers looking for their mothers or they could be serial killers!”

Me: “…. Are sumo wrestlers with abandonment issues a specific fear of yours to come before serial killers…?”

Even Tom, who is looking on at this point, seems totally cool with the fact Susan might be about to have a date with death and we go on to read aloud some of the letters. Even John decides to join in…

John: “I’m a man looking to share my life with someone special.”

Diane: “Not original but he sounds sincere.”

Me: “Oh, Diane, you think anything with a penis sounds sincere.”

John: “After hearing your hot, sexy voice I’d like to get you under the…”

Susan: “Johnathan, don’t you have homework to do?”

Me: “Why does this kid keep talking about sex in reference to his own mother!?”

I’m quite distracted in this scene as Susan is wearing a T-shirt which appears to have been smeared with ketchup in only the way a psychotic woman with anger issues and depression can. After receiving a call from the radio station she is back with the terrible host and told the host will pick three letters and Susan will pick three letters. What’s the rate of sumo wrestlers looking for their mother’s amongst the population? Is it 1 in 6? I hope it’s 1 in 6.

Susan skirts around some questions about her dead husband and informs everyone she has an 11 year old child. I have a feeling those 6 men on the bench are suddenly much less interested in this competition, which is unfortunate because in the next round she will be meeting them face-to-face.

Date 1 with Sterling the dentist has the man singing the song from his ad at us and making terrible jokes about fillings.

Date 2 with Charlie the cowboy invites us into the inner workings of how he likes his steak and we get to see the giant hat his mom bought for him as a child. We also get to see the woman herself who is at the bar because they go everywhere together…

Date 3 with Dwayne the used car salesman introduces us to the true spirit of narcissism and how easy it is to check out a waitresses butt in a restaurant.

Date 4 is 20 minutes late which gives Susan a chance to call Diane to tell her how terrible men are and follow up her copious amounts of wine with a shot. As relatable as the woman is to me now (predictably) this would be a lot more interesting if she got progressively more drunk throughout the night. Date 4 finally shows up and turns Susan into an immediate tea leaf who shoves her two empty shot glasses into her purse and hiccups at the man.

Craig’s hobbies involve walking into rooms backwards with his hands behind his back

Date 4 is maybe Craig the lawyer but looks like the most boring man on earth. Susan apparently digs boring because he drives her home and they’re setting up a date for the next day. I’m not sure what happened to the other two contestants… maybe they were caught up in a terrible accident with a sumo wrestler…

Diane obviously wants to know all of the details and plies Susan with more wine. I’m surprised the woman isn’t flat out on the floor at this point.

Diane: “Well, did you enjoy being with him?”

Susan: “….”

Diane: “This is about Tom, isn’t it? Haunting you and playing your favourite Christmas song in the middle of the night.”

Me: “Well… I’m never gonna hear that sentence again in this lifetime.”

The next day Diane answers the door to Craig because Susan is busy upstairs adjusting her boobs in the mirror. The entire family comes down to greet the guy, including the deceased ex-husband he can’t see.

Susan: “Hi, sorry if I’m late.”

Craig: “No, you know, a woman is never late if she is worth waiting for?”

Tom: “Give me a break.”

Me: “Think we’ve found the serial killer!”

There is a wonderfully awkward introduction to Johnathan who decides maybe he doesn’t like pimping his mother out quite as much as he thought and decides to just go and do homework instead.

Unfortunately the date is even more awkward, despite the fact Susan appears to be really into it again, and Craig harps on about love at first sight and starts stroking her hand. I actually gave very involuntary gagging noises at this. He is creepy as fuck.

Prediction #9 – Craig is going to end up shouting at Johnathan and the whole thing will unravel

Susan rocks up at the school to ask Kevin if they can move his home visit to Johnathan to tonight instead of Saturday because she really needs him to babysit her kid while she goes on a date. I’m not entirely sure that’s what counsellors are supposed to be used for…

Kevin: “You know what my wife used to say? Follow your heart and don’t look back. You do that and sometimes life surprises you.”

Me: “With a jail sentence.”

When Craig kisses Susan goodnight, Tom/John, spying from the door, decide they really don’t like their own plans after all and turn to plan B.

Prediction #10 – Kevin is Plan B

Even Kevin has been reading that damn apparition book while waiting for Susan to get back but feels like they’re making great progress with Johnathan. Luckily he is saved by Susan’s phone ringing when she tries, once again, to invite him and his wife over for dinner sometime in the week and quickly escapes the house before he has to explain his MI5 wife is dead.

Upstairs Tom/John are devising some sort of letter and I really think Susan needs to monitor this kids Internet usage. The letter is a Frankenstein’s Monster of quotes from stars such as Kevin’s deceased spy wife and…. Tom.

Tom: “Try working in ‘life happens while you’re waiting for true love’.”

John: “That’s kinda corny though, isn’t it?”

Tom: “Women love corny. Put it in there.”

Me: “You’ve clearly never spoken to any women other than Susan and Diane, have you, Tom?”

This kid even has a printer in his room!!!!! That letter is printed off on definitely inconspicuous bright pink paper and taped up on the fridge ready for Susan to find it in the morning. John demands she read it before they leave for school and she kindly reads it aloud for all of us to enjoy the master workings of Tom… whatshisface. They sign off the letter asking to meet Susan at some coffee shop on Friday so I hope to god they also manage to swindle Kevin into going there at the same time or Susan is going to never look at another man again.

In a shock twist it was Kevin who got stood up at the shop by a ‘sales rep’ and Susan didn’t even bother going. Much to John’s horror which he communicates loudly to her while she tries to toss salad for…. fucks sake Greg, not Craig. Oh, he’s a prick either way. John begs for the help of Tom asking for some sort of ghostly intervention during this dinner which I cannot wait for, especially when the man picks up a hockey puck off the kid’s bed.

I would really rather not be alive for this awkward dinner conversation which ends with John being sent to his room which is honest to God a damn blessing for the kid more than anything. Either way Susan appears to have forgiven him by the end of the night because she checks on him while he’s sleeping which gives Tom a chance to watch her from a chair and keep muttering about not being able to let go. When he tries to hold her hand Susan has a miniature, silent freak-out which is fitting when you’ve just been stroked up by a ghost in the middle of the night.

This is probably why she believes that bright pink letter falling off the fridge was a sign of a haunting rather than a faulty fridge magnet right before Craig calls and insists he wants to spend the last night of the competition with her.

Prediction #11 – Craig is a total con-artist and he’s in need of money

On baby-sitting duties once more both we and Kevin are enlightened to the fact one day John wants to buy his mother a very expensive necklace for Christmas and he’s gonna do it by getting a paper round. Kevin is too polite to explain if he couldn’t afford that as a counsellor and hockey coach then a paper round sure ain’t gonna cut it either and probably thinks the whole journey of defeat, disappointment and financial struggles would be good character building for the kid.

I’m not sure how long they were shopping for but they pull back up that night to Susan and Craig dancing around the living room and blasting what sounds like ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and doing a terrible job of looking like they’re having a naturally, wonderful time. Although Susan probably is drunk.

Kevin: “Ya know, Johnathan, I think this is where I take my leave.”

John: “I want you to come in for a minute.”

Me: “Oh God no, please, don’t make me!!”

I think it’s at this point, when Kevin walks in to find Susan drunkenly dancing around the living room, that she realises she has issues the counsellor probably wasn’t meant to see and Johnathan would probably be happier if he just lived with anybody else in the world. Inevitably she tries to mention that dead MI5 wife again and Kevin thinks now would probably be the most appropriate time to tell everyone she died two years ago and wish everyone a Merry Christmas before he gets the fuck outta Dodge.

John chases after him to briefly discuss dead wives and hockey but it’s mostly to get him out of the house while catastrophe unravels because Craig is putting the very same necklace Johnathan wanted to buy his mother around her neck right that second! Oh and she loves it. Oh and she wants to show Johnathan.

Mistaking Johnathan’s immediate tears as jealousy that he didn’t get his own gift Craig pulls out a skateboard because… John definitely showed any sort of interest in skating during any of their interactions and why the hell wasn’t Susan vetting this process. She’s back to being a terrible mother and I’m glad Johnathan runs away from that skateboard and straight outta Dodge. Despite the fact Craig thinks an 11 year old, on his own in the city at night can survive Susan gives chase. Man, there is no one left in Dodge these days.

I am concerned she has just left Craig, unattended, in her house though.

Susan is very dressed up to go searching for a missing child and is passing by that crazy ladies shop when she starts replaying that conversation they had in her head about believing in spirits at Christmas. It’s all very bizarre and has little meaning because the next second she’s at Kevin’s door after he presumably called her to let her know Johnathan was sparked out on his sofa.

Prediction #12 – At least when Kevin sees that necklace he will be able to form words about it and explain instead of simply crying

Kevin: “He’s an easy kid to get attached to.”

Susan: “Don’t I know it.”

Me: “Erm… he’s your child, woman.”

Over coffee Kevin and Susan discuss mental health, children, wives dying of heart disease and the fact Susan still hasn’t bought her child anything for Christmas despite the fact it’s two days away. Oh and Johnathan is going to play the major hockey game of the season tomorrow too. Apparently this is such good news that Susan ends up kissing Kevin because we just love hockey.

Back at home Johnathan admits that he wrote the bright pink letter on behalf of Kevin. Even though she can’t see ol’ dead Tom in that chair she is still pissed off at both of them when she finds out this entire idea was his and everyone is very upset with each other. For the first time in the entire film Tom dispenses some sage advice and tells his kid to keep his head down until Susan has put down that loaded rifle.

Picking up that book again Susan conveniently turns to a chapter telling her spirits need to resolve connections with things they thought were special in the living world before they can be free. I hope the neighbours are still awake because she ends up standing in the window with that hideous star tree topper, talking to herself. Well…. no, she finally turns around and sees Tom but to the neighbours this entire family is fucking nuts, these days.

This scene may have been more moving if the lighting on Tom’s face wasn’t super weird and made him look like a murderer. Either way it turned out it was Tom who was holding on and decides just as his wife gets to see him he’s gonna let go. He does get to stroke her face for a bit before some light comes and takes him away. I hope he said goodbye to John. That kid is going to be broken by the end of this film.

God called. He wants to know where the fuck you’ve been, Tom.

Back at the radio station Susan is about to go on air and open some envelope with the lucky guy’s name in it! Susan and Diane rush off to the rest room which gives John the perfect opportunity to follow the radio host, Carol, and eavesdrop on an impromptu conversation between her and Craig.

Craig is indeed in need of money and is being chased by loan sharks and is blackmailing Carol in order to be the winner. Apparently she likes driving under the influence and Craig covered up those charges for her before and is threatening to go to her manage if this doesn’t work out for him. Credit to her, at least, she was having second thoughts about the entire thing but Craig’s loan shark is on the phone to him and demanding the money in 24 hours before someone comes and breaks his knees or something.

As in all movies instead of just shouting ‘Craig is being harassed by loan sharks’ as soon as his mother marches past John just feebly shouts that he needs to talk to her and, of course, gets shut out of the studio. Even Kevin is listening to the radio from his phone while his poor hockey team stands around waiting for their pep talk and…. wait… isn’t John meant to be there playing too?

Much to the dismay of Carol, Susan decides not to read Craig’s name out from the card but goes rogue and announces the winner is Kevin. I… don’t know if she still gets the money for that but… at least she’ll have a sit-in babysitter now. I adore Kevin’s speech which is basically ‘What are you all standing there for? LET’s GET ‘EM!’ before he wonders where the fuck that even came from and with some movie magic John turns up just in time for the game.

As much as I do love hockey I am solely in it for the brutality so the kid’s game wasn’t entirely up to my standards. Neither was John taking 10 minutes to get changed into his damn gear before he could get out there and save the team because apparently as soon as John got on the ice it became 1000% more icy for the opposition only. I’ve never seen so many people fall over in one game montage.

I adore the game plan Kevin draws out on the little board during their time out when both teams are drawing. I am as shocked as John to see Tom turn back up on the ice because apparently he wasn’t gonna miss the big game for nothing but man is this putting pressure on the kid.

And going full circle Susan sees that weird ass vision of Tom skating off into the white light again, John gets to wave his Dad farewell and… even Kevin gets to see the corpse this time too! He’s not too hung up on it though, John sticks some mistletoe to his hockey stick with the unnatural amount of chewing gum his friend had been hoarding in his hamster cheeks and holds it over his mother and Kevin forgets all about that time he saw a ghost.

How much gum were you chewing, kid!?

Kevin even helps John put that hideous tree topper up on the tree….

I do have to wonder what happened to Carol. And Craig. And did Diane ever get a date from the office party? And is Lester still waiting for Susan to finish her damn article because she essentially went rogue? And who gets the prize money now? And how did Susan even own such a giant house with a grand piano in it anyway?

And so, with very little regret, we finish yet another Christmas chapter. If you want to watch a film that is terrible in both quality, visuals and audio (via this link anyway) please, make your way over here. The audio does eventually match up with the film, I promise.


Prediction board – 8/12

  • Prediction #1 – Susan’s marriage will either end very abruptly in death or divorce this Christmas – CORRECT! Death by trip to get a Christmas tree!
  • Prediction #2 – John wasn’t great at bookkeeping and probably wracked up all those bills Susan is now stuck with – Technically not true, he just sucked at getting basic admin done. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #3 – Susan and Kevin will build a strong relationship off mutual dislike – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #4 – This guy is the school’s new teacher or… life coach or some sort of support guy who is going to bond with John much to Susan’s dismay – The counsellor. I shoulda seen it coming. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #5 – Kevin and John will bond over hockey – technically the kid didn’t even play hockey while they were bonding but they were at the ice rink and that counts. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #6 – Kevin has a conveniently deceased spouse. Widowers unite! – Easy. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #7 – Susan is gonna ask for spectral permission to move on – Nope! Tom was the creepy stalker this time! INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #8 – Susan is getting entered into that competition whether she knows and/or likes it or not – that was an easy score. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #9 – Craig is going to end up shouting at Johnathan and the whole thing will unravel – unfortunately this never materialised but I just know one more awkward dinner and we’d have had it in the bag! INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #10 – Kevin is Plan B – Kevin was plan B. CORRECT!
  • Prediction #11 – Craig is a total con-artist and he’s in need of money – COOOOORRRECT!
  • Prediction #12 – Kevin will explain that John wanted to buy that exact same necklace himself – didn’t even mention it! INCORRECT!


  • Horse and Sleigh: We are apparently against horses these days
  • Piano: Yes! FINALLY!
  • Carolling: But no one sang around it -.-
  • Christmas Montage: I’m not sure the hockey game counted as either a montage or being Christmas-y exactly
  • Fire Hazards: Not a one! Since when was safety so important at Christmas?
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: CHECK! And we got to see this one!
  • Snowing on cue: We can apparently no longer command the weather either…


This one was definitely not my favourite film so far and I was really just living in fear of Jack from the Christmas Lodge ripping his way onto the screen at any moment.

Please lord. Some new faces tomorrow. Please.

Christmas Advent #5 – Christmas Inheritance

Despite the fact that I have taken up a large portion of the Sky box’s memory with recordings of Christmas films, from True Christmas and Christmas24, today I turned to Netflix. In these times at least you can always depend on Netflix. It’s always got your back, bro.

Anyway, today I offer you… a Christmas Inheritance. Not the interesting kind of inheritance, just a blog post on a film, really. So, before you come to me looking for that ol’ payday from a deceased relative… awa-ay we go!


I’ve just realised this film is one hour and 44 minutes long and that is actually the length of the film because Netflix has no ads. I mean thank god but… sigh. We get the obligatory shot of the city from above and it turns out that seeing people from this height really freaks me out…

Look at them all… just crawling all over the place…

Dropping in on a very expensive looking party, everyone is clinking glasses and saying cheers. Probably congratulating each other on another year of being functioning alcoholics. There are a lot of signs around which say ‘Toys for Tots’ and I can’t tell if this is a charity gala or simply celebrating another great Christmas campaign for ‘Home & Hearth’.

If you ask me Home & Hearth sounds more geared to people who like to go out hunting every weekend while wearing tweed. The only toys they’re handing down to their children are a guide to ‘My First Rifle’.

Either way, a woman is going around looking for Miss Langford and whenever the guests tell her they, unfortunately, have not seen her, this woman gives them the kind of smile you’d give a senile old relative when they tell you for the 502nd time that day that ‘things were better in their day’. You know, back when you could catch hypothermia from visiting the outside toilet in the dead of night or when they really started to get into the swing of fucking up the planet. Those good old days!

This woman spys a Mr Pittman who is more concerned with his phone and tries to ward her off by simply running away. This woman is relentless, however, and turns out she is Mrs Worthington and is chair to the ‘Toys for Tots’ committee. Mr Pittman gives no shits and continues to finish off his messages, which appear to be him closing some sort of business deal. Turns out Miss Langford is his fiance and should have given a presentation on behalf of Home & Hearth 20 minutes ago.

Miss Langford, however, is busy taking her heels off and doing gymnastics in the lobby for a crowd. Apparently this is how you get donations off people for charity. I would be a lot more willing to talk to those people on the street if they went cartwheeling around the place in a bid for people’s time. When some mystery guy says he will quadruple his donation if Miss Langford can vault over a Toys for Tots display, you know it’s all going to go terribly wrong.

Both Mrs Worthington and this cartwheeling woman’s fiance turn up just in time to watch the show. In all fairness the woman vaults the display just fine but Mrs Worthington decides the best time to call out her name would be on her landing. Miss Langford goes tumbling back into the Christmas tree and all is well with the world. My GOD those pine needles would hurt…. I think she styles it out in front of all the press gathered around.

Maybe she just loves that pine fresh scent and acupuncture?

The next day, predictably, it is all over the papers and everyone is gathered around the office to read about the infamous ‘Party Heiress’. Her Dad is marching around the halls looking for her and finds her in a board room dreaming up new taglines for the company. Dad is taking no prisoners.

Dad: “I just spent an hour with Mrs Worthington, talking her off a ledge.”

Me: “Bit of a dramatic reaction but alright.”

Ellen thinks this can all be cleared up by informing him someone dared her in the name of charity so get off her case already. It turns out that, after all this, Dad can no longer retire like he wanted because otherwise the whole company might go cartwheeling into a tree under her ruling. Speaking with his assistant, Alice, he worries that he might have spoilt Ellen after her mother died (yawn) and probably shouldn’t have bought her so many Ferrari’s for Christmas. I can tell you something, if you want to become completely desensitised to death.. watch Christmas films. It’s amazing anyone comes out alive.

Alice presents… I still don’t know this guys name… a wooden box and claims it is his turn to write the Christmas letter this year. Maybe I’ve been listening to too many horror and true crime podcasts of late but this looks to me like some sort of ominous festive ritual. It definitely isn’t… I just wish it was.

Ellen: “Hey, Dad? I was just wondering if you wanted to grab lunch.”

Me: “Which you are obviously also paying for.”

Dad: “I’m sorry sweetie, I have a conference call at one o’clock.”

Me: “He clearly knows he will have to pay for lunch.”

Alice: “I’ll move that to three.”

Me: “Good God, Alice! Stop being so efficient!”

At a predictably very fancy restaurant Ellen wants to make amends for the way she flew into that Christmas tree and wants to prove herself responsible and not just a cartwheeling drunk.

Prediction #1 – Ellen doesn’t seem her own fiance’s type… he’s probably just in it for the business she’s going to inherit

Her initial idea of another fundraiser for Toys for Tots at Valentine’s day, with all of the same press involved no doubt to film her crashing into a giant inflatable heart, doesn’t wash too well with her Dad. He wants Ellen to concentrate more on the spirit of the company and the look Ellen gives him suggests he might have been right about retiring early after all. For some reason she is having a real hard time imagining the regular people, who live in small towns, and actually buy their products, so Dad decides a business trip is in order.

Ellen will be delivering the Christmas letters to a guy named Uncle Zeke in somewhere called Snow Falls that she doesn’t seem keen on. Apparently Snow Falls is where all of this began and where Ellen can find her festive spirit.

Prediction  #2 – Ellen will find a new festive man to go along with her new festive spirit

Prediction #3 – Snow Falls is probably where Dad met Mom and maybe where she also died, hence why Ellen seemed pretty reluctant to go

Back at their apartment Ellen’s fiance seems more concerned that she has to leave tonight and their tickets to Maui are non-refundable, rather than the fact they only have a bottle of water and two lemons in their fridge. I know which one I’m more concerned about. There are suddenly a lot more clauses to this trip than I ever imagined and her fiance settles on the bottle of water so he can hear out this insane plot. I’d have rather have seen him casually chewing on a lemon, but hey.

Ahhhhhh, how the other half live

Ellen will be gone until Christmas Eve so should be back in plenty of time for… Maui? If their holiday was that far away I’m not sure why he brought it up in the first place. She also needs to do the entire trip on 100 bucks with a round-trip ticket because that’s all her Dad and Uncle Zeke had when they started out. I feel it’s kind of cheating, then, that she gets to stay at Uncle Zeke’s inn. I think she should have to find and pay for her own accommodation. Let’s see her do that! She is also not allowed to use her credit cards, or in fact use her own name, so that people treat her normally and not like she is going to inherit a multi-million dollar company. I hate to tell her if people have eyes and the Internet then they probably know who she is already but whatever.

That multi-million dollar company is the part her fiance is most interested in because she will be inheriting that if she manages to complete this insane task. He does have a few questions about the mass of letters in the box though and on the back of a greetings card is the entire original business plan for Home & Hearth gifts. I can tell you it is legit the kind of plan I write up when I want to escape the inevitable march to death and boredom that is working in digital marketing. My plans also usually end with ‘International Business!’ too.

Now… this is the part I’m confused by. Dad and Uncle Zeke have been writing each other letters every year, like a newsletter of what happened to them in those 365 days, yet they deliver the letters and box personally so… so what is the point of the fucking letters!? If you’re going to see the man anyway!? What is this madness!? And does that mean only the guy delivering the box writes the letter? Then how do you know what’s been happening to the other guy? How did these people start such a successful business when they can’t even get these simple logistics right?!

Either way the Dad is there to bid Ellen farewell at the bus station which came as a surprise to her because she was expecting to travel by plane. Dad makes sure to strip Ellen of her credit cards and apparently she keeps these loose in her bag and her bra. This woman is a liability.

More questions are raised when Ellen is walking down the coach, looking for her seat, but can’t see any seat numbers. Which raises the question… what the fuck was she looking at on her ticket if no seat numbers exist!? An elderly woman kindly explains to her she just needs to sit her ass down and that there are no call buttons on a bus to order wine.

Kathy: “I’m Kathy Martin.”

Ellen: “I’m Ellen L…. Never mind.”

Me: “Oh my god, woman, you are so shit at this whole living thing.”

Prediction #4 – Kathy will be getting off at Snow Falls too and is kindly going to take us under her wing because you can’t just order wine whenever you feel like it… unfortunately

The moment the bus pulls up there are people dressed in Victorian clothes, carolling and I just already cannot. Ellen almost forgets she actually has suitcases to pick up and is surprised when the bus driver doesn’t have change for her single 100 dollar bill so she can tip him. What ensues is some strange carry-on film where a guy carrying a tree knocks into one of her many suitcases she has left in the middle of the pavement, the suitcase glides gracefully into the middle of the road and a taxi driver hits it, spewing her belongings everywhere.

I wonder if their agents sold the part to them as being a ‘period drama’ character

I’ve never seen a taxi driver that young before but the pair are just young and arguing enough to spell true love.

Prediction #5 – Ellen’s future life now involves inheriting a taxi firm, too

Whilst helping her pick up clothes there is a very odd moment when they both grab some blue…. I don’t even know what it is, but the music that plays and the face the guy pulls suggests it was some ultra-sexy lingerie. It wasn’t. It looked like a blue dressing gown at best. If that’s his idea of a good time this town is smaller than I thought.

Thieves will actually run you down in the street to mug you these days

He does think this is the perfect time to offer her a cab ride though because, as it turns out, he is the only taxi driver in town and cell reception is non-existent here. Good job he ran down her case when he did. If you ask me, during their ride through town, the place looks pretty well established to say they only need one taxi driver. Maybe they have really good pavements and a solid snow shoveling company in town.

Taxi Guy: “So you’re from New York.

Ellen: “Yeah, how did you know?”

Taxi Guy: “Ah, you just got that look.”

Ellen: “What look?”

Taxi Guy: “Erm… just… you were on the second bus of the day and the second bus of the day is New York.”

Me: “Yeah, you got that second bus of the day kinda look about ya.”

Turns out Taxi Guy went to New York but came straight back.

Prediction  #6 – Taxi Guy is very close to Zeke and wants nothing to do with whatever reason Dad and Zeke no longer work together full-time

Taxi Guy brings Ellen’s luggage into the inn and I’m disappointed to say there is a pretty clear path to the exit making this a no fire-hazard zone. As it turns out Taxi Guy is actually the manager of the inn and only drives the taxi when some guy called Herman, who I believe is sitting in the lobby, is suffering from gout. Ya know… that ol’ chestnut.

Our taxi driver finally introduces himself as Jake Collins but unfortunately Zeke left town that morning, as we are informed by a woman called Kelly, who is handing out Christmas cookies to the people chilling in the lobby. Apparently Zeke has gone on some sort of nature commune which is very common and no one ever knows where it is he wonders off to. Kind of reckless, if you ask me. No wonder he appointed somebody else as manager to the inn in case he never makes it back one day.

Jake: “Kelly, he say when he’s gonna be back?”

Kelly: “You’ve met Zeke, right?”

Jake: “Yeah!”

Me: “Well… isn’t that a relief that you’ve met your own boss, buddy.”

Zeke cannot be contacted by phone, we don’t know when he’ll be back and he apparently didn’t know that Ellen was coming who, on introducing herself, calls herself Ellen Langflondon. She then decides Ellen London would probably be less suspicious… except for that whole syllable she has just decided to drop off the beginning of her surname. Apparently there is a landline in her room but she will be charged for it. Good job the cookies are free!

When Ellen calls her Dad, which she is being charged for, may I remind you, he doesn’t seem particularly surprised by the news Zeke is missing.

Dad: “Really? He’s not there? Ha, that’s just like him. Ever since he’s retired he’s lost all track of time.”

Me: “Well I guess that explains the Victorian carollers, then.”

Dad suggests that Ellen just sits tight and enjoys herself until Zeke gets back, despite the fact there are now only three days until Christmas Eve. Previously she said she would be back on Christmas Eve so I don’t know why she is suddenly so concerned with the timing of all this other than to unsubtly give viewers the sense of time that Zeke has clearly lost. Bored of this conversation Dad pretends they have a terrible connection and puts the phone down on her, which I adore. Ellen promptly tries to break the inn’s property by slamming the phone into her suitcase, which promptly falls onto the floor.

Also it turned out that blue thing was a nightdress and I stand by my initial reaction that Jake’s idea of a good time is very simple. He’d be an easy date.

Jake turns up with change for her 100 and the bad news that Debbie’s cafe around the corner is the only room service Ellen will be getting. At least Ellen comments on that fact it gets dark very quickly around these parts because it’s pitch black by the time they’re walking to the cafe. I’m not sure how long these roads are but the corner seems pretty far from the inn.

Jake gives money to some guy on the street for playing a harmonica, who thanks him by name, and despite the man calling Ellen beautiful she simply walks off. Ellen comments she’s kind of on a budget and can’t be handing money out to every man who plays her a harmonica ballad and compliments her which, rightly, Jake finds kinda unbelievable. Her coat probably cost more than my entire house.

Ellen: “My fiance says that giving money to the homeless actually hurts them.”

Jake: “That’s ridiculous.”

Me: “Not if you’re giving them hard change and pelt it at them, I guess? Which I do not encourage. Ellen, don’t do that.”

Debbie’s cafe looks like the place to be… and is probably the only place to be, in reality… and turns out Debbie is Jake’s aunt. That woman has a lot preserves behind the bar… Debbie is played by Andie MacDowell, so I obviously already love her because the 90’s did happen, but she also cooks food and can give me pickles straight from the jar so I’m pretty much solidly on her team. Bonus points if she kills a man.

“Wait… so you didn’t bring this woman here on a date to buy pickles?”

After we clear up the fact Ellen is merely a guest at the inn and not Jake’s date, Debbie is worried that Ellen is going to miss dinner with Santa. This is a charity event they set up in the village hall, for the kids, to raise money and the basic flyer immediately puts a sparkle in Ellen’s eye.

Prediction #7 – Ellen is going to throw all of her charity expertise at this and have the company back it for mega small-town brownie points

Prediction #8 – The planning of the charity will probably go too far and Jake will claim it’s all about appearances with her and she will find her true spirit or some bollocks

Jake: “Miss London has a complicated relationship with charity.”

Ellen: “I do not! I don’t…”

Me: “No, you really do, the last event you threw, you… literally threw yourself into their tree and missed your own speech because you were busy doing gymnastics for donations. It’s extremely complicated.”

Apparently Zeke comes into the cafe all the time and I’m unsure if he actually does (which seems likely, it’s probably the only place around where you can consume that many pickles at once) or if Debbie is just trying to get Ellen to stay and have dinner with Santa. As it turns out there is a commemorative plaque above one of the tables where Dad (Jim, finally) and Zeke came up with the idea of Home & Hearth gifts. I would like to point out there is an old photo of them and a newer one and the same sign is still up on the wall behind them. Simple editing would have gotten rid of that, people, or are you trying to convince me Debbie just keeps printing out the same sign every year so it looks fresh?

When it comes to the question of how Ellen knows Zeke I am surprised she manages to give the mostly coherent answer that she is a friend of the family and doesn’t just change her name to another capital city of the world. Apparently Debbie and Jim dated all through senior year of high school before he met Nora, Ellen’s mom, who was apparently adorable and smart and even Debbie had to love her. They even got married at the inn.

Debbie recalls that Nora passed away 10 years ago so that Ellen can look particularly forlorn before remembering that Ellen actually needs feeding and leaves her with Jake to look over the menu.

Prediction  #9 – We’re gonna get Jim and Debbie back together because what is better than second prize after first prize dies!?

Looking for a suitable distraction Ellen spots a picture of Debbie behind the counter which basically looks as though she is naked and holding a microphone. Apparently Debbie sang with a bunch of local bands and was very good at it. Cue the awkward questioning about Jake’s life and how big city life ain’t the one for him before he gets up to change the song on the jukebox because he can’t stand the song Silent Night. In all fairness, neither can I.

Prediction #10 – Jake went to New York for a relationship and it didn’t really pan out as expected

Debbie comes over to a) check out why Jake is beating up her jukebox which defiantly continues to sing Silent Night and b) tell him Ellen seems nice. Jake is not interested in Ellen in the slightest, all he cares about is getting a new goddamn song.

Debbie: “Jacob, you can’t keep yourself closed off. It’s not healthy.”

Me: “Nah, I think I could lead a full and happy life without ever hearing Silent Night again.”

Insisting that he is fine he continues hitting the jukebox until it stops playing altogether.

For some reason some very sinister music starts playing as we check out the inn but it turns out it’s just Ellen’s meditating music which gets interrupted by the Victorian carollers outside. Ellen decides to settle down and read to this hideous backing track but freaks the fuck out when she feels something in the bed with her. Jake is immediately to the rescue – as half-arsed as his rescue attempt is – and turns out Ellen was freaking out over a hot water bottle.

Jake: “You were almost bitten by a… hot water bottle.”

Ellen: “A what?”

Jake: “A bottle full of hot water.”

Me: “In all fairness, when you put it like that, it sounds pretty fucking bizarre.”

Jake shoos away the crowd who have gathered outside, who were hoping to see this woman mauled to death, presumably, and tries to explain what a hot water bottle actually is. I know we are meant to be getting the message Jake is not so secretly interested in this woman but I’m not sure he has to look at her ass every time she turns around to prove it.

At breakfast the next morning a guy called Captain Williams, who is either drinking cider or piss, complains that Jake has served them whipped cream, not clotted cream. As much of a sin as that is it can’t be helped when Debbie never sent over clotted cream along with the breakfast.

That breakfast is pretty big and there are pastries and bread everywhere. Debbie is seriously an entire one-woman show… or just getting rid of old stock from the cafe. Maybe the clotted cream was too far gone to pass off as edible anymore.

Ellen watches Jake deal with the grisly old guy by refunding him credit to the same amount a pot of clotted cream would have cost and is quite impressed. Turns out Captain Williams comes back every year to spend Christmas at the inn since his wife died. Presumably he moans at everyone on an annual basis too.

Ellen receives a call from her fiance at the desk who is pretty pissed off he hasn’t been able to get hold of her via mobile all morning. Jake feels that sanding behind the desk and looking predictably awkward is better than going back to talk to Captain Williams and, despite Ellen trying to be sweet, her fiance is just ranting about cell phone service and when the hell is she getting back, anyway? Tonight is his office Christmas ‘thing’ and he would like to make an entrance so she’d better be back.

Gray: “Can’t you just drop the letters off and come back home?”

Ellen: “I’m really sorry, babe, but it doesn’t work that way. The tradition is that I have to give him the letters in person.”

Gray: “Tradition!? What is this, ‘Fiddler on the Roof‘?”

Me: “Now I’ve never watched that film and have no idea what it’s about but I get the feeling it might not be about the Christmas tradition of dropping off hand-written letters….”

An awkward conversation later, when Ellen claims she is stuck in Snow Falls, which goes down well with Jake behind her, followed by the fact Karen from accounting will be at the party, so at least Gray will have someone to talk to, which actually does go down well with Jake, the lines go down and we don’t have to listen to Gray anymore.

Taking her anger out on Jake, Ellen complains some more about Zeke not being there and the fact Jake didn’t bother to mystically get hold of him without a phone or the man’s co-ordinates.

It is at this point that Ellen lets Jake know she doesn’t actually have enough money to stay another night – something her father must have forgotten about when he kindly extended her stay without any of her credit cards – and is going to just figure it out on her own. Killing two birds with one stone, Jake offers Ellen the role of housekeeper in order to stay at the inn. Their regular housekeeper is on vacation and Kelly is off sick so now it is down to Ellen to help clean 8 rooms by that afternoon. The room Jake lets her into appears to have endured some sort of Santa orgy and they have also left most of their belongings on the floor and… draped over the lampshade….

Who leaves an inn without their bra and hangs it up on the Christmas tree instead? It’s like -10 out there. Unless you actually want your nipples to be able to cut glass you are going nowhere without a bra!

Ellen has a wonderful time cleaning, which involves definitely not sorting the rubbish into recycling piles, knocking over and smashing a vase, falling backwards into her entire cleaning cart and literally exploding the entire vacuum cleaner by hoovering up someone’s boxers, covering the entire room in dust.

Inevitably this leads to the question of what Ellen even does for a living. Seeing a sign behind Jake advertising a local bake-off Ellen decides to claim she is a baker. Now…. Debbie exists. She has met Debbie… yet she still thinks this would be a fantastic fake career for herself. I am not surprised when, two seconds later, Debbie is fitting her out with an apron and Ellen looks like she would rather die.

Prediction #11 – Debbie will find out who Ellen really is first – before she poisons the clients – and will keep this secret for her even whilst trying to force her nephew and this terrible liar together

I had to pause the film for a while here as I had just tipped up a packet of crisps to get the last bits out and instead of following the usually constant law of gravity, they decided to shoot out sideways and ended up in my hair.

Now that I have picked Jalapeno and Cheddar crisps out of my hair… Debbie has tasked Ellen with separating the eggs. I beg to everything I have ever known in this world that she merely places all the eggs out on the counter and literally separates them.

Whilst Ellen is probably trashing her kitchen, Debbie is getting distracted by a picture out in the cafe of a family who I presume to be Jim, Nora and tiny Ellen. We zoom in on Nora, who looks alarmingly like Ellen (because how else are people meant to recognise the children of their dead parents?) before she returns to the kitchen where Ellen has actually… done nothing.

Inevitably, Debbie drops the bombshell that she knows who Ellen really is but if Jim thought sending his daughter out with 100 quid cash and no credit cards was a good idea then she might as well stand by him and keep her secret. Instead of simply telling Debbie what she is really there for Ellen just vaguely claims she is there to learn something from the people of Snow Falls. I mean yes, she is, but as far as she is concerned she is really just there to hand deliver a box of letters then get the hell out of dodge before she starves to death or blows up the inn.

In return Debbie shares the fact that Jake was once married to a Wall Street broker who he met in college and shortly after she left him for one of her very wealthy clients. I guess that’s what Wall Street does to a woman! Debbie is still insistent on shipping Ellen and Jake’s relationship and tells Ellen she really doesn’t want to see Jake get hurt… which, you know, he might do when he finds out who Ellen is and starts having flashbacks to Wall Street.

Insisting that she is just there to learn, Debbie decides to do the impossible. She is going to teach Ellen how to bake.

The next moment there is a blizzard causing hell in town and poor Baxter, the homeless harmonica player, is trying to huddle under his blanket on the floor in a very exposed and windy corner. I’m not entirely sure how long the man has been homeless for…

Prediction #12 – I really hope we go and pick up Baxter before he freezes to death, maybe Ellen will even have a change of heart about this whole charity thing and learn how to do it properly

At the inn, Ellen’s Christmas cookies are going down well and will hopefully have no lasting effects. Captain Williams marches up to alert them they are out of honey and wants to see the manager. On cue Jake bursts in, towing what appears to be half the town and a crying baby behind him. Asking the cop who has also tumbled into the inn what in God’s name is going on, he informs Ellen that power is out in the East side of town, the temperature is verging on dangerous and they have managed to get most people to the shelters.

The cop leaves just as Jake is also heading back out to get more firewood. Ellen rightly does the math and is confused about how they are going to house all of these people with no vacancies. I fear room sharing is afoot. Bagsy not sharing with the crying child!! Put that in with Captain Williams. He will be overjoyed, I’m sure.

Prediction #13 – A wild one, but I really hope Kathy from the bus turns back up and gives Captain Williams something to be less miserable about

Ellen mutters something about people not being left out in the cold and grabs her coat before heading out, despite Debbie reminding her it is freezing outside and she is not properly equipped for this climate.

When Jake comes back in with firewood Debbie breaks the news that Ellen has wondered off into the night but she turns up pretty much immediately with Baxter. Baxter is adorable and simply doesn’t want to cause trouble but people be vacating seats so he can sit by the fire and… get wet because there are giant clumps of snow in his hair. Probably… get the man a towel instead of a hot chocolate, Deb….

Jake: “Why did you go out there by yourself? You should have come to get me or told the sheriff.”

Ellen: “Well everyone was busy.”

Jake: “That weather out there is no joke, you are way under-dressed.”

Ellen: “You were worried about me…”

Me: “Yes, for the 0.2 seconds that I heard you had gone out at all, apparently. So worried I have to shout at you in the middle of the lobby.”

Jake wonders off because it’s easier to make a bigger fire and probably set the entire inn alight than try and pretend he’s not madly in love with this woman for saving his best friend. Afterwards Jake is assigning people to rooms and will be bunking with Baxter downstairs and seriously, the power is still working in this part of town, let the man go have a hot shower or something! Other guests are offering their sofa’s up and some poor newly weds offer theirs only to have Captain Williams claim it so he can give up his room. If they can get through this night they’ll get through anything.

Peculiarly, on getting a complete room, he gives this to another couple rather than to the mom, her young daughter and baby… presumably so Ellen can offer up her room in the next second. Apparently this inspires some serious feels in Jake but really this relocation makes no sense. The young child is more concerned that they’ll be snowed in for the next two days and Santa will never find them while the mother is concerned about her crying baby and the fact her husband Dennis, stationed over in Germany, might not be home in time for Christmas.

The sound of the screaming child is driving me insane throughout this so even when it gets handed over to Ellen and predictably stops crying I am so delighted for her. Just… for the love of God don’t let go of that child.

Prediction #14 – After the feels of room sharing Jake is going to be simply enamoured with Ellen when he sees her holding this now wonderfully quiet child

At least Ellen does the sensible thing and offers the family up the bed. There is a moment of panic when the small child seems to have forgotten her stuffed dog, Douglas, and Ellen offers up a stuffed bear wearing a Santa costume that came with the room instead. In rolls Jake with fresh blankets and the poor mother has to stand there awkwardly while he smiles at Ellen for 6 fractions of a second too long before finally leaving the room.

“Buddy, you gonna get the fuck out the doorway? You’re letting a draft in and I have young children here.”

It is at this point that Ellen realises Jake is much nicer than her own fiance and heads downstairs in the middle of the night to start clearing up. Noticing a light on behind a door she lets herself in and walks right in on some sort of study where Jake is sketching out some animals. I’m not entirely sure how many artists Ellen has met before now but she claims Jake is one simply because he was holding a pencil in his hand and drawing with it.

Getting distracted on her way out by the veritable amount of tat around the room, Jake explains they are all items for the silent auction, also held at Santa’s dinner. They were trying to raise money for the local soup kitchen but it doesn’t appear to be going all that well. Jake gifts Ellen a wobbling Santa, seeing as they apparently have a million, but I notice it goes right back on the shelf straight after she promises to cherish it forever. It turns out the haul for the auction is pretty dire this year and also happens to be the day after tomorrow.

Prediction #15 – Ellen will swoop in and save the auction at any means necessary

Spotting some more sketches of Jake’s she suggests they are pretty adorable and he should probably do something with them. Again, she tries to leave the study and again gets distracted and starts a new conversation about how much Jake just loves to help people. This is short lived before she grabs her wobbly Santa and attempts to make a break for it… only to be invited on a walk.

He’s climbin’ down your chimney, snatchin’ up your mince pies

Jake: “Hold on. Erm… do you wanna go for a walk?”

Ellen: “Outside?”

Jake: “Yes.”

Ellen: “Now?”

Jake: “Yes.”

Ellen: “Why?”

Jake: “I wanna show you something?”

Me: “It’s definitely the burial site of all of his victims. You wondered why everyone checked out today at the same time? This is it. He is not interested in repeat customers. You take that Santa and you run and you keep on running until exposure finally gets you.”

Exposure may take a little longer than usual because Jake has decided to lend Ellen a coat and his hat for this little excursion where she immediately starts handing out business advice. What is it with these Christmas films these days….?

When Ellen comments on New York she lets slip that she full well knows about his past and Debbie may have just divulged his history to this complete stranger. I love, in films, where the characters will be in a completely different location but are only just continuing the conversation they were having seconds before. Do they walk to the new location in silence or just keep explaining the same story, over and over again, in different words until they make it to the mark? I like to think it’s the former.

Turns out Jake was a daydreamy art student and out of nowhere, during a romantic dinner, his now ex-wife told him it was over right as they start playing Silent Night. Ouch. Wanting to avoid talking about the classical workings of Silent Night for much longer, Ellen reminds him he was meant to be showing her something and out they pop into a clearing with a bunch of lights strung up and a shit load of ice sculptures.

Jake designs them and Martin, his buddy, uses the designs to teach his classes at the college. Apparently they’re a big hit with the tourists who drop by during Christmas and, considering one of Ellen’s business tips to Jake was to take some bolder approaches… this may include drawing in tourists. Like a trap. Where they will stay at the inn and Jake will inevitably kill them! …. Ahem… With kindness, I’m sure.

Prediction #16 – Ellen is going to try and make these sculptures into money makers

We all admit that, we guess, we’re all not that bad and apparently Ellen thinks this is her cue to tell Jake her mom died when she was a teenager. Her mom came from a beautiful little town that she could never bring herself to go back to and instead just turned to partying and flinging herself into Christmas trees. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel because Jake has unknowingly been teaching her that some things matter after all.

For some bizarre reason Jake asks if this is the part where they are supposed to kiss, which traditionally yes it is, but then Ellen bails at the very last second and there is a whole scene where they just babble mindlessly about how great Jake’s company is and how they came out to look at nothing but it wasn’t nothing it’s all very beautiful and really Ellen had better just get the fuck outta there.

Ellen: “I should go…”

Jake: “Going the wrong way!”

Ellen: “YUP! Yup!”

Me: “I’m feeling all of this, right now.”

Sneaking back into her room Ellen freely admits to herself she has no idea what she is doing before wobbly Santa apparently gives her an idea. This involves sneaking into Jake’s study and stealing a bunch of leaflets for the silent auction.

The next day Ellen runs off to Debbie and asks for a favour. This involves a bollock load of baking in a montage and presumably all of these baked goods will be helping towards the auction. Ellen appears to be going to all of the local establishments in the area in Debbie’s van and if the are willing to both donate something and put a leaflet in their shop window she will give them a jar of baked goods. They must have some serious spirit around here because this certainly isn’t how commerce works.

Inevitably we come up against the guy who ‘already pays his taxes’ and is ironically the one guy running the modern tech shop in town. Being offered cookies and told it’s simply the right thing to do has him donating up an Apple monitor, which is fair enough because no one in their right mind would be buying that shit, anyway. Debbie’s car is beginning to look like both an eye sore and an actual hazard by the time she is tying the boot shut with bungee cord.

Jake is just leaving the inn with the local Sheriff when Ellen pulls up in the gift-mobile. Jake is much better at acting cynical and sarcastic than genuinely impressed and it just sounds like he’s talking to a small child for a moment there. Once more Ellen has to cover up her big ol’ marketing persona (again, pretty badly) and tells him he probably just shouldn’t question her at all.

Prediction #17 – Jake is gonna be mighty pissed that she’s been lying to him this entire time when she knew about his painful past like that was somehow her fault

Just as Jake is thanking Ellen and giving her a much longer than needed hug, which even the Sheriff is looking at with some amusement, who should pull up but our dear…. old… Gray.

Coincidentally this is my dream dinner party guest list

Jake rightly looks like he would rather the porch swallow him whole and Gray can’t help feeling Ellen doesn’t need rescuing from the storm after all… I honestly could not help laughing through this entire thing, I adored how wonderfully awkward it was with even the Sheriff wondering when the fuck the roads into town had opened up and let this guy in. Tense introductions completed, poor Sheriff Paul Greenleaf having to introduce himself, bless him, Ellen escorts Gray into the inn before anyone can die.

Ellen: “You didn’t have to be so rude out there.

Gray: “Oh well, excuse me, I’ll try and be more polite the next time some guy is all over my fiance.”

Ellen: “He was thanking me. I bailed him out, helped him with a charity auction, that’s all.”

Gray: “Look, I thought you came here to deliver these Christmas letters and now you’re what, Mother Theresa of Snow Falls?”

Me: “OK, I kinda enjoy this guy.”

Gray: “Come on, let’s get you packed and get you out of here.”

Ellen: “I can’t leave yet! Uncle Zeke still hasn’t shown up.”

Me: “Fuck me! I forgot about Uncle Zeke! Christ… I hope he’s still alive after that blizzard…”

Gray is more concerned with their flight to Maui in 24 hours which… I guess if fair enough because those tickets are non-refundable but Ellen is a new woman now! She can’t be going off and partying on a beach when there could be an old Uncle out there, freezing to death!

Prediction #18 – Gray is gonna see that baby and it’s going to start screaming and Ellen is going to start having major second thoughts

Ellen gives Uncle Zeke a deadline for tomorrow morning and if he still hasn’t shown up she will leave the cards and explain to her father she is a failure after all, I guess. Ellen ships Gray off to her room while she goes to help Debbie with Christmas tea, but not before reminding him she is not Ellen Langford around here.

Prediction #19 – Gray is gonna forget and Jake will inevitably be there to hear the slip-up from the one person who definitely shouldn’t have told him

Gray doesn’t even question what the fuck Christmas tea is until it’s too late and realises there are kids running wild and a baby crying in the room he was going to take a nap in. Fucks knows what he’s gonna do with his time now…

Ellen shows up at the town hall which… looks like the church to me…. to grab the keys to what I now believe is just a communal car everybody shares. Maybe the town hall is just attached to the church… Either way, Jake is there to greet her and hand over the keys before we have a brief conversation about how rude Gray is and how they actually didn’t kiss last night anyway. Jake apologises anyway, considering he knew she was engaged.

Jake: “You’ve been up front with me from the start and I should have respected that…. The thing is…”

Ellen: “…. Jake… “

Me: “Oh, that’s going to be painful.”

Jake: “Just hear me out on this… The thing is it’s been a long time since I felt like I could trust anyone and erm… I dunno; you’re different, you’re honest and it was just nice to feel that way again but I let my feelings get the best of me and I’m sorry.”

Me: “Oh that man’s going to have a straight up breakdown when he finds out…”

Unfortunately just as Ellen is going to let him know the truth, which would be a good time, a volunteer setting up the stage asks for his help and he runs off to stop someone from being crushed by the background. Deciding the man is far too nice to be honest to, apparently, Ellen rushes off before he can return and have his meltdown in the middle of the town hall. Instead, she has the pleasure of returning back to the inn and her miserable fiance.

No wonder she throws herself at serving guests, the alternative is hearing Gray complain about the lack of signal and the fact he will not eat the Christmas cookies she has baked. When Ellen admits she is helping around the inn because she ran out of money Gray is quite frankly terrified that she didn’t call him or her Dad and is enjoying being treated like a normal person. He doesn’t even compliment her cookies, of which he finally eats one, and personally that would have been the moment I dumped him, let alone him telling me I would never be a normal person and fit in with regular ol’ people.

Thankfully Debbie was there to witness Ellen’s visual heartbreak…

Prediction #20 – Luckily Debbie will be there to talk sense into Jake after he has inevitably found out who she is and has stormed off feeling betrayed

Ellen thinks it is finally time to start reading the letters she actually came to deliver and the history of her father’s company and friendship with Uncle Zeke, including photos of her growing up which she can reminisce over. Then, of course, we come across letters cataloging her mother’s illness, eventual demise and how important both Ellen and Zeke are to her Dad.

The small child Ellen is now sharing her room with comes in to inform her they are out of hot chocolate downstairs, so get yo’ ass back out there and start making drinks! Not before she has given Ellen the Santa teddy and a hug though. Ya know… for moral support.

Passing by Debbie’s pickle emporium Jake thinks he might as well go in and enjoy a stiff drink, only to find Gray already set up at the bar. I’m not mistaken, that man is not used to drinking out of a martini glass because he spills some of it down his front when he takes a sip.

Jake is much more used to drinking out of any kind of glass and doesn’t manage to spill it down himself when Gray starts to tell him about his family and their lack of tradition in the face of just buying shiny new things every year. Gray is, I think, meant to be mildly drunk and comes right out with Ellen’s full name which Jake takes a while to cotton on to. Gray hilariously tells Jake to forget any of that just happened before Jake swiftly leaves the bar.

I’m glad to see Baxter is still on the couch back at the house but am most confused by how Jake decides to google stalk Ellen. Instead of just searching for her name, he prefers to go for the term ‘Langford daughter Home & Hearth gifts’ and promptly comes across a video of her falling into a Christmas tree. Ah. Perfect.

You literally know her name, dip shit. TYPE IT IN.

Of course, despite everything he knows and has learnt about the woman Jake is gonna be miserable about it and blame her for his previous divorce. In the lobby he is skulking around while Ellen says goodbye to the family she bunked with and gives away the Santa Teddy that I am very sure came with the room…. I hope so, anyway. Gray follows shortly after with her luggage, commenting about how much better the hotel in Maui will be.

Ellen tries to hand the box of letters over to Jake but unfortunately he can’t take it because, as his little sign clearly says ‘Management will not be responsible for valuables’. He’s got a right face on him in this scene and asks whether the bill we be paid by her boyfriend or her dad’s multi-million pound company.

Jake: “We may not have cell service here but we do have the Internet.”

Me: “Then how the fuck did no one know who she was before now!?”

Still in the midst of his massive bitch-fest, Jake dramatically rips up her bill and says they should probably just be honoured that she stayed. Bidding her a Merry Christmas he exits stage right and Ellen continues to stand there trying not to cry about the entire thing. I really don’t know why people don’t just explain everything and keep talking until someone god damn listens instead of bleating the occasional sound and wondering off defeated instead.

Debbie pulls up just in time to say goodbye and will no doubt storm into that inn and kick the shit out of her nephew. Not before she has gifted Ellen with her own monogrammed oven mitts and passed on her greetings to her father. Seeing as Ellen thanks Debbie for keeping her secret I’m gonna presume she went right ahead and assumed correctly it was Gray that couldn’t hold his liquor. He also can’t hold his patience when he starts honking the horn of his car. He has a flight to Maui to catch.

He can go with Karen from accounting for all I would care…

When Debbie enters the inn it is eerily quiet and, even creepier, Silent Night is playing from Jake’s study. Personally I just wouldn’t go in and would presume he had finally decided he had had enough of life. Fortunately for everyone he is just sitting there staring at a wobbly Santa instead and Debbie thinks they should probably talk about it.

Checking the box of letters Ellen realises she doesn’t have the letter from this year. Apparently her Dad simply must have written a letter and I can’t help but feel she definitely would have read that when she was scouring the box the day before… Either way she demands they go back to the inn and Gray demands they fuck off these stupid traditions and just find a gas station instead. From the look Ellen gives the satnav when it starts speaking I think she may be done with technology.

At the very tiny gas station Gray parks up conveniently in front of a bus that is heading back to Snow Falls and unless Ellen is about to commit grand theft auto I believe she is getting on that bus. Not before she has confronted Gray about the fact he couldn’t keep a damn secret for 24 hours.

Deciding she belongs with Gray less than she belongs in Snow Falls she drops his ring in the cup holder and gets on that bus. That was some fortunate movie-esque timing, I must say so. Thankfully she remembers to pick up the box of letters but she legit now has no other belongings with her…

At Santa’s dinner everyone is having a wonderful ol’ time and some crazy woman is up on stage singing. I hope Debbie gets up on stage after this… I also really hope Santa isn’t Jake…. That’s going to make this inevitable chat a little aw… OH THANK GOD there he is in a suit.

Jake hilariously avoids eye contact with Ellen while she asks about this missing letter and tells him she basically abandoned her fiance and I can’t stop laughing. He’s like a petulant teenager. He finally manages to make some sort of eye contact when she shows him she isn’t wearing her ring anymore but is still at a loss. Nevertheless he has framed his sketches and put them up for auction like she suggested which Ellen thinks is sweet enough to divulge her feelings.

If I don’t look at her she’s not there…

Just as Jake is about to stop being such a prick some people come past and he pretends Ellen is a guest who really needs to buy something at the auction or get the hell out. Thank god for wobbly Santa!

Ellen: “How much is this worth?”

Jake: “A gift expert once told me… at least $1,000,000.”

Ellen: “Sold.”

Me: “…. Please tell me you didn’t just give away a mil of your dad’s company for wobbly Santa.”

SANTA IS UNCLE ZEKE!!!!! He hasn’t revealed it yet but I have this revelation two seconds before he reveals he received a letter from a very special friend and begins to read it out to the crowd. I hope it’s not personal…

In reality it’s just asking for Zeke’s blessing to make Ellen the new CEO of Home & Hearth and explaining why she has been incognito. This is quite the revelation to everyone else in the room that she had met and I wonder how Jake would have taken the news if he had learnt this way. Probably still been a miserable little shit about it.

Zeke: “Congratulations, honey. It couldn’t have happened to a finer young lady.”

Me: “He clearly hasn’t watched the Christmas tree video.”

Turns out Zeke was just camping out so he wouldn’t get in the way and she would be forced to stay and get to know everyone. Her Dad also turns up, who is pretty relieved she came back after all, otherwise this would have been quite embarrassing. Turns out he never did put his letter in the box anyway. Classic Dad trick.

Even the tech shop guy has to admit she’s a pro for getting him to donate a free item. This entire time, while Ellen is showing her Dad the auction and suggesting a new festive collection next year, Debbie has been hanging around in the background and keeping an eye on Jim so she can pounce on him the second he is free.

I’ve just realised that means Jim has been back here every year and just not really bothered to check in on Debbie. Will be difficult to avoid her now because she’s up on stage to sing! Unfortunately she’s singing Silent Night as a duet with the other crazy stage woman.

Getting over his fear Jake asks her to dance to this horrible hymn of betrayal and I fear it might become his new favourite song instead. God help us all.

Now that Ellen no longer has a fiance it’s totally fine to kiss her and get in everyone’s way on the tiny dance floor. I would have liked to have seen this film played out by watching someone bump into them, fall over and sprain an ankle but alas, the credits start before we get to see that happen.

You know, compared to some of the car crashes I have witnessed this year this film was kinda fun! Explains why I made 20 friggin predictions! Watch a homeless guy get saved from a blizzard here!


Prediction board – 13/20

  • Prediction #1 – Gray is just after Ellen’s inheritance – I’m not sure, ya know – he certainly asked a lot of questions about it but was mostly just concerned with getting to Maui on time… HALF A POINT
  • Prediction  #2 – Ellen will find a new festive man to go along with her new festive spirit – CORRECT
  • Prediction #3 – Snow Falls is probably where Dad met Mom and maybe where she also died, hence why Ellen seemed pretty reluctant to go – CORRECT
  • Prediction #4 – Kathy will be getting off at Snow Falls too and is kindly going to take us under her wing – We never saw Kathy again and you don’t know how disappointed I was by that… INCORRECT
  • Prediction #5 – Ellen’s future life now involves inheriting a taxi firm, too – technically INCORRECT, not even Jake’s future involves the taxi firm unless that guy dies of gout
  • Prediction  #6 – Jake is very close to Zeke and wants nothing to do with whatever reason Dad and Zeke no longer work together full-time – Jake had his own issues on this subject – INCORRECT
  • Prediction #7 – Ellen is going to throw all of her charity expertise at the auction and have the company back it for mega small-town brownie points – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #8 – The planning of the charity will probably go too far and Jake will claim Ellen is just shallow – unfortunately INCORRECT! Gray came back to ruin things instead
  • Prediction  #9 – We’re gonna get Jim and Debbie back together – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #10 – Jake went to New York for a relationship and it didn’t really pan out as expected – CORRECT
  • Prediction #11 – Debbie will find out who Ellen really is first and keep her secret – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #12 – Ellen will save Baxter from a blizzard that would surely kill him – CORRECT! Thank christ
  • Prediction #13 – Kathy turns back up and gives Captain Williams something to be less miserable about – do I really need to remind myself that Kathy never came back…. INCORRECT
  • Prediction #14 – After the feels of room sharing Jake is going to be simply enamoured with Ellen when he sees her holding a baby – CORRECT! So cliche
  • Prediction #15 – Ellen will swoop in and save the auction – CORRECT
  • Prediction #16 – Ellen is going to try and make these sculptures into money makers – INCORRECT! I mean even at the time I was wondering about the logistics of trying to sell them but thought I’d throw it out there anyway
  • Prediction #17 – Jake is gonna be mighty pissed that Ellen lied about her identity this entire time after a tragic past – CORRECT! That guy was moody as fuck
  • Prediction #18 – Gray is gonna see that baby and it’s going to start screaming and Ellen is going to start having major second thoughts – INCORRECT! Ellen wasn’t even around to see this, she had already buggered off
  • Prediction #19 – Gray will reveal who Ellen really is to Jake – CORRECT!
  • Prediction #20 – Debbie will be there to try and talk sense into Jake after the big reveal – I… presume so? We didn’t get to see this dressing down but she did say they should probably talk… HALF A POINT!


  • Horse and Sleigh: We only got a taxi driver that runs down suitcases
  • Piano: There may have been one at the auction but I was too busy trying to avoid the live singing of Silent Night to look
  • Carolling: Strictly Victorian era appropriate
  • Christmas Montage: Let’s be honest, I should probably change this section to ‘Marketing Montage’ -.-
  • Fire Hazards: Only when Jake decided to start building up that fire in an overcrowded hotel
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: We don’t actually know when Ellen’s mom died so we’re gonna pass on this one
  • Snowing on cue: I mean… we got a blizzard but it wasn’t exactly on cue


OK, so I wasted some guesses on Kathy but she was so worth it! I’m sad she never showed up again in Snow Falls and mysteriously disappeared after getting off the bus.

Still, that film was kind of fun. I have high hopes that tomorrow’s film won’t be a drag either.

Christmas Advent #4 -Moonlight & Mistletoe

We’re back in my safe zone now. A million terrible True Christmas films recorded and lined up for me to watch and analyse, stare at in disbelief and laugh at in… well, disbelief.

But anyway… on with the actual film!


We open to an horrific, giant sign of a cartoon Santa, welcoming people to ‘Santaville’ by the fact they have to walk under the arch of this giant sign which is actually Santa’s beard. It looks more like he is vomiting people up out of his house.

Oh, my apologies. Out of his ski chalet.

Courtesy of Hideous Signs Ltd.

Everyone is walking around with skis, drinking hot chocolate, there is a tiny train for kids running down the middle of the street, which is a hazard if ever I saw one, and the obligatory giant Christmas tree. This one looks like it’s been through the mill a few times.

Luckily a disembodied voice tells us that they have been an elf at Santaville since they were 5 years old and that the school system is apparently terrible because she knew all the names of the reindeer and various Christmas songs before she even knew how to do maths.

Finally we meet the voice who honest to god looks like she may snap and murder the entire ‘Ville if she has to bid one more customer at the toy shop a Merry Christmas. Sick gift wrapping skills though. The girl may only be a teenager but she has already grasped the fundamentals of retail – the poorer people are, the less weekends she will need to work.

“Why couldn’t we be poor?”

Some young guy walks into the shop and compliments this girl’s ability at being able to put him into the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately he has a lisp in a film which requires him to say the word Christmas. A lot. Despite the fact this guy turned up at the store knowing the girl was working there, and admitting she makes him feel all sorts of festive…. he still has to ask her name. Which is right there on her name tag.

Prediction #1 – Oh poor Holly, you about to get stalked by this fool

This fool, Peter, gets very distracted by loud noises, which doesn’t surprise me, and Holly completely abandons her post to show him outside where Santa is talking to a veritable mob of children. Apparently the guy playing Santa, Nick, is Holly’s Dad.

Prediction #2 – Nick either is Santa or comes from a long line of people who were Santa and keeps Santaville, where it is Christmas 365 days a year, running because it’s easier to sell stuff here than in the North Pole

Walking back into the shop even Peter realises the entire place appears to mostly be stocked with nutcracker dolls and he is 100% correct. They are weird as fuck. He has zero idea what the actual Nutcracker is because he just doesn’t ‘get‘ ballet but he is still spot on about those creepy as fuck dolls. Holly, on the other hand, enlightens him by giving him the entire plot of the ballet.

Prediction #3 – Peter is going to invite Holly to see the Nutcracker even though she has clearly seen it a thousand times before

Holly, checking out Peter’s weird necklace: “What’s this?”

Peter: “I make things.”

Me: “…..”

Holly: “It’s beautiful.”

Peter: “Thank you.”

Me: “Oh…. right… OK, we’re just moving on then…”

Good ol’ Nick bursts in and interrupts whatever terribly vague moment the pair were having and asks Holly to, rightly, get back to work. He also kindly reminds her Santa doesn’t have children, he has elves. Wow. Don’t except anything left to you in his will when he finally kicks the bucket, kid. By the time Nick is done disowning his own child Peter has already ran the hell away.

Not before he could drape his weird necklace over a till for Holly to find, though. It’s either a carving of a dragon or… a poop. I can’t tell.

I’m glad films were too blurry back then to tell what the fuck that is

Either way, many years later in Boston, Holly Crosbie is calling her own office to say she is running late, even though she was at the foot of the stairs to her office when she called….

Either way, business Holly is not impressed by her PA, Brenda, and her own personal fire hazard that she has created by decorating her desk in every piece of Christmas tat she could lay her tiny hands on. When Holly demands they are removed and only receives a ‘sad puppy’ look in return she concedes and asks Brenda to try and tone it down, at least. From the look on her face I don’t think Brenda knows how to tone it down.

Holly’s job appears to involve sitting in a dark office with a turn of the century slideshow projector whilst speaking on a mobile about Christmas products and shipping. Some guy called Mr Jennings bursts into the room and from the way she immediately tells him she just boosted sales for the month, I presume he is her boss. I never have good news for my boss like that.

Jennings: “It wouldn’t hurt to give your festive spirit a little smidgen of spit shine.”

Holly: “What do you mean?”

Jennings: “Christmas is a happy time, Holly. You make it sound like a root canal.”

Me: “Hey! Now listen here, buddy! You don’t know how many relatives this woman may have lost to the festive season! …. And neither do we, so let’s hurry it up.”

This guy seems very concerned by the fact Holly’s work schedule is packed for the entirety of December because when Holly stays late, so does all of her staff. No boss has ever been concerned that an entire team of people may be working overtime to get sales shipped out on time. Ever. This guy gets even creepier when he suggests Holly has been a good little sales manager this year and produces a candy cane out of his pocket.

“The sedatives I applied really give it it’s shine.”

This clearly had some affect on the woman – probably putting the fear of god into her that she may need to pack up and flee back home at a moment’s notice – and she calls home to dear old Nick. We have a wonderful chat about how they’re both too busy to visit each other, Business Holly is his favourite elf and she may miss Santaville just a tiny bit. But not too much. Like a healthy amount.

Santa is very confused when he talks to a child who doesn’t know what the game chequers is, so instead distracts him by going off on a tangent about the real spirit of Christmas which really just makes the kid look scared. As he should be, when Santa leads him off to his workshop in a bid to impress him because literally no kids visit them anymore. His Mom has followed along but doesn’t seem concerned when her kid brands Santa as a fake. Right on cue some guy pops out the workshop to save Santa’s ass with some story about this being a pretend workshop because Santa couldn’t possibly give away his real secrets. Santa is looking pretty flustered by what’s going down until….

Kid: “Who are you?”

Santa: “Why, this is one of my elves. His name is Peter.”

Me: “Oh! Peter! Almost didn’t recognise him without that hideous dragon poop necklace.”

Prediction #4 – Peter is obviously still in love with Holly and is still hanging around Santaville for her now inevitable return home

Just as the kid is hanging on to the last shred of belief in Santa, another Santa pops out the workshop! Santa #1 pushes him back in but the damage is done. Peter tries to explain that kids have changed these days and the workshop is still appealing to kids of the 40’s and Santa #1 explains to Earl, Santa #2, that it goes against the laws of the universe for children to see two Santa’s in the same place at the same time. Apparently Earl is a mall Santa who is going to pass out from heatstroke on the job. Not any time soon, mind you, because he’s currently standing out in the snow and is nowhere near a mall.

Around the dinner table Nick and Earl discuss Holly’s busy schedule and how she never makes it home for Christmas. This leads Nick to stamp off to the window so he can utter the words ‘Moonlight & Mistletoe’ just as Holly is doing the same back in Boston. There is some weird magical moment and they both look a bit nostalgic. I swear, this family deserves each other.

To avoid having to answer Earl about why he was speaking to himself, Nick decides he’ll give some woman call Jenny a ride back home in his sleigh. Apparently this woman has been coming on to Nick for years whilst he has been as unresponsive as a dead, rotting fish. Still, she seems happy enough to see this rotting fish pull up outside a building and offer a ride home with some cider.

I always have to remind myself that American cider is very, very different to English cider. If they were drinking our cider out of that giant flask then both of them and their horse would be in a ditch. Apparently his horse, Dasher, may look like a horse now but at Christmas his inner reindeer really comes out. In a strange demonstration Nick hits the reigns and the horse runs off, without Jenny, before crashing the sleigh into a tree. At least the horse appreciates good cider.

“Shit, did he just break both his legs!? I need to see this!”

In the next scene, Holly is hopping off a train in Santaville, telling Brenda over the phone she is not going to miss choir practice as long as she gets her work done on time and shushing poor Peter who has come to pick her up. Still unclear how the fuck her Dad got injured and why the hell she is here, Peter confirms it was the worst and only sleighing accident their Dr has ever seen.

Sucking the humour right out of a few broken limbs and possible death, Holly informs this man that sleighing accidents are actually not funny at all. Holly can barely keep her attention on Peter, who volunteers at Santaville from the goodness of his heart, but fuck that guy because mobile phones exist. Due to the fact her eyes are glued to her phone it’s really no wonder she doesn’t remember the guy or spoke to him about the ballet once, even when prompted by the man himself. She doesn’t have time for memories! She’s a business woman!

Prediction #5 – Holly will work her business magic and reinvent Santaville for the better, spit shining her festive spirit in the process

I swear… if I pick one more god damn Christmas film about marketing and failing local business… Santaville is deserted and it’s all very sad yadda-yadda.

Holly: “You didn’t tell me he was in a wheelchair!”

Nick: “Well I’m not in a wheelchair. I mean… I’m in a wheelchair but I can get around just great on crutches.”

Peter: “No you can’t.”

Me: “No, no, let’s see the man try… Outside. Where it’s icy.”

Holly gives her Dad some sorta dressing down, especially when he expresses his desire to enter Dasher, the 20 year old horse who almost killed him, into the derby. The woman has just walked in and her Dad is already offering her up to make a pot roast by babbling unintelligibly to Peter about his bland turkey meatloaf until she gives in just so she can maintain a single shred of her sanity and not have to eat Peter’s bland turkey meatloaf.

At this point there was an ad break for a bunch of films and there was a clip of Con Air and I remembered how much I loved that film and how I’d rather be watching that than Holly make a pot roast with zero ingredients…. but hey! Here we are!

Peter tries to jog Holly’s memory some more by repeating some shit she said to him as a teenager before getting all up in her life story, which she doesn’t appreciate, and lending her his truck to drive to the grocery store. Turns out Holly wasn’t planning to stay for Christmas, which is dumb seeing as she is there now, but hasn’t told her Dad either. There is an obvious change of heart happening within the next hour and 20. So obvious I won’t even predict it.

As she is leaving the grocery store some woman called Della from high school accosts her and I cannot believe that Holly remembers this woman and not the guy she discussed ballet with and received a poop dragon necklace from. Della is apparently still a bitch and taking the piss out of a Santa costume Molly isn’t even wearing anymore. Della is now married to Roger, has 3 kids, she leads the life of a soccer Mom and has already forced Holly to go for coffee with her and her husband so she can brag some more about her life. Oh, and to remind Holly how special Santaville used to be.

Over pot roast and sensing an impending big reveal from Holly about how she isn’t staying for Christmas, Peter quickly removes himself from the room by clearing plates. The way he lurks around in the doorway he may as well have just stayed at the fucking table and joined in the debate about how family should stick together.

Nick: “That reminds me! Earl is not going to make the turkey this year. Holly is here.”

Holly: “Dad!”

Nick: “His turkey is very dry, honey.”

Holly: “Have you been listening to me!?”

Nick: “Yes honey, but you’re just tired from the train ride up here. Which reminds me! We’ll talk about it in the morning when you make your holiday breakfast! You’re gonna love her scones! Welcome home honey and Merry Christmas!”

Me: “And away he wheels….”

I’d roll away too if all my pillows looked like a mutant phallus

Despite a call from Mr Jennings about how no one will be in the office because everyone is now in vacation mode, including the clients, and Holly doesn’t even need to come back because something is being waxed (I shrug) she is still angered to be there. She even throws her phone across the room… which leads to the inevitable discovery that Santaville is in financial trouble.

I hope Nick really is Santa because otherwise he has completely derailed, carving out a chunk of the surrounding wildlife with him. The man has no money, no savings, is sure no one would seize Santa’s assets and that a miracle is coming regardless. Business Holly gets right on the case and is at the bank the next day to plead Santaville’s case but even the banker’s grandchildren have zero interest in Santa when they get 500 channels on TV. I really don’t think the lonely crow was a necessary noise to add to the panning shot of deserted Santaville but it sure did add a real sense of bleakness to the ordeal.

Pete appears to have listened to Holly last time she told him to stay out of her business because he doesn’t interrupt her as she punches a supporting beam of the porch and stares wistfully into the distance. Meanwhile, Nick is getting by just fine on a single crutch and demanding Earl get back out on the sleigh to freeze to death.

As they are both old men, conversation inevitably turns to how the Internet is warping all of the children’s minds, despite the fact it could be their greatest advertising tool and they could take a share in warping some young minds too. As in all small towns, everyone knows everyone’s business and Earl heard Holly was up at the bank to see John that afternoon. Earl reminds Nick that as his oldest friend and lawyer he will be there for the guy, whatever he needs. When Nick asks if he is hiding £50,000 in his Santa boot, for just a moment, from the look on his face, I can’t tell if he really does have that money stashed away, sitting under his soles like a bizarre platform boot.

Shit, he’s finally realised I’m a whole foot taller this season

Turns out it was just shock.

That evening, visiting Jenny at the inn and waiting for Della and her husband to show up, Holly looks about ready to throw herself into the lit fireplace. If she had known this conversation was going to turn to the topic of Jenny and her Dad flirting, I’m assuming she would have taken action earlier. Right on cue an eligible bachelor, staying at the inn, comes downstairs to let us know he was meant to be meeting his college friend and his wife for coffee but they’re running late….

Christ on a bike I hate Della so much. But props to her for formulating a blind date scenario in under 10 seconds flat after seeing Holly on the high street. Ben is all for this blind date they have been set up on and after a tour of Santaville, Holly is telling him all about their financial difficulty when she can’t even remember the guy who currently volunteers for her father! Peter’s days are looking even gloomier when it turns out Ben is a financial adviser. That man’s teeth are too numerous and too white. I don’t trust him.

‘… and with teeth as white as snow…’

Prediction #6 – Ben will inevitably fuck up like… telling his financial advisers to tell Holly to just sell the land so he can do some real estate bollocks which people just love doing over the Christmas period

Holly comes across Peter in the workshop and is impressed by a veritable shit load of carved figures he has dotted around the place. Apparently he leaves one under Nick’s tree every year but they’ve never actually discussed the gifts so Nick may just believe he is actual motherfucking Santa and the elves are leaving him gifts. Dear lord. Immediately Holly suggests marketing these terrible figures and when she comments on the craftsmanship I almost drop my entire glass of wine.

Holly: “You must really like nutcrackers.”

Me: “They are the furthest fucking thing from a nutcracker!”

When Peter repeats the plot of The Nutcracker back to this woman she suddenly has an epiphany and realises this is Peter. Ya know… Who makes things. Now this is the part I’m slightly confused about… Apparently after he left that day he either didn’t return for some time or Holly was immediately shipped off that very same evening. So this single meeting was enough to make this man come back to Santaville and just keep volunteering for a failing business and sit in the workshop making terrible nutcrackers whilst carving half-decent bears. People do the weirdest things.

The only way you’re going to crack nuts with these are if you hurl them directly at someone’s crotch

After a very heated family argument where it turns out Santa knows nothing about how debt works and loves Santaville more than his daughter, Ben comes to find Holly and tells her very cryptically that some people are interested in Santaville. By which he clearly means…. to buy the place and knock it down. The man also opens his presents on Christmas Eve so definitely cannot be trusted. Just as Holly is hugging the man, poor ol Peter drives past and is quite put out by the entire thing.

His answer to this is to leave Holly a note to meet him at the covered bridge, which looks as good a place as any to freeze to death. This was a favourite place for Holly and her Mom when times got tough and we discuss the fact Nick never talks about his late wife and apparently had some sort of breakdown and became Santa after she died. In opposition we find out Peter’s parents are also terrible and left him alone over Christmas most of the time so we can bond over a mutual dislike of our parents.

Ben calls to interrupt this touching moment of rising rebellion and drags Holly back to the town so he can tell her the good news. Some people who have bought a nearby ski resort would like to pay off all the debt and do the place up to attract people to the area and so allow their children to ski and break their necks up on the slopes. Wonderful, except for the fact that Nick is an independent crazy old white man who don’t need no financial partner to stop him losing his home. Or something like that.

I adore the fact he says no right to Ben’s face, however. Thankfully Earl is around to check over these papers and tell Nick he’s a fool because Nick just continues to prattle on about how Holly is giving up on the place again and is nothing more than an elf to him. After yet another argument Holly is waiting at the train station to get the hell out of dodge when Peter drives up with Nick in tow so he can apologise for being absolutely batshit insane.

“Look, I can’t stay and apologise for long. I’m easier to trace outside of the house and they’re after me, you know.”

Cue yet another argument. I thought my family was bad but this just never ends! This time, however, the argument turns to Nick’s dead wife and how he sees her a lot in Holly which she takes as a compliment but I would take as a sign that I really need to get on that last train to Boston. Unfortunately Holly decides to stay and now, rather than never speaking of her deceased Mother, Nick hauls out some old keepsake box of hers so we can relive every tiny memory. Together and dramatically. Honest to god this man could not be any more insane right now and I tuned out at the sign of a family crying session.

Prediction #7 – Holly is going to need her Mom’s engagement ring when Peter asks her to marry him and Nick will gladly hand it over

Nick finally considers signing that contract and I just suddenly get so many bad feelings about it.

Prediction #8 – Earl is gonna find a multitude of things wrong with that contract but is gonna have to face a moral dilemma about whether he wants to save his friend or not

Holly: “I wanted to thank you for being there last night.”

Peter: “I didn’t do anything.”

Holly: “No, you have a way of simplifying the truth.”

Me: “It’s called ‘not being related to you or your fucking insane family’.

Despite the fact her father got into a terrible accident whilst riding a sleigh at night, Peter invites her to come with him on a midnight sleigh ride. Fortunately for both Holly’s legs she needs to meet with Ben to finalise this devil’s contract. Hinting at some terribly dark past with his business oriented father, Peter confirms he prefers midnight sleigh rides to business of any kind. I have a feeling a midnight sleigh ride might be the last thing his father ever experienced.

I expected Earl to be discussing the contract rather than up a ladder, decorating a tree while Nick wears a necklace of tinsel and flirts some more with Jenny over a pie. When Holly asks Earl for the contract there are just enough stammers and stalling to suggest either this contract is a pile of shit or Earl is suffering from the early stages of dementia.

Maybe if I stay up this ladder they won’t notice me and ask me to recall my most valuable memories

Earl: “Somebody’s got a hot date.”

Molly: “No, it’s not a date, I’m just meeting Ben for dinner. To look over the paperwork.”

Me: “I’m just dressed like this so he’ll pay for the food while he no doubt fleeces our entire family of our livelihood. But at least I got a free dinner!”

Ben keeps mentioning these ‘silent partners who definitely won’t try to interfere with the running of Santaville’ in ominous tones. Holly does some strange 180 turns, first inviting Ben to Christmas with her and her family, then thinking it’s weird how he refers to these silent partners, then just being pleased he agrees to spend Christmas with her.

Prediction #9 – George and Della are the silent partners but let’s watch Della try and be silent

Ben goes outside to take a call with these partners and when Holly goes out to find him she overhears the fact her father will need to repay everything by Christmas Day or…. well some bad shit. Before this he mentions he has the contract just as his ‘bro’ wrote it out in black and white. I feel Earl may have tampered with this a little or at least has a very good fucking plan up his sleeve. What amazes me more is that Holly storms away in anger when I would have played dumb until I could get that contract back off the man and deny anything ever happened. If he questioned my crazy actions I would just remind him who I was related to.

Returning home to tell everyone she left this contract in a con man’s pocket and there is nothing she could do about it we all try and take some share of the blame.

Earl: “Holly… it was not your fault.”

Nick: “Earl, please.”

Earl: “No. If I had read the contract like I was supposed to; like you asked…”

Nick: “Earl, stop.”

Earl: “I don’t know what it is, I just… I can’t seem to focus.”

Nick: “You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.”

Earl: “I’d read a paragraph and couldn’t remember where I was or what I’d just read. I guess, when you get old, you’re the last person to know that you’ve lost your touch.”

Me: “Erm…..”

Nick: “Earl… it’s not your fault. Got it? This is not your fault. It’s my fault. It’s my name on that contract, I signed it. I should have read the fine print.”

Jenny: “It seems to me we should stop worrying about who’s to blame here and start talking about…”

Me: “Earl’s very serious underlying medical condition! The man can’t even get through a paragraph without forgetting he just read it!”

Glossing over Earl’s very real dementia we instead rally together to what may as well turn into a conspiracy to just murder Ben. Predictably, Peter was waiting outside this whole time with the sleigh all hooked up because he thought Holly might need it after all. I’m presuming she readily agrees to hop in in the hopes they might suffer an horrific crash and she might get out of this dreadful situation after all.

Peter doesn’t offer much in the way of help except the obvious fact they need to try and generate 50 grand by Christmas Day. The more Holly babbles on and on about tradition the more her marketing cogs start turning and she devises a plan to get all the old regulars back to Santaville. Unfortunately, to get the word out, Holly lets her Dad loose with a blog about being Santa. Ain’t no one but the men in white coats turning up to Santaville this year.

Holly has the ‘Remember’ campaign up and running and we get to see a nice montage of her leaving these leaflets and signs up around town as well as Peter’s strange carved figures, like tokens of a deranged serial killer deciding on his future victims. Nick is going to call every past customer to the inn to let them know the tree lighting ceremony is back on and he can’t even get a high five with Jenny right, which is always painful to watch.

“Honey… I received one of those nutcrackers this morning. I don’t think I’ll be coming home tonight. Tell the kids I love them.”

I take it back. It was 100% more painful to watch Nick dictating his own blog post aloud as he typed at an average of 5 words per minute and had to check his spelling for the word ‘ceremony’ in the world’s largest dictionary. He was channelling every ounce of crazy into those words, folks. One day it will probably result in it’s own Creepy Pasta where anyone who reads it is visited by Nick’s version of Santa that very same night…. because Santaville is 365 days a year. Ya poor bastards.

Jenny. Jeanie. Ginny. I have no idea what that woman’s name is anymore.

There’s quite a turn out to this tree lighting ceremony and Santa lets the kid who doesn’t know what the fuck chequers is to pop the switch and light up the tree. Nick messes up another high five, this time as Santa, and I just don’t think he should be allowed to raise his arms above chest height. For the good of the nation. Meanwhile Ben is standing up on a balcony shouting very loudly down a phone that there is no way these people can worm their way out of this contract.

Nevertheless he still turns up at Santaville the next day to assure Holly it was all just business. Told you I didn’t trust those damn teeth of his! Instead, Ben turns to bribery, which also doesn’t sit well with her, and Holly storms off to make another appointment at the bank because… there are only so many people who can hear about and drive up to Santaville before Christmas.

Turns out they have already made almost £28,000 which the bank guy says is impressive but I say is fucking amazing! In one montage they have already made that much money! Unfortunately the bank will not take that money as a good faith gesture and give them a loan instead and it’s probably this desperation which leads Holly to agree to take over the blog for a while because it’s apparently taking Nick 12 hours a day just to write one post.

Holly cannot help venting all her frustration at Peter and the poor guy just sits there and takes it, even when she questions why the fuck he keeps making those damn figures. In return Peter gives her a very vague step by step guide on how to make her very own figurine and there is something to do with painting a face on there you wanna see for the rest of your life and they kiss and yeah but wait. WAIT. WAAAAAAIT.

The next second Jenny comes running in because a customer saw one of these damn figures and wanted to buy it. Some guy named a crazy price he thought would be too expensive to put the guy off because apparently these figurines are Peter’s damn kids or something and the next moment we have a cheque for…

Nick: “$500!”

Earl: “Let me get this straight… this guy actually paid all that money for one of these little… toys.”

Me: “I know, Earl. It’s fucking ludicrous.”

Just like that Jenny is setting up a booth to sell these damn things, Holly is going to sell them on the site because Nick has somehow managed to start a good blog and I presume Nick will be in the workshop carving his little heart out like an actual elf.

Peter: “So, how are we doing?”

Holly: “I haven’t finished adding up all of the sales…”

Peter: “So we’re still not out of the woods.”

Holly: “Not yet… but we’re close.”

Me: “You might be even closer if you didn’t leave every single light on all fucking day.”

Holly has started to wear the dragon poop necklace again after she found it in an old jewellery box upstairs because she was hoping it might bring them some luck. Or insight into a dragon’s digestive health. Either one would probably earn them a fortune.

Holly makes the romantic declaration that Peter has a face she would be happy to look at for the rest of her life and he returns the gesture by asking what the hell they’re supposed to do if they lose to the business tycoon amongst them. This prompts a call to Holly’s boss who is mildly annoyed to be called on his skiing trip but very curious about unique nutcrackers. I really wish they would stop calling them that.

Jennie is selling mad stock from a pavilion where I presume they are not going for £500 a piece when Holly comes up to tell her the good news that they’re gonna make the cut just in time! I am more mesmerised by the fact I found the real life Cartmann playing an extra in the background.

People are really turning out for this Cartmann meet and greet

I thought I may have escaped some impromptu carolling but here we are anyway, singing around a giant Christmas tree with only red lights on it. Everything looks a whole lot more sinister, that way… I am more alarmed by the fact they have people in the crowd holding candles in little glass jars. Those things get fucking hot!

This alarm is replaced by confusion when Holly announces to the entire crowd, after a truly riveting speech about something or other, that they didn’t make their goal and this will be the last Christmas at Santaville…. then why the fuck was she going around telling people they had made it 4 hours ago!?

I mean, it’s all inconsequential because Mr Jennings and Brenda turn up to make the big announcement that their company will become the sole distributor, worldwide, of Peter’s carvings. I mean… he could have just phoned her again and not ditched his family holiday and dragged Brenda out of her house in the dead of night…

I’m not sure what the need of commissioning a figure to Mr Jennings was but the bank guy informs them they can legally do this within the next four minutes for a price of let’s just say… 8 grand. I don’t know where he got that figure from. I don’t know if that’s how much they were short meaning it was a complete lie when Nick said they had only missed the goal by a small amount. I don’t know how the bank guy would know! Either way it’s all grand and no one questions who the guy at the back of the crowd is who just ripped up a bunch of paper and then threw it over them before storming off.

Despite the fact Holly had such a shit time of life and completely lost her love for Christmas, her disembodied voice tells her that soon Nick will have a new little elf to train and so is ready to subject her child to a life of slavery and lack of magic.

And there we have it folks! In reality that film was kinda short but my God it felt like so much longer when I was watching it. Not in the good ‘I was so absorbed time just flew by!’ way, either. Experience the same shift in time for yourself here.

And please. No more marketing.


Prediction board – 5/9

  • Prediction #1 – Holly will be stalked by Peter – You’re telling me! It was a weird kind of stalking but he hung around with her dad for god knows how many years waiting for her to come back
  • Prediction #2 – Nick either is Santa or comes from Santa heritage – INCORRECT! The man was just insane
  • Prediction #3 – Peter is going to invite Holly to see the Nutcracker – perhaps after hearing the entire plot from Holly he didn’t feel the need. INCORRECT!
  • Prediction #4 – Peter is still in love with Holly – CHECK
  • Prediction #5 – Holly will work her business magic and reinvent Santaville for the better, spit shining her festive spirit in the process – CHECK
  • Prediction #6 – Ben will inevitably fuck up – I’m going to class trying to swindle a family out of their home and business as fucking up
  • Prediction #7 – Holly is going to need her Mom’s engagement ring when Peter asks her to marry him – This is more of a presumption as we didn’t get to see it but sure, CORRECT
  • Prediction #8 – Earl is gonna find a multitude of things wrong with that contract – Earl found nothing because he doesn’t remember even seeing a contract at this point
  • Prediction #9 – George and Della are the silent partners – completely INCORRECT


  • Horse and Sleigh: Crazed drunken horse and sleigh
  • Piano: I hate to say pianos appear to be a thing of the past…
  • Carolling: Surprise carolling caught me off guard
  • Christmas Montage: A festive marketing montage! Again…
  • Fire Hazards: Bitterly disappointed by the lack of fire hazards other than Brenda’s desk
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: CHECK!
  • Snowing on cue: It snowed all the time in this film and yet they never got snowed in


So… my scores are looking a little better but in all honesty I was looking forward to the end of the film more than any surprise turn of events.

Let’s hope we luck out better tomorrow.

Christmas Advent #3 – Love You Like Christmas

Let’s see what material we can get from today’s film. I’m also hoping for better predictions this time around… I’m still not nailing this.


This film starts with a manic sequence where everything is sped up and we see a bunch of Christmassy locations around the city. I already had a massive headache and after that, quite frankly, I feel nauseas. Luckily we slow down just in time to follow a woman through the usual big city crowds, talking to herself and convincing herself it’s going to be a great Christmas. She looks bizarrely happy to see her own office building in an expression no one has ever pulled when approaching work.

Not in my family, anyway.

Business lady is far more concerned with marketing Christmas than she is about enjoying it. What worries me more is she has only just started to think about Christmas on the 1st December. Woman! I was seeing Christmas displays before Halloween had even happened this year! Her assistant Roz, on the other hand, is already hoping it will snow.

We quickly skim over the mention of her Mother dying and Christmas never being the same as a child but we skim over it too quickly to find out if it was a tragic Christmas death. Damn! Business lady is whisked away to a meeting with a client, where some guy tells the client that Maddie, our woman, is the best Christmas marketer they’ve got. We’re still skirting the fact they are only just thinking about Christmas profit on the 1st December and their campaign won’t even be live until the end of the week. I work in marketing. We start getting Christmas plans sent over by the end of September. Maybe this client really does need Maddie because I am astonished by his business expertise or lack thereof.

Prediction #1 – the client is going to show some sort of interest in Maddie but, ultimately, he’s just not going to be… Christmassy enough for her by the end of the film

As per usual I feel an uptick in my affinity to this woman the moment she starts eating leftover takeaway and drinking red wine out of a normal glass. That’s my kinda girl. When she gets into bed there is a conveniently placed photo of a dead loved one where it can’t be missed and we have to be reminded of their absence every single day.

I find crushing depression really helps me get to sleep at night

A strange time lapse would have you believe Maddie sleeps approximately 10 seconds per night before her alarm goes off. Maybe that’s why her wardrobe is incredibly boring and is full of white blouses and various, muted blazers so she can’t make a fool out of herself. I can confirm, in the next scene, the black blouse and white blazer she is wearing was not only definitely not what she picked but didn’t even exist in that woman’s wardrobe. She’s currently operating on ‘Shaft’ levels of continuity errors.

There is some worry she won’t be able to attend a famous fashion designer’s wedding, who is responsible for moving Maddie into this new fancy office, despite the fact the wedding is still 10 days away. She can set up a marketing campaign in 7 days but prepare for a wedding with her limited wardrobe? Oh, no, no, people. It turns out she is also afraid of flying and so will have to take the train to Denver. I have a feeling that’s going to take a long time.

Prediction #2 – Maddie is not getting on that train

Before Roz can confirm either way, Maddie’s cousin Teddy calls to let her know his Mother’s classic Mustang Flashback (I shrug) is free to a good home because he is leaving the country. Apparently Maddie is obsessed with this car. So obsessed she ditches all plans of catching the train and decides to take the car instead! One point down already!

Teddy: “I got a new job. I’m moving to London.”

Maddie: “Congratulations! That sounds exciting.”

Me: “It really isn’t. Don’t go. Stay right where you are.”

Prediction #3 – That car is going to break down on the way to Denver, but it’s cool because someone who loves old muscle cars is going to be right on hand to help out

Apparently Aunt Vivian was a flamboyant substitute Mom to Maddie and she is taking the car in her honour. Teddy is a little concerned about the bad weather which is heading to Denver, and which he conveniently knows about, but Maddie is just sure she will get there before then. Probably because she is setting out 9 days in advance.

Nice knowin’ ya, car

Maddie eventually gets stuck in traffic caused by an absolute, veritable fuck load of Christmas trees that have fallen off the back of a truck and somehow managed to spread across the entire interstate. Maddie and the guy trying to clean this mess up lock eyes while mystical twinkling sounds start up in the background.

Yeah… people often look at me like that, too

I’m very sure this man introduces himself as Kibben and claims he has called highway patrol to help get these all cleared up. I would loved to have heard that conversation… The Time Management Director who is also stuck in this traffic is not as enamoured by Kibben’s charming buffoonery and thinks it is very inconsiderate to lay your trees out on the interstate like this. Maddie is shocked to find these trees actually belong to Kibben, despite the fact he was standing amongst them, wearing heavy-duty gloves, was moving them back onto his own truck and was the one who called highway patrol. I honest to god believe this woman thought the trees grew that way. Horizontally. Straight through the concrete.

Prediction  #4 – She may have no concept of how trees grow but Maddie is still going to find enough common ground with Kibben to fall madly in love

Despite defending Kibben against the ‘Time Lord’ she still gets back into her car and almost trashes it immediately by driving along the hard shoulder which is completely snowed over. By some miracle the car pulls through and she is back on the road to Denver. At a fork in the road she takes some time to deliberate before just simply trusting her instincts and turning right. What crazy ass person does not take a satnav or a map or check their damn phone before driving across the country!? No wonder you set out 9 days before the wedding!

She is, however, just entering somewhere called Christmas Valley and doesn’t that sound like fun! Except for the other 10 months of the year, of course.

Prediction  #5 – Maddie should have brought along a satnav because she is no longer heading towards Denver

Prediction  #6 – Maddie will not make the wedding in time (somehow) but she’s going to find she doesn’t really care anyway

Just as we enter the valley the car considerately and lovingly breaks down at the nearest gas station, where a young man, who looks alarmingly like her cousin Teddy, is playing the guitar on the doorstep. In his expert opinion they need to run more tests to be sure what’s wrong with the car. This man is doing triple time because he sounds like the local mechanic, musician and doctor right now.

Despite the car being old as shit, Maddie is still surprised when the Teddy Jr says it might take a few days to order in the parts and keeps banging on about Denver. I thought she set out 9 days in advance… how long was she stuck in that traffic jam for!? Either way, she admits defeat pretty quickly and just asks for somewhere to stay instead.

Maddie: “Ok… is there a motel around here?”

Teddy Jr.: “Eurgh, about 60 miles down the way? But there’s a boarding house. I can take you over there if you want.”

Maddie: “A boarding house?”

Me: “Hotel, motel, boarding house, hostel, murderer’s personal address… they’re all essentially the same thing.”

So much goes on in the next scene when Teddy Jr drops Maddie off at the boarding house I can’t even keep up. The family who own it are mental: they have a dog named Rowdy, a random small girl named Jo knocking around, the wife, Pam, thinks every new lodger is just a friend she hasn’t met yet and the husband, Bob, really likes shaking people’s hands because he’s a travelling salesman and makes terrible Dad jokes.

And then there is this….

Jeremy… Christmas….

Jeremy Christmas founded the town 100 years ago (nice, round numbers are easier to remember) and he just played up his resemblance to Santa… but only from the chin up, because he was actually short and skinny from the neck down. People… what is going on here. Jeremy’s wife was Pam’s Grandfather’s cousin because if I have to suffer this shit, so do you.

Pam: “When I got the place I felt an obligation to keep up the Christmas theme.”

Maddie: “Well, you certainly managed to do that.”

Pam: “In an over the top, wall to wall sort of way.”

Maddie: “It works, though. I was stranded and you’ve managed to distract me.”

Me: “Now I just fear for my life.” 

Maddie is too tired to spend one more second with these grinning freaks and goes up to her room. For some reason she keeps commenting that she has no idea where she is, although a giant sign on the way into town and Teddy Jr from the garage have both told her this is Christmas Valley. Where that may be is of no consequence because she will never…. leave… again….

Prediction  #7 – Random kid Jo who stays at the boarding house while her Dad isn’t around is probably Kibben’s kid and he’s not around because he’s dropping trees on the interstate

Jo: “Maddie and I have the same hair colour.”

Pam: “Yeah, you do.”

Jo: “But she has the prettiest eyes.”

Pam: “Yeah, she does.”

Jo: “Maddie is gonna love this!”

Me: “Fuuuucking hell, this kid has out-crazied Pam.”

Breakfast is waiting for Maddie downstairs – green eggs and Christmas cookies in honour of the season – as well as another healthy dose of insanity. Apparently Bob used to sell encyclopedias but he only had volume 1, which apparently only covered the letter ‘A’ and now he knows everything about words beginning with the letter ‘A’. After the most boring quick fire round of ‘A’ related questions Maddie just takes her breakfast to her room so she can work some more.

It’s no wonder her work is suddenly so pressing when she’s been on the road for the last god knows how many days. I can only imagine how many emails the woman has come back to. On the phone Roz is asking questions about every tiny noise she hears in the background but, in all fairness, everyone just keeps interrupting Maddie while she tries to work. Jo even goes as far to start asking her for relationship advice.

Why would she be doing this, you ask? Well, because her Mom’s dead. Classic Christmas. On the guise of taking Rowdy for a walk before Jo goes home… Jo simply walks Maddie to her home instead. It’s all strange but Kibben is waiting for us there and he is, of course, Jo’s Dad. Kibben makes the big reveal that his farmhouse actually has indoor plumbing so why doesn’t Maddie come on in for a spell! Ya patronising shit. He also has a lot of questions about Maddie and her life until she thinks she should probably get back to the lodge because it’s getting dark outside. Kibben offers her a lift and two seconds later, in the car, it is pitch black outside leading me to wonder where the man parked his fucking car. Pam is probably also wondering where the hell Jo took her dog off to.

It always amazes me in these films that, even people who are meant to dislike children, are so nice to any kid they come across. I would literally be staring at it in horror the entire time and asking it to please stop talking to me and leave me alone. Despite all of this Pam is just certain that Maddie and Kibben are a great fit and it doesn’t matter that she lives in New York or has a wedding in Denver she needs to get to. If love is gonna happen, it will happen.

Bob was just remembering why he became a travelling salesman in the first place

The next morning Maddie decides to walk into town to get breakfast. It’s hard to tell whether she was put off by the boarding houses’ steady diet of green eggs and sugar cookies or the ever changing decorations out on the lawn…

I presume they are tethered to the ground so they can’t murder guests in their sleep

Maddie accosts random people in the street, asking where is a good place to eat in town. Preferably that doesn’t serve green eggs. Maddie is directed to ‘Stan’s’ across the street which is actually owned by his niece, Holly, because Stan got married and moved away like… a fortnight ago. Holly was the former Miss Ohio runner up, I’ll have you know.

Skulking around in the corner and jumping in on conversations he wasn’t involved in, is our one and only Kibben. To distract herself from this creepy stalker, Maddie helps Holly reinvent her business with a few small changes – rename it Holly’s (ingenious) and make it into a festive fire hazard, like everywhere else in this godforsaken valley. Everyone seems amazed by Maddie’s idea to turn this into a festive themed restaurant, I presume to make Maddie appear far better at her job than the fact she can just use common sense and has a pair of eyes.

Maddie: “Christmas is about memories, that’s what makes it such a good marketing tool. Ooh, maybe you could have a jukebox which only plays Christmas music.”

Me: “Kill me.”

Kibben: “That sounds like a pretty calculated take on Christmas.”

Maddie: “Well, that calculated take has earned me a pretty good living.”

Kibben: “I just don’t think the holiday’s should be about dollars and cents.”

Me: “What do you give your kid for Christmas, then? Memories of her deceased Mother? A Christmas tree that’s been rolling around on the interstate?”

During this entire exchange there is an, as yet, unnamed man watching the entire thing and enjoying it immensely whilst completing his crossword. Kibben thinks now is the perfect time to try out his newest pick-up and goodbye line: ‘You look really pretty when you talk marketing.’ It sounds like the title of a contemporary country song.

Back at the boarding house Pam is quilting a bunch of Christmas squares because ‘it puts her in the Christmas mood’. I have the slightest suggestion that it may be easier to get into the Christmas mood if you didn’t live in Christmas Valley or have a picture of Jeremy Christmas on your wall 24/7 but… what do I know. Jo is back to hang around with Maddie because she’s needy as fuck.

Apparently you can’t be in a room with Bob without asking him to define every ‘A’ word on the planet and it fucking turns out he’s a travelling salesman right now and has a rented room at the boarding house. I thought he and Pam were married! He sure is very familiar with everyone here…  

Prediction  #8 – Bob is in love with Pam… or at least her cooking

Maddie is back at Stan’s because she is not so in love with Pam’s cooking and who do we find again but Kibben. Holly has already Christmas-sed up the place and the crossword guy is also there again, asking leading questions in the hope of prodding Maddie and Kibben closer together.  Although Maddie has just ordered an omelette she wanders off with Kibben to drop trees over the interstate again and it is at this point that I realise… HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, HIS NAME IS KEVIN. FOR FUCK’S SAKE.

Enunciate your words, America! You make Kevin sound like fucking Kibben.

I ain’t changing it now.

I find Maddie a whole lot more relatable the moment she plants a baby baby Christmas tree and starts telling it she wants it to go to a good home. I can get behind crazy talking to the plants. Unfortunately the trees that Kibben threw across the highway were too damaged to sell and the year before that there was a flood that killed a bunch of his crop too. I think someone’s trying to tell him something… Kibben continues to worry about his business and his farm and has decided to plant the 100 or so baby trees he still has left before the farm goes completely bankrupt as a sentimental gesture to the land.

Prediction  #9 – Marketing expert Maddie is gonna come straight to the rescue and save Kibben’s tree business too

We have the compulsory conversation where Kibben finds out Maddie is not close to her Father and her Mother died when she was a child so everyone can say how sorry they are and meet another broken soul.

Maddie: “You know, fatherhood is your best feature.”

Me: “You two fucking deserve each other with those pick-up lines.”

Maddie is still panicking about this wedding, despite the fact she is planning to get there the day before it even happens, so this warrants a trip to the garage to check on her car but Teddy Jr. is too busy playing his guitar and singing. Turns out he has a band and they’re trying to get their name out there but there is a lot of competition… I’m just amazed he’s managed to amass a band from the residents of Christmas Valley. I wonder if crossword guy is in it, too. Maddie cannot help herself from dispersing some more pearls of wisdom to Teddy Jr, either. She’s like a marketing advice Pez dispenser.

Maddie: “Get some buzz going! Maybe a Christmas song! That’s an easy sell this time of year.”

Me: “Oh, sure, only the hardest fucking genre you can ever hope to write an original and good song in…. ever.”

Luckily, Kibben turns up just as she is leaving the garage so they can have another heart to heart and Maddie can admit she’s terrified of flying.

Kibben: “Can I give you a lift?”

Maddie: “No, too much adrenaline. I need to walk it off.”

Kibben: “Is it because I drop my trees?”

Me: “No, it’s because you’re stalking me.”

To be honest, I am more terrified that in the next shot of the boarding house those creepy carolling figures are missing from the lawn. Guess they weren’t tied down well enough…

In some bizarre turn of events Maddie reveals she would like to get Jo a gift before she leaves but all the kid wants is to spend more time with the marketing extraordinaire. Vomitous. This is how we come to be back at the farm and making Christmas wreaths in some sort of shed. I can only hope someone does us the pleasure of hanging up her completely misshapen attempt at a circle.

Nevermind, Maddie’s just gonna hang it up on her face instead

They are interrupted by another phone call from New York and Maddie’s boss, who is expecting a presentation for their newest client on how his sales are doing. Now I’ve been watching this film with at least 80% of all my attention and I can confirm… this woman really hasn’t managed to get that much work done. Maddie tries to get back to this whole festive get-together but is consistently interrupted by work until she just has to admit defeat and bitterly disappoint Jo, who has no concept of a career or successful business. Yet.

Holly’s cafe is now doing crazy business and they’re even going to host a re-opening on Christmas Eve which we are all invited to. Even the crossword guy is making a dig at Maddie’s phone now when it continues to go off. The thing is in her hand, I have no idea why she can’t put it on silent for two seconds. Kibben, who is also obviously there because Maddie cannot be in a scene without him, tries to mansplain Maddie about how being attached to your phone all the time is really just a substitute to ever connecting to another human being. I am on the side of Maddie when she ditches this conversation to answer a call from Teddy Jr. but quickly switch loyalty to Luke, the chef, who points out that, yet again, that woman did not even eat the omelette she ordered. I can only imagine she is the only person in town willing to eat an egg-white omelette.

At the garage it turns out the part that turned up for the car is the wrong one and the new part won’t be here for…. well either one or two days. You know what delivery services are like. In an effort to figure out how she’s gonna spin this to her boss, Maddie takes Rowdy for a walk but it looks like that dog did not want to be out in the snow with this crazy woman in heeled boots. Surprise, surprise, our friendly neighbourhood stalker pulls up to save the day and her shoes.

Maddie: “Where’s Jo?”

Kibben: “She went over to Pam’s looking for you.”

Maddie: “I really want to see her before I go.”

Kibben: “Listen, you’ve made a very big impression on her.”

Maddie: “I didn’t think I had a maternal bone in my body but…”

Me: “You clearly just weren’t committed enough.”

I’m really not sure how terrible this flood last year was but Kibben mentions it again in conjunction with a whole bunch of struggling farms. I can’t help but feel a flood that drowned out the entirety of Ohio should have been worldwide news.

Maddie is happy to let this stalker not only cut off a phone call she was receiving but also try and kiss her before they are, thankfully, interrupted by Jo who wants to collect pine cones. Apparently it’s a sort of Easter egg hunt that her Mom made up and she probably should have lead with that fact because I thought the girl was just hoarding like a squirrel.

In the face of her stalker and this obsessed child, Maddie is actually becoming fond of Christmas. If I was in her position I would have snow-shoed it to Denver and hoped for hypothermia to finish me off.

In the cafe, the place is becoming more and more of a fire hazard by the second and I can’t wait for the whole place to go up in flames when some oil accidentally spits over a bunch of wiring. Luke is also starting to get the hang of Maddie and her terrible eating habits.

Luke: “Egg white omelette, coming right up.”

Maddie: “Add anything you like!”

Luke: “The Maddie special!”

Me: “A plate of egg whites which no one eats and gets left on the side to go cold.”

Sitting next to Kibben, Maddie finally raises the topic of the fact one of them is definitely stalking the other. Roy, the crossword guy, had hoped she was just there to see him. I have a feeling Roy would be entirely less annoying than Kibben, who seems disappointed that Maddie can’t bake with Jo that afternoon because she has a job she needs to do which he has been aware of this entire time and shouldn’t be surprised.

Somehow she still finds the time to bake fruit cake with the child and Kibben comes back to find them throwing icing sugar at each other. That’s a dangerous game to play! Maddie is terrible at cooking and her attempt at cake actually manages to bend a fork, so it’s probably a good thing her car is finally ready by the next morning. Clearly Maddie was a little excited at the prospect of braining people to death with her doorstop fruit cake because she’s not quite so eager to leave Christmas Valley anymore.

After all this stalking the woman doesn’t even bother to say a proper goodbye to Kibben and Jo, but she does leave a present for Jo with Pam – a dress to wear to Holly’s grand re-opening of the cafe. To add insult to injury she actually stops by the cafe to say goodbye to them too before leaving. Thinking she has finally escaped, Maddie is not paying full attention when a photo-shopped Reindeer appears in the middle of the road and she swerves into some boulders outside of someone’s fence. This ‘mint condition’ car is having no luck under Maddie’s reign.

After shouting at the reindeer and threatening to sue Santa, Teddy Jr turns up to tow the car away and doesn’t seem too surprised to be there. Kibben is, reliably, there to give her a lift back into the valley. After wincing some, Kibben carries her 3 feet up the path towards her Christmas doom.

Oh, look, there are the gates of hell

Once more their fantastical kiss is interrupted, this time by Pam and Bob who, for some reason, have hung up Maddie’s wreath on the boarding house door. Maybe they were the ones who planted the reindeer and hung it up for either her grand welcome home or mourning her death. Whichever happened first.

This interruption leads to possibly my favourite line in a script to date.

Bob: “You’re just in time for dinner!”

Kibben: “Ah, Bob! Can you help me with the…. bags Bob, Bob and bags. Bags Bob.”

Do with that what you will.

Again, trying to come up with an excuse to tell to her boss, they contemplate telling him Ohio is having the worst snow storm in years. I don’t know… if they know the Internet exists down there, in Christmas Valley… But never fear! Right on cue, it starts to snow!

This of course will no doubt slow down the delivery of a new bumper and headlight that Teddy Jr has had to order in. I am slightly confused how time works in Christmas Valley because we’re cool with the parts taking one or two days but are now more concerned about Christmas being only 12 days away. She has been stuck in the Valley for some time. She set out on the 2nd of December! When is this wedding!?

Maddie’s Boss: “What’s going on?”

Maddie: “Well, there was a reindeer in the road.”

Maddie’s Boss: “An actual reindeer?”

Maddie: “Yes and then I…. I ran into a fence and now I need a new bumper.”

Maddie’s Boss: “Can’t you just rent a car?”

Maddie: “There was a snowstorm here and now all the roads are closed, I twisted my ankle, I… you know, it’s still pretty swollen.”

Me: “And then! There was an eagle! And it just swooped in!”

I am no longer sure what work Maddie has promised to get done. Get to the wedding on time? Give a presentation? Get back before Christmas? It’s all very confusing right now and she just gets distracted by the quilt Pam is furiously sewing up instead. I know that tactic. ‘I have so much work to do I couldn’t possibly do anything right now.’ Works every time.

Apparently, now a big part of the town having been there for what feels like a million years, Maddie is at the stage where she can say hello to strangers on the street and they will reply to her without fearing for their lives. It seems no one can help opening up to Maddie now because Polly, Luke and Roy are just dishing out the news that Kibben is going to lose the farm to anyone that will listen. I can’t help feel whatever bank employee told Roy this news was breaking all sorts of confidentiality agreements but hey, small town.

Maddie: “I don’t accept that! He and Jo belong on that farm!”

Me: “Or in a supervised facility.”

For some reason Luke is drafted into taking Maddie up to the farm and reminds her she probably shouldn’t mention this whole business to Kibben. He claims it would hurt the man’s pride but I feel it’s probably more to do with the fact no one should even friggin’ know.

Maddie did not listen to a word Luke had to say because in the next second she is demanding they can do something to save the farm. Luke tries to make the man feel better by letting him know these trees are the most beautiful and most fragrant trees in the entire state and he wouldn’t buy a tree from anywhere else… despite the fact that, if the farm fails in a few months time, he will literally have no other option but to do that.

As predicted, Maddie thinks this would be a great tagline to brand the trees.

Maddie: “That’s good. I can work with that.”

Kibben: “Work with what?”

Maddie: “These trees need to be branded.”

Luke: “Erm, young lady, these are trees, not cattle.”

Me: “Always got food on the brain, my man.”

As everyone comes around to the idea and they all keep repeating the phrase ‘Tyler Christmas Trees’ to each other until it sticks – which is pretty much a 101 of marketing – Maddie makes the decision that she doesn’t even need real, paying clients anyway.

At an actual marketing 101, Maddie gives them the rundown of branding and comes up with some more marketing ideas. Even Bob the salesman is jumping in on this one, repeating what Maddie has just said using slightly different words and showing us he is legit the master of salesmen everywhere. Suddenly there is going to be a photo shoot happening and Jo is involved, the dog is involved, the farm is involved, it’s all involved!

‘And this is where the fire extinguisher used to be, but we got rid of it to make way for some more electrical goods. Really livens up the place.’

Wanting this whole photo shoot to be fully authentic, Maddie stages it to an inch of it’s life, even getting Jo to pose whilst hanging ornaments on the tree next to a giant pile of presents and a roaring fire somewhere on the scene. I get the impression that this marketing is merely going to depress people when they realise their Christmas is nothing like the one being advertised and likely never will be. Personally, however, I prefer my Christmas’ with my Mom screaming at Christmas lights getting tangled up because past Mom was like ‘fuck future me, she can deal with this’ while packing them up the previous year. I enjoy the fact she has a million replacement bulbs because she always breaks one. I don’t particularly enjoy the fact these lights are a million years old and the plug for them is being held together by masking tape but the very real risk of a fire is basically part of the family, by now. I love how drunk we all get before we try and play board games and I adore the fact we all hate and actively avoid the Queen’s speech.

However… I don’t know if capturing all that in a photo to brand your trees with is the greatest marketing move ever made.

Back to the film. While Maddie is continuing to stage the tree to an inch of it’s life (and will probably just keep going until it falls over into the log burner) Bob realises he is seeing the perfect Christmas right in front of his very eyes.

‘Make sure the timestamp and camera settings make the final cut, too.’

Luckily Kibben walks in just in time to see, quote: ‘The prettiest picture I’ve ever seen.’ Which is probably a good job because Maddie and Bob waste no time in marketing the shit out of these Tyler Christmas Trees. Understandably no Christmas tree selling lot wants Christmas trees right now. Not because these trees are no good but, predictably… because it’s so close to friggin Christmas! Maddie keeps trying to insist this is her speciality and turns to a grass-roots movement instead which, due to politics, only has terrible connotations in my mind.

Fortunately, here, it just means dropping a bunch of trees off at Teddy Jr’s service and gas station. I don’t know how many people are actually passing through Christmas Valley that want to lug a tree around with them for miles and risk another interstate pile-up the likes Kibben has never seen… or, in fact, who Teddy Jr’s boss that we have also never seen is, but there are a lot of people pawing at these trees.

Even Holly is helping out by setting up a free hot chocolate stand which I would totally have turned up for.

Maddie: “Maybe we should do this every Christmas?”

Holly: “I was thinking the same thing!”

Me: “Oh…. sure, I mean… that was meant to be a hint that I…. stick around but… sure yeah, you go back to the cafe. Business is…. business is good…. Cool….”

At this point I can’t tell which people are helping tie bows on the trees and which are actually paying customers but Kibben and Luke still have time to discuss how terrible it would be to see Maddie go. Without getting trampled by reindeer on the way out of town.

I am brushing over the fact Pam has bought three trees to give as gifts to people so we can continue planning how we’re gonna hit the big Christmas tree lots. This is starting to sound more like a heist, which I am all for. Marketing is so boring when you could be heisting instead. I feel with only 10 days left until Christmas, a heist would be more successful, too.

During business negotiations with a lot owner, a family happen to come by, spot the Tyler Christmas Tree and claim they have just found their perfect tree. If Maddie really is worth her salt in marketing she definitely planted that family. In fact, they’re not even a family. Just three randomly assorted actors.

Travelling around the country with Bob, Maddie realises this should be his everyday life! You know… if he wasn’t hanging around the boarding house and eating green eggs all of the time.

Maddie: “You know… what you do about Pam is up to you but… think it’s time you made a move. I’m jus’ sayin’.”

Me: “Yes. Kill her.”

Bob: “‘Jus’ sayin’.’ What about you and Kibben?”

Me: “Yes. Kill him.”

Maddie’s work are still trying to get her to… ya know… work and she informs Roz to get everything ready for the presentation because she will be home in a few days to present it.

Prediction  #10 – Sure, Maddie will go home, but she ain’t gonna like it. Which will suit Roz just fine because she appeared to love Christmas more than Maddie anyway

Whilst listening to Teddy Jr’s Christmas song, which apparently he and his band had time to go and record and transfer to CD, we all get together and join in a montage to help market more trees.

Kibben: “Come with me, you gotta see this.

Maddie: “I have so much work to do!”

Me: “Don’t worry about it. I doubt you’ll have a job in the next 20 minutes or so, anyway.”

Kibben drives them off down ‘memory interstate’ and recalls how they first met. Now would actually be a terrible time to bring up that memory when he is once more driving around with trees in the back of the truck. Apparently we can’t stop bringing up the memories because Maddie admits this is the best Christmas she can even remember having. A Christmas where she was stalked by a guy, fell prey to the obsessions of a small child and worked the entire time.

Christmas. She’s doing it right.

I had actually forgotten all about this woman’s car but thank god she dropped in to check on it so Teddy Jr could invite us to carolling with his band and the entire town! Maddie doesn’t seem too concerned that she will have left town by then and I don’t blame her. Unfortunately for us…

Prediction  #11 – We’re going carolling

‘Take me with you! Please! She’s crazy!’

During yet another phone call from the office, Maddie totally promises her boss that she will be at her desk first thing Monday morning. This doesn’t fill me with too much confidence seeing as what preceded it was a lie about her definitely not swollen ankle still causing her some trouble. Good god the woman wants to stay another day so she can actually go carolling. And spend more time with that child. If this is what Christmas Valley does to people I will be taking a sharp left at that fork in the road.

Maddie: “I like him… a lot…. but I have to go home! He and I are just friends and I need to accept that.”

Pam: “You can’t control how you feel!”

Me: “Oh, Pam, from that crazy look in your eye I really don’t doubt it.”

Cue…. carolling. I’m slightly confused about who makes up Teddy’s band because it appears there are just two of them on acoustic guitars, wondering the streets with the entire town and the entire town’s candle supply at night. Bob finally holds Pam’s hand, Maddie does a horrible mid-song adlib.

‘I told you the lights would attract them!’

This time Maddie interrupts her own potential first kiss with Kibben by yelling ‘I can’t!’ in the man’s face. She promptly friend zones him and bids him goodnight. In all fairness the technique seemed to work very well for her… before she ruins it and utilises every mixed signal on the bandwidth by going back and kissing him in something that looks like a grappling match.

Kibben: “You know what I understand? You’re running away from what you feel.”

Maddie: “I’m not running away, I’m going home!”

Kibben: “To what!?”

Me: “…. Harsh.”

I don’t know how Bob and Pam didn’t come and disrupt this shouting when the last time this pair were on their porch they showed up like ninjas. Maddie manages to sum up her life as including her job and her apartment and decides they should probably wrap up this argument before she loses it.

The next morning the people of the valley line up to say goodbye to Maddie, one by one. Ol’ crazy-eyed Pam gifts her with the quilt she’s been working on this entire time, so I’m starting to suspect Pam of perpetually delaying Maddie until she had finished her masterpiece. This set-up also makes for an incredibly awkward second goodbye between Kibben and Maddie, where all of their friends and acquaintances can watch. Wait, where the hell was the crossword guy!?

Outraged that he didn’t even turn up to say goodbye (probably), Maddie drives back to New York in double time and drags herself back down the busy street which is decidedly less festive and more concrete than Christmas Valley.

Now that’s the look of a woman turning up to work!

With Christmas only five days away Maddie is beginning to realise the cyclical futility of the marketing world whilst all Roz wants to do is tell her how many meetings she has that day. Time, as always, moves differently in film and Maddie isn’t even prepping for her presentation until the next day, making me think she could probably have stayed in Christmas Valley indefinitely and the whole thing would have just kept getting pushed back. During her prep for the meeting Roz drops off a present from Jo, all the way from Christmas Valley itself.

It actually looks more like a care package of a pine cone, very old doorstop fruitcake and a framed picture of what is essentially, now, the marketing image for Taylor’s Christmas Trees. Nice. It would probably be good for Maddie to remember one successful marketing campaign of her life, because I feel this one is not going to be a particular highlight.

Maddie delivers the beginning of her presentation with a slightly mad look in her eye as she brandishes a pen at this room full of people. You can almost see the breakdown about to happen. Even her boss seems ready to avert disaster but instead Maddie just lets loose. Much to my horror Maddie leaves the office because, if she hurries, she can get there before Christmas. God help us all….

‘Today my look was inspired by Meeting Room 4.’

Apparently Maddie has a very uneventful trip back to Ohio and makes it in time for Holly’s Christmas Eve re-opening. Kibben is me in this scene as he is completely ignorant to the fact Maddie has walked through the doors and the room has gone quiet while everyone waves at her. Kibben is far too interested in checking out the buffet.

Teddy Jr. and his band are at hand to play their new Christmas song right on cue and I still don’t know how many people even make up this band. Everyone has a nice dance together and Maddie gets to spend Christmas with her new, absolutely bat-shit insane family.

Feel free to watch the chronicles of one child’s journey into obsession here.


Prediction board – 9.5/11

  • Prediction #1 – the client is going to show some sort of interest in Maddie – unfortunately this one didn’t pan out
  • Prediction #2 – Maddie is not getting on that train – CORRECT! Maddie instead thought driving across the country was more economically friendly
  • Prediction #3 – Maddie’s car will break down but someone who loves old muscle cars will fix it right up – half a point, the car broke down only
  • Prediction  #4 – Maddie will fall madly in love with Kibben – obviously. CORRECT.
  • Prediction  #5 – Maddie is no longer heading towards Denver – CORRECT! Maddie is an idiot
  • Prediction  #6 – Maddie will not make the wedding in time and won’t even care – CORRECT!
  • Prediction  #7 – Jo is Kibben’s daughter – CORRECT!
  • Prediction  #8 – Bob is in love with Pam… or at least her cooking – CHEQUE PLEASE!
  • Prediction  #9 – Marketing expert Maddie is going to rescue Kibben’s business – CORRECT! And wasn’t that a wild ride
  • Prediction  #10 – Maddie will go home and hate everything – CORRECT!
  • Prediction  #11 – We’re going carolling – Really… I wish I hadn’t been right about this one


  • Horse and Sleigh: Not a single horse
  • Piano: Teddy Jr. played the wrong instrument for Christmas
  • Carolling: Too much of it
  • Christmas Montage: A Christmas decorating montage! With original corny Christmas song!
  • Fire Hazards: Arguably everything was a fire hazard with Ol’ Crazy Pam around
  • Relative(s) died a tragic death during a past Christmas: CHECK! We doubled down on this one
  • Snowing on cue: CHECK


So… Sure, I took some easy guesses on this one but I feel better for it!

On to tomorrow!